
Reborn as a powerful puppeteer

The main character, Seiki, was transported to another world with a special ability, but initially intended to live a normal life. However, his intentions change as he begins to gradually uncover a harsh realization.

DaoistD12Ix9 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


Seiki lived in a fantasy realm in his previous life before being reincarnated. Born into an aristocratic family, Seiki's parents recognized their son's talent when he was just five years old. The empire's archduke kept a close eye on everyone born brilliant. At the age of 20, Seiki rose to the position of elite captain in the empire, commanding a battalion of highly competent soldiers and inspiring constant admiration. With his ability for creating his own puppets from dead monsters, people, demi-humans, dragons, and even high humans—a rare breed of human with incredible strength—Seiki is known as the "god puppeteer." His special ability, "copy," allows him to mimic all of his puppet's abilities. Seiki felt invincible and was blind to the impending tragedy as his arrogance consumed him. The arch duke who looks after Seiki started to feel jealous of him since he received so much attention, even from their king. The arch duke made the decision to kill Seiki out of concern that he would become into the King's right-hand man. Upon inviting Seiki to his mansion, the arch duke started pleading with Seiki to marry his daughter. Seiki accepted the archduke's proposal because of the beauty of the duke's daughter. Seiki was lured to her room by the lovely princess, who then offered him a poisonous drink that rendered him immobilized. Unable to move Seiki, all he could do was to accept his inevitable death, regretting every choice he had taken. 

Upon waking up in the middle of a forest, Seiki thought that he had been deserted in a remote location. Still, he was certain that he had passed away recently due to being defenseless against poison. Seiki is quickly surrounded by a group of wolves. Despite attempting to summon his puppets, it appears to be ineffective. As a result, Seiki opts to employ his most ultimate skill, "god puppeteer," to control the wolves by sending numerous strings infused with mana towards them. He then utilizes his unique skill "copy" to replicate all of the wolves' skills. After acquiring the abilities "flash" and "fatal claws," he proceeded to use his wolves to hunt for food. Together, they succeeded in defeating a large white snake, allowing Seiki to gain control over it. It seems that he needs carry out the binding vow ritual, which requires a great deal of mana, in order to call forth his monster. Also, Seiki's level and status were insufficient to bind a powerful monster. He then chooses to move forward into the forest and begin increasing his mana reserves. An hour later, Seiki feels a threatening presence nearby, prompting him to investigate the source. Subsequently, he encounters a large white tiger devouring something. When Seiki looks closely, he sees that the tiger is consuming a knight, destroying a chariot, and dripping blood everywhere. Seiki believes the beast is too strong for him to defeat. Seiki backs away slowly, but then he hears a man yelling, so he stands there for a while observing. He witnessed a knight challenging the tiger while wearing blood-stained golden armor. He cries and yells that it is his responsibility to kill the legendary beast "Byakko". The aura of the knight is ridiculously strong, and then Byakko produces a menacing aura in return as a sign of respect. They both have "reiki" on them, which is a spiritual force that a only certain person or entity with unique bloodline can channel. Seiki recognizes right away that he is not an average guy because he can effortlessly overwhelm Seiki with his aura. A special skill called "limit breaker" and "god speed" are used by the knight in their battle with the beast. The knight uses his ultimate skill, "heavenly cleave," a devastating attack that can cut through both space and reality, as he rushes towards the beast. The beast met the attack head-on, inflicting wounds on the strongest opponent. There is blood all over the place, and the knight rushes forward without hesitating again. However, the beast suddenly summons a massive tornado to assault the guy, and then it strikes the knight with its deadly claws. The knight takes a deadly hit, yet instead of collapsing, it displays the incredible bravery of a warrior. The beast speaks and acknowledges his strength, shocking Seiki and the knight. The creature then asks the knight what its name is, to which the knight responds, "Lionel," one of the five captains of the Shiva Kingdom. Then they both vow that their next attack will be the end of their fight. Byakko unleashes its ultimate skill the"ethereal howl" sending a bright beam towards the knight, Lionel unleashes his ultimate skill "heavenly cleave". As they are trading ultimate skills, Seiki steps in and uses his ultimate skill, "the god puppeteer," to immobilize and bind Byakko, allowing Lionel to hit the beast directly. After then, there is a massive explosion, and silence descends as the legendary beast, with his severe wounds, struggles to walk. The heroic warrior Lionel is congratulated by Seiki, who then makes the decision to appear. Lionel lost his temper at Seiki's interruption. Seiki goes on to say that the beast will most likely defeat the knight in his absence. Lionel runs to Byakko and begs for his forgiveness. While they are speaking, Lionel draws his legendary sword "akakiryu" and stabs himself in the chest. Later on, he got up and knelt down in front of Seiki. Afterwards Seiki givesthe knight the order to kill the beast. Then Byakko begins to defend himself, but Lionel assaults Byakko as if he's still not exhausted from the fight. After he stabs the beast, Seiki replicates Lionel's "godspeed" skill with his special skill copy. Running toward the beast's blind spot, Seiki uses his legendary skill as "the god puppeteer" to manipulate Byakko. After killing Lionel, Seiki gains more mana, enabling him to control both the knight and Byakko. The beast also provides Seiki with a great deal of fighting experience, leveling him up and boosting his mana capacity once again. With a formidable knight and legendary beast at his disposal, Seiki chooses to create a rite of binding vows directed towards the two puppets. Seiki turns them into his lifelong puppets and then retrieves the sacred "akakiryu" sword. After creating a container scroll for his puppet, Seiki realized carrying Akakiryu would cause him a lot of troubles as he is going to Shiva Kingdom where the colleagues of Lionel might recognize it. As a result, he prepared another sealing scroll to seal the sword. Since there are plenty of materials on the ground from the wrecked carriages of the deceased knights, Seiki can easily create a scroll. Because he studied scrolls and other sealing rituals while he was still in his original world, Furthermore he is also skilled creator of sealing scrolls. Seiki then resumes his journey in toward the borders of Shiva Kingdom. 

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