
Reborn as a fallen angel in DXD

A 16year old boy is sent tto the world of DXD as a fallen angel with 2 wishes join him on his quest to become the strongest or lazy around Ps bad grammar

Grim_Reaper_4508 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 6:freak out

As we walked through the castle to the place where we would meet the doctor but along the way I started to get irritated 'damn this fucking Castle is to damn big I don't have the energy to walk a full ten minutes just to get from one point and then walk back '

"yeah no that's enough this fucking Castle is to damn big i'm at my limit here I'm tried of walking " I said as I stopped walking and looked at grayfia as she gave me an are you serious look

"I don't understand why you are complaining you've only been walking for a minute surely you can walk ten more" she said 'of course you wouldn't understand you've been doing this for the past thousand years or something you don't feel it anymore '

"of course you would understand but anyways I read in the book that fallen angels can teleport and that means devil can it too so just teleport us there already or at least close it would save us a lot of time and besides I'm not moving another step so teleport. Now. Please "I said as I crossed my arms and closed my eyes 'this behavior maybe childish since I'm a teen in a childs body but I'm still a child so life'

"for all the times you have acted like an adult this is pretty childish but I'm guessing you won't move unless I teleport us there?"

"do you even need to ask"

"huh fine" she said as a magic circle came to life and a blinding light so followed and then we were in front of a big double door and as grayfia knocked on the door and looked at me and said

"please be respectful" she asked

"I'll try" I said as she sighed and opened the door and lead me inside

As I came in I saw five devils two of which I know personally and one from the show but the other two I have no idea

"~oh venelana is this the boy you were telling us about he is a cute one~" a woman with short black hair and purple eyes and a figure thats a level behind grayfia

"~why yes he is and isn't he the cute especially with those green fox like eyes~" venelana said with a smile as she held her cheek

"~oh but why is he not wearing a shirt is this some kind of new fashion I don't know about~" she said as she had a worried look on her face

"gray who are these people and why are they talking about me as if I'm not here it's really getting on my nerves" I said as the room fall into silence

"~Ara Ara he does have a very active attitude doesn't he and we're are my manners my name is Aika sitri this is my husband Zero sitri and our daughter serafall we have another daughter but she's currently playing some where" Aika said as she pointed at the new devil

"hello there young man my name as you've heard is Zero and I've been you doctor for the past week trying to heal you and lady and lord gremory have said that you healed over night and that it was you bloodline is that correct" the man with long black hair said as he come closer to me but suddenly he stopped as he could feel my aura rising the closer he got but I had no idea what was happening but then I felt a hand on my shoulder

"sephiroth you need to relax there is no one's going to hurt you" she said 'what does she mean I need to relax Im already relaxed' I thought as I felt my aura being released as I quickly pulled it back and looked at everyone

"well I'm not going to apologize if that's what you are waiting for" I said with a smugness in my voice

"OH MY SATAN LOOK AT HOW CUTE HE IS AREN'T YOU THE MOST ADORABLE LITTLE BOY I'VE SEEN NOT AS ADORABLE AS SO-CHAN BUT STILL CUTE LET ME HOLD YOU" the energetic Satan said as she disappeared and before I could do anything I was picked up from the back and brought into a hug and lifted me off the ground as I was spun around but the was a problem because the second she touched me all the memories of that night came as I could still feel that monster rip out my wing and so my breath increased and my mind could only produce one thought

"let me go let me go let me go let me go let me go let me go let me go let me go let me go let me go LET ME GO LET ME GO LET ME GO" as I began to struggle for her to release me and then my darkness and light explode from my body pushing everyone back as it inflicted 2 degrees burn like wound and everyone but serafall got it the worst as she was close to me

As that had I curled myself into a ball as my darkness wrapped around me as it formed a protective barrier around me as I sat there crying

(venelana POV)

It happened again and this time it was so much worse than the last time ' I thought as I looked around as I saw all the furniture in the room destroyed and all of us injured by sephiroth darkness and light as I got up I looked around for sephiroth to see his darkness had formed a barrier around as his one wing was out covering his face but I could hear he was crying

"sephiroth can you hear me it's me gray is Okey your safe place" I heard as grayfia tried to reach into the barrier and touch him but the barrie was a mixture of light and darkness as it had an purple glow and as grayfia was about to touch it serafall tackled her and dragged her toward us

"serafall what are you doing sephiroth need help right now so let me go" grayfia rip her arm away from Sera grasp as she tried to make her way back to sephiroth if only to help him but she was stopped by Sera

"what is wrong with you can you not see Im trying the boy! He needs someone to calm him down before he hurts himself" grayfia said as she released her power 'this is weird grayfia has never acted like this to anyone let alone a Satan as she takes her job very very seriously but right now she acting is such a weird way as thats the only word that could come out of my mouth ahhh' my thoughts were cut off as the pain from this burns were worse than before and as I looked I saw that the others were having the same pain

