
Reborn as a Dragon in Genshin Impact!?

Lin Yuan woke up to find himself surrounded by pitch darkness, and the sensations coming from around him told him something peculiar. It seemed like he had been reincarnated as an egg… By sheer coincidence, he was picked up by Hu Tao, who nearly buried him alive. Fortunately, at the critical moment, Lin Yuan broke out of his shell! Looking at the scales on his body and his long frame, Lin Yuan became even more confused. What exactly had he turned into? Hu Tao: "Wow! A lizard this big?!" Lin Yuan: "???" After some twists and turns, Lin Yuan finally confirmed his... species! He had become a five-clawed golden dragon, a symbol of Huaxia civilization?! Not only did he possess innate dragon majesty, capable of intimidating all living beings, but he could also freely use the power of the seven elements! The people of Liyue even worshipped him as the new Emperor, bowing down to him! He trampled on the Sumeru Akademiya and fought the Fatui with his claws (and fists)! And what of the gods? In front of the divine dragon, they were no more than one-hit foes!

Ashborn6969 · Videojogos
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35 Chs

A Meeting of the Fatui, Plotting to Capture Lin Yuan!

In the cold and snow-covered nation of Snezhnaya, the winds howled fiercely.

Inside the grand palace of Snezhnaya, several Fatui Harbingers gathered around a round table.

Apart from those stationed in other nations, most of the Harbingers were present.

"The intelligence has been confirmed. The new Geo Archon of Liyue has appeared, and is currently in its juvenile stage."

The deep, magnetic voice of Pierro, the Jester seated at the head of the table, echoed through the room.

As an organization with a vast influence and operatives across Teyvat, the Fatui's intelligence network was formidable.

Just days after Lin Yuan's birth, they had already confirmed the information about him, including his potential to become the next Geo Archon.

This information was significant enough to warrant a discussion among the Harbingers.

Arlecchino, the Servant, glanced coldly at the intel on the table and spoke, "He's still just a young dragon, and we already possess the Geo Archon's Gnosis. This isn't something we should be overly concerned about."

Though dragons possess immense potential, by the time Lin Yuan matured, the Fatui's plans would likely have been completed, making Lin Yuan irrelevant to them.

Moreover, Signora had already acquired the Geo Archon's Gnosis through an agreement, so the Fatