
Reborn as a powerful puppeteer

The main character, Seiki, was transported to another world with a special ability, but initially intended to live a normal life. However, his intentions change as he begins to gradually uncover a harsh realization.

DaoistD12Ix9 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


"The group known as the "Phantom Clown Troupe" consists of five bounty hunters in a fictional world. They are a ruthless gang that delights in killing people for their bounties. The leader of the group is "Seiki", who wears crying clown makeup. He calls for a meeting with his members to assign them specific tasks. The first member to arrive is "Hibi", the only woman in the group who dresses like an angry clown. She complains loudly about the dirty condition of their hideout. Next to arrive is "Kagetsu", who is constantly yawning, sleeping, and wears a sad clown makeup. "Toshi" is the third member to appear at the hideout, where he puts on a cheerful clown makeup." He has a happy personality and a strong demeanor. The character "Eon" is portrayed as calm and collected, wearing clown makeup with a poker face. During the meeting, each person is assigned a specific task. "Hibi" is given the job of eliminating "Keil," a talented young hero from the "Shiva kingdom" in the eastern continent, who has a bounty of 50 golden lion coins on his head. The value of one golden lion coin is equivalent to 100 golden tiger coins, one golden tiger coin is equal to 1000 silver coins, and one silver coin is worth 1000 copper coins. "Kagetsu" and "Toshi" will team up to take down "Zohar," the ice dragon. Zohar is known as the protector deity of the Fuyu Kingdom in the northern continent. Lastly, there is Eon and its leader Seika, whose target is the Legendary spirit Livie. This spirit was summoned by Lily, a princess from the aristocratic First generation family of the Luminous Kingdom on the Southern continent.

The fantasy world was split into four continents: the eastern continent of the Sun, home of the Shiva kingdom, and the northern continent of the winter, which is home to the "fuyu kingdom". The Luminous Kingdom is situated on the southern continent, also known as the continent of light, and the western continent, also known as the land of monsters. Humans would never want to set foot on the most deadly continent.


The birth of the legendary spirit "Livie" on the "Luminous Kingdom" is celebrated by the first generation family, led by Princess Lily Draco, daughter of Arthur Draco. Princess Lily plans the party, and is joined by her brothers Troy Draco, the youngest son of Arthur, Julius Draco, the firstborn, and Sol Draco, the second son and captain of the imperial army. Seika and Eon are dressed as waiters and socializing with the other nobility. Eon prepares to use his kazeshini. As Eon approaches Livie with the intention of harming her, she senses his deadly intent and summons a wooden dragon to defend herself. The sudden attack catches Eon off guard, causing him to use his skill "fly" to escape the wooden dragon's bite. Using his long sword "nova", Sol, Arthur Draco's second son, leaps towards Eon and beheads him. Livie and Princess Lily are protected by the other two brothers. Along with the royal guards, Arthur and Sol head straight to Eon's lifeless body to start an investigation. Sol picks up the clown's head and shows it to everyone as a warning of the consequences of crossing his family. The crowd cheers at the death of the bounty hunter. Livie expresses to Princess Lily her unease about something not feeling right, but Prince "Julius" assures them both that he will protect them as long as he lives. Suddenly, a sense of danger looms. The nobles at the party are watching the first "generation family" with threatening and killing intent. The crowd starts to go in the direction of the princess, but Arthur tells them to turn around for he and his son will be beheading everyone who dares to touch the princess. However, none of the audience pays attention; instead, they attack, causing chaos in the mansion. Julius leads Princess Lily and Livie along with their brother Troy outdoors to the garden. Meanwhile, Sol hurls Eon's head towards the crowd, only to see it reattach to its body mysteriously. Eon, once known as the "immortal knight," emerges from the crowd and vanishes. The group of Troy, Prince Julius, Princess Lily, and Livie find themselves surrounded by the family's royal knights in the garden. Troy questions the knights about why they are blocking their path, but they remain silent. Realizing they are being manipulated, Troy charges towards the knights with his incredible strength, using the power of the lightning dragon within him. With a single lightning strike, he defeats the knights. Turning around, Troy sees his brother Julius holding his sister captive, a look of shock on his face. Troy begs his brother to stop right away as he points a poison dagger towards his sister's neck. And he wonders why he betrays his family so suddenly. Instead of responding, Juluis tells Livie to remain still or otherwise his dear friend will perish. Princess Lily is sobbing and pleading with Livie for assistance, urging the spirit to simply do as his brother requests since she is so afraid. When Juluis throws a sealing scroll, he tells Livie to take it and seal his power right now since that's all he wants to do—seal the power of the legendary spirit. Since Livie didn't want his companion to perish, she starts to comply. However, as soon as she seals away her power, Eon emerges from the shadows brandishing his katana and decapitates the spirit's head. As Livie's friend's head rolls in her direction, Lily starts crying and yells. When Lily lost consciousness, Juluis threw her in the direction of his brother Troy right away. Then, out of nowhere, Seiki appears behind Juluis, controlling him, the nobles and the other knights the entire time. Seiki then orders Juluis to capture the head and body of the Legendary Spirit. Following this, Arthur pursues the clowns alongside his son Sol and their loyal royal knight. When Juluis suddenly attacks them, Sol does not hesitate to decapitate his brother. The two clowns, Seiki and Eon, find themselves trapped but manage to regain their composure and convey that the mission has been accomplished. Engaging in combat is futile. However, as Sol launches an attack with an infernal cleave—a fiery strike aimed at the foe—Eon is left stunned and immobile, having been gravely wounded by Sol's blow. Eon comes to the realization that it is Seiki's binding string that is causing his paralysis. Without any delay, Seiki utilized his unique skill "fly" in order to evade his enemies. He then explained to them that in order to defeat Eon, the immortal knight, they needed to immobilize his body and wait for a full moon when the curse of immortality would be lifted automatically. Witnessing Seiki's successful escape, Eon swore to forever curse him. Following this, Sol transformed into a berserk mode known as "overdrive". To defeat the clown, they had to wait for the full moon. A warrior in a mask engulfed in a fiery aura charged at Eon and unleashed a series of attacks, reducing Eon's body to ashes. Subsequently, the royal knight performed a sealing spell that locked Eon's body and contained it.