
Reborn as a God and a Devil King

A God and a Devil were about to die, both the most powerful beings in their world. And, in a sequence of fate, or perhaps being played by fate, they reincarnated into the same person - but this time, they are not in control. This is a story about a man chosen to be God and the Devil, Zane. Please be warned: it deals with racism, sociopathy, pseudo-religions, and some other mature factors in our society. Please know that this is a work of fiction, any similarities, if any, are mere coincidence.

xyzuxz · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Loss of Common Sense

Chapter 8: Loss of Common Sense

Reborn as a God and a Devil King

"6-69?! That can't be right?!" the other examiners were perplexed.

The children who were mocking Zane had their mouths shut. Their faces were currently painted red with shame. Wei Song was the most affected among them.

"H-he's definitely wrong! That stone is broken!". Wei Song complained as he looked at Zane.

"Are you saying that this prestigious academy that has been maintained for thousands of years, is being cheated by a little boy?". A father's voice exerted authority. Although he did not release any kind of malicious intent, the children still felt like they were being stifled.

Wei Song, the instigator, could not help but look down in disgrace as he was scolded by the examiner.

'This is not good,' thought An Da.

An Da was first and foremost a teacher. He knew that some of these children would begin to doubt themselves if this continued. Therefore, he could not help but encourage the examiners not to lose hope.

"You must remember that Zane here, has Western blood. Westerners are known for their strength. Does anyone here know why that is?"

Diao Mei raised her hand, "Teacher! This is because your techniques, your skills, and even your so-called magic rely mainly on your physical strength! But Professor An Da, even if that were the case, I remember Grandpa..."

"That's enough, Diao Mei. Very well," An Da did not let Diao Mei finish her sentence.

As soon as the other examiners heard Diao Mei's explanation, they couldn't help but take notice and once again began to glow.

Diao Mei, however, felt that something was definitely wrong. He couldn't help but look at Zane with suspicion, but also with the same amount of amazement.

"Ha! That's right! You Westerners are only good at using your bodies!". Wei Song couldn't help but return to his usual arrogance.

"That's enough! Although I said that, it doesn't change the fact that he is physically stronger than all of you! Don't slack off!". A Da quickly looked at the little clown who kept chattering.

"We have passed to the next test, all those who have not passed can leave now!". As he said this, the faces of the people who didn't pass above 30 showed signs of disappointment, most of them crying as they left their hopes of entering the academy.

- This kid ... there's something wrong with him. A Da thought as he watched Zane happily bounce back to the end of the newly formed line.

"That was ... surprising. How the hell did you do that, Zane! ...? you're not some kind of monster, are you?" asked Xiao Pei playfully as he poked Zane all over his stomach playfully.

"Hehehehe, stop it! Were you surprised, Pei Pei?". Zane laughed as he covered his mouth, ever since Zane was able to walk and think, he had this strong urge to want to surprise and scare people. For some reason, it makes him feel happy and excited. But not Grandpa Ling, because he has always been the receiver.

[Soul 03's nose starts to bleed because of the cuteness of the Player].

This aura?! Why is this little boy so cute?! Xiao Pei and the nearby examiners couldn't help but blush. Wei Song, on the other hand, was a little annoyed, but he was also blushing.

"E-enough! Let's now begin the second test." A Da waved his hand as he urged the children to be quiet. With that, everyone once again put their attention on the stage as they anticipated what was coming next.

"Hehe. I'm excited, I wonder what kind of game we'll be playing next," Zane's eyes sparkled as he waited for the examiner to begin the next test. Yes, to him, this could very well be considered a game.

"A ... a game?". Xiao Pei couldn't help but form beads of sweat on his face.

Suddenly, the large stone slab on the stage disappeared into the ground.

"The second test is quite simple. You just have to stand while I release my killing intent on you." Those who cannot suppress my will and kneel within 30 seconds will fail the test. You don't have to leave your seat, for I will release it equally at the same time between you. Be careful, the pressure will get stronger with each passing second."

"You children, are you ready?!"

"This student is ready!"

With this, everyone bowed and prepared their posture. Some of them carried a worried expression.

The examiner nodded. Suddenly, a strong pressure came over the children. Some of the children fainted immediately, while some were kneeling in pain. Half of the group had already failed as soon as the test began.

Seeing this, the examiner could not help but exhale and shake his head. He was disappointed that with only the lightest pressure, some of the children had already given up. He continued to increase the pressure while examining the rest of the children.

"20 seconds left!"

As An Da was checking the children, he nodded when he saw the black and silver haired girl who had over 50 points on the first exam. Although she was sweating, there was a smile on her face.

- Very well, she has an aptitude for battle. Violet, isn't she? I didn't notice that she was also a westerner because of her black hair. I wonder what they are feeding the young westerners right now, they seem to be getting stronger, An Da thought.

"10 seconds left!".

Diao Mei still had a relaxed face as she controlled her breathing.

Wei Song was shouting as he tried his best to remain conscious.

Xiao Pei had a very ugly expression, traces of blood flowed through his lips as he gritted his teeth. "I can't fail here."

An Da continued to scan the talented students of the Test of Strength earlier. He couldn't help but reveal a wide smile. This smile, however, was short-lived as his eyes reached the end of the line.

Zane was currently looking at the other children, he was wearing a very confused face. It was as if he felt no pressure at all.

"This little boy ...! Very formidable!". Although An Da was very surprised at first, he was excited at the idea that one in a million geniuses would attend the Taizhou academy.

He wanted to test this boy further, and he did just that.

He exhaled and focused his eyes on Zane as he exerted more killing intent.

"....," Zane waved his hand in the air as if there was a mosquito flying around him.

Seeing that it still had no effect, he decided to double the pressure ... then triple it ... then quadrupled it.

Beads of sweat began to form on An Da's face as he continued to apply more and more pressure on Zane. This monster! Hahaha!". An Da's face distorted in excitement.

Perhaps because he was so excited, he couldn't help but sneeze, accidentally losing control of the pressure he was releasing on Zane.

'Oh! Oh no! The boy!'

A Da couldn't help but worry, putting too much pressure on an untrained child will most likely result in death. He hastily tried to retract his will, afraid that the academy would lose a very talented student.

[Soul 02 expresses annoyance].

Suddenly, a Da felt a sharp pain in his chest.

He noticed that Zane was now looking at him with his eyes wide open. Zane's deep, dark eyes felt as if he was trying to suffocate him and suck him in. It felt as if it contained a hidden malice, like a quiet dragon luring him to intrude into its teritory.

Fear, there was no other word to describe it.

Where did the innocent and beautiful child go? It was as if the boy in front of him was a totally different person.

"!!!", An Da held his breath as he twisted his face in fear.

"Hehe, Grandpa An Da, your face is very funny."

A father felt the pain in his chest as soon as he heard the boy laugh at him.

"What ...C - Could I just be imagining things?", thought An Da as he regained his composure.

"Grandpa?", Zane continued to stare innocently at him.

"I-it's nothing! The second test is finished! 30 seconds have passed!"

As soon as he said this, the pressure on all the children stopped. They all exclaimed a breath of relief as the heavy pressure began to dissipate.

"EEEH?! The test is over!? Eeeh, what happened...". Zane sulked as he missed his chance to scare anyone, not realizing that Examiner An Da almost died of shock because of him.

When Xiao Pei heard what Zane said, he couldn't help but sigh, "I ... I'm going home.'

'No! Don't accept that!' Just like that, some of the children who also heard Zane were about to cry blood as they began their descent from common sense.