"what am I doing? I'm saving you can't you feel that because I can as that sphere is filled with light magic and I have not been able to heal for these wound and he was able to injure me even if I was able to raise a shield so how about you thank me instead of yelling "


And as she got to the barrier she plunged her hands then body and gave sephiroth a hug as she spoke to him softly as the darkness slowly went away as if it was never there as sephiroth looked up with Red eyes

"I'm not apologize" he said as he touched grayfias face and and absorbed the darkness as she began to heal but not every thing as she had a large scar from her neck to her hands and went to everyone in the room and began removing his power from them and then stopped at Sera

"you don't ever come near me" as he said he touch her face and absorbed he's power and went to grayfia side

"well you said that this devil was going to give me a check up so I can get back to you trying to control my powers" he said with the same smugness as he always has

"oh right well we can use one of the rooms and since it's just a check up it won't be long" zero said as he got back to reality

"ah yes grayfia if you are okey would show them to the room sephiroth was using and please stay with him" I said with a worried tone as she nodded

"huuuuuh what do you mean stay with him I don't need a bady sitter I can take of my self I do need help" he said as he said the last part quietly

"yes you do and we don't want a repeat of what happened right I don't think the house could handle anymore of you outburst nor can we so please accept the help" I said with a smile

"castle but fine are we going or what I've got things to do instead of standing here" he said as he walked out the room with Zero and Grayfia in tow

"Venelana what happened to the boy to make him react like that when Sera hugged him it seemed that he was in pain is he suffering from something?" Aika asked as she looked at the door as they left the room

"Zero didn't tell you anything did he?" I asked as I faced her and she shook her head as I signed and began telling about sephiroth needless to say Sera was in tears

"I can't believe I did that I... I.. Don't know maybe I should go and apologize to him yeah that would work I'll apologize and spoil with love until he forgives me even if it takes years" she said as she looked at me and asked

"Venelana-sama how long will he be here I hope it's a long time so I can come everyday to spoil him make up for my mistake" she said with so much hope in her eyes 'this is going to crash her'

"I'm sorry Sera but he won't be able to stay here for a long time as he is leaving tomorrow" I said as I looked at her as she slowly lost hope

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HIS LEAVING TOMORROW ISN'T HE SUPPOSED TO BE INJURED OR SOMETHING AND YOU CAN'T LET HIM LEAVE HIS TO UNSTABLE AND WOULD PROBABLY HURT HIMSELF OR OTHERSIF HE GOES BY HIMSELF" she said as she shouted at me 'huh she probably thinks we are going to kick him out and leave him to fend for himself and she probably has no idea on who his father is'

"we are not going to let him go by himself his father is going to come pick him up" I said calmly

"WHAT COULD HE POSSIBLY DO TO HELP HIM WHAT HE NEEDS IS TO COME WITH ME I'LL MAKE HIM MY SERVANT THAT WHY I CAN PROTECT HIM FROM ANY THREAT THERE IS" she said as she started shouting random ideas that if sephiroth had heard them well let just say that she would never be able to build a relationship with him ever

"Serafall!" I shouted as a way to shut her up "if you were to do any of those things you just listed sephiroth would never forgive you as he already does like devil and is only able to talk to us because we saved his life without asking anything in return and even then he still has problems with trust and as for his father its azazel so what do you think would happen if you refused to give him his son back "i said as I calmed down as I down

"so this may be the last time I see him" Sera said with sadness

"no I highly doubt that azazel would refuse for you to see him even if he does not like you but he doesn't hate you so just don't touch him Okey his very sensitive about that"

"Okey ohhh I should introduce him to my cute so-Chan" Sera said as her mood was bright as ever as she had stars in her eyes

" don't forget about ria wait I must get my camera to document this" my idiot husband said as he ran out the room with Sera following behind him

"so you seem to care about the boy as if he were your own son what's up with that" Aika said as she hide her smile behind a hand

"you know what your right I don't know how to explain it but her reminds me so much of sirzechs and yet so little I just don't know how to explain it and the first time I saw him in was in a beaten and broken Stat and the fact that he was holding on life even with his heart destroyed it made me feel so..... I don't know but what I know is that I want to protect him and give him the love he needs even if he will most likely refuse it and lashing out if someone office in help" I said as I signed

"he is cute not as much as sona but cute oh do you have any photos of him" Aika asked as I laugh "do I" I said as I pulled out pictures of sephiroth in the bath, meditating and getting frustrated and him getting out of the bath naked

"oh he's going to break a lot of hearts when he grows up but how did you get this picture especially this one" asking as she pointed at the naked picture

"oh Zeoticus and sirzechs had cameras installed all over the house and I had to banned them from ever using them but as for the last picture grayfia got that one don't know why but he looks so adorable I just had to have them and I also go some of rias too "I said as we pulled out multiple pictures of rias sona and sephiroth

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