
Reborn as a Drake: A quest to become the strongest dragon.

What was the purpose of living anymore? These were my final thoughts before I had taken my own life, the next time I had regained consciousness I had heard a strange, booming voice. [Another one which lacks respect to the life that they have been given.] [Through hardship, you shall learn true respect of your life.] [Eliminating all riskful memories, creating new universe.] [Now you shall be placed in the most extreme possible set of conditions, struggle to live, and learn respect of your life.] These words were ringing through my mind as I reawakened, as a small lizard-like creature. In a dungeon with powerful monsters, where strength is the only absolute. I will survive this place, no matter what!

LuaSucks · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

The lower caves.

First off, I think I should satisfy my grumbling stomach before I go mad with hunger. Looking around me, I see some monsters nearby. They were pretty far and I couldn't see them that clearly, I activate stealth and start moving in their direction. I start trying to perceive any energy around me just in case something tries to come for me.


Finally I get close enough for the monsters to not be silhouettes anymore. I see that they were a strange mix of a wolf and a gorilla, they were towering at a height of 2 or 3 meters each, had the head of a gorilla and the snout and claws of a wolf, yet they had the body of a gorilla, and there were 3 of them. But they had smaller monkeys with them. These monkeys were as equally strange, since they were also a mixture between a wolf and a monkey and were walking on two feet like the gorillas, it was quite a funny sight to see the smaller monkeys standing up like that.

Welp I better appraise them before I think about taking them on, especially with those numbers like hot damn.

[Gorrila] lv. 5

Species: Lykos gorrila.

Status: normal.


Hp: 142/142

Ep: 33/33

Strength: 112

Defense: 23

Energy strength: 11

Holy crap, what is it with that gorrilas' strength?! It's a freaking gorrila! Literally and figuratively. And there were three of them, nope no matter how you look at it, it's impossible, although their defenses were weak. Which can lead to their weaknesses being exploited. Well, I better appraise the smaller monkeys now.

[Monkey] lv. 6

Species: Lykos monkey.

Status: normal


Hp: 44/44

Ep: 9/9

Strength: 31

Defense: 9

Energy strength: 6


Phew, luckily they are a lot weaker than the gorillas, but they had pretty large numbers, and that strength stat was nothing to scoff at.

I can maybe take them on with some careful planning, after all, I will die here if I don't get extremely powerful. After all, he showed me how pathetic I am. Even thinking about it terrifies me, but more importantly, it makes me angry. He didn't even kill me, just looked at me with his pitying eyes. I will never suffer a humiliation like that ever again, my pride will never let me. So now that I've regained what little ounces of confidence I have, I'll say it to you. Megalos, you better prepare yourself. Since I will kill you for what you did to me.

Oomph, I got a little serious there. Also got a little side tracked, focus Lisa focus.

Ok, let's see what I have here. I do have poison now as an added ability, maybe I'll poison them and run around to make them die due to poison. Oh crap. Phew that was close, a monster had nearly seen me. If I could climb up on one of these pillars, I'd be invisible. Wait, that's it! Some lizards could climb walls right? Hoho, I have a good idea now. Hey system, give me something I can climb with.

No reaction, yeah I should've expected that. Uhm okay, what was it called again? I think the process was called dry adhesion or something. Can you give me the organ that does dry adhesion?

[Organ found, would you like to develop "setae" and its following organs for 5 points?]

Woah, that's a pretty hefty amount, but I guess I was developing it after all. Uh yes.

[Developing setae.]

Ooh, my feet are feeling all tingly. I don't like it, please stop.

[Conditions fulfilled. Skill "Climbing" evolved to skill "Wall movement."]

Oh my god! A skill is evolving, this is quite awesome! But why does it not have any level beside it?

Well, it doesn't matter, since now I can walk on that pillar, I carefully start walking towards the pillar, then I start walking up it. Woah! This is awesome! It isn't 3d movement exactly, but it is super good! I'm like spiderman! But I can't web sling like him of course, wait. Unless? Well I can't discover that now. So it'll be for later.

But now I do have a brilliant plan if I say so myself, they can't get me up here right? But I can definitely get them. Maybe I should experiment a bit with the weapons I have, after all they aren't in any rush, and neither am I. Can't be too prepared here.

Ok, I should test any new ability I have, how about... poison fang? What kinds of poisons can I make? And can I spit them out like those frogs?

I get on working on it, I try everything with the poison, making it as dilute as possible which made it practically saliva. As poisonous as possible, I tried making it acidic but I couldn't, so then I tried to make it flammable which I managed to do.

[Proficiency of skill "Poison fang" reached the required amount. Increasing "Poison fang" to lv. 2]

[Proficiency of skill "Poison fang" reached the required amount. Increasing "Poison fang" to lv. 3]

Oh wow! Two level ups at once?! Experimentation is the best! Ok now I should prepare for these dumb apes.

I walk up the pillar until I reach the roof, luckily there were no monsters here and I couldn't see any flying ones nearby. I move on the ceiling until I was directly above the apes.

Ok, now it's time for some assassin moves, I produce poison in my mouth, then I spit it on one of the gorrilas on the ground. The gorrila feels the poison on its head and starts looking upwards while pounding its chest angrily. No gorrila, I didn't spit on you, I was just trying to murder you.

I couldn't help but smile when I see all the monkeys and gorrilas freaking out and basically having a temper tantrum while I was on the roof. But I wonder, did the poison affect the big gorrila?


Status: poisoned (Moderate)

Haha! This is going better than planned. No, I am not a coward by sticking up high and attacking from above, it's called the high ground for a reason.

I prepare more poison to fire at the monkeys, producing poison made me feel hungry and kinda tired me out, but a safe battle like this is an absolute blessing. I'm gonna have a feast after this.

Suddenly, I see that the gorrilas stopped acting all angry like middle schoolers, but instead had slammed their fists into the ground. Never mind it looks like they are still being moo- What the hell is that!

The monkeys tore a part of the ground with their bare hands, then lifted it above their heads and threw it at me. The rock had flew all the way to the ceiling and nearly hit me. If I get hit by it and fall, then it'll be game over.

Suddenly one of the gorrilas roar, was it trying to scare me of the wall or something? But then suddenly, I see why it had roared, an army of monkeys had arrived. There must've been hundreds of these one meter tall monkeys, oh my god, I am starting to regret this. But on the other hand, they look like some delicious exp.

5 more of these gorrilas had appeared. And then they all start throwing rocks at me, since the difference between the ground and the ceiling was very high. I had time to react to each of their rocks. But then I see what the monkeys were doing.

They were literally climbing upon each other to get to the ceiling, forming a monkey ladder similar to one I saw in a zombie movie before.

What the hell were these monkeys! But I wasn't just dodging, since one of the gorrilas was poisoned by me, it'll eventually die of poisoning. But now, I'll continue pouring a mixture of flammable poison and actual poison on these monkeys.

The great monkey ladder had finally reached all the way up to the ceiling, the monkeys had tried to come at me, with a few of them jumping up the ladder and slamming their hands into the roof to hold on. Holy crap, I did not expect this at all. Unlike the wall where I can still stand on two feet, on the roof everything has to be touching or I'll fall.

So I'll have to fight them while using little to no claws? How could I have planned for this?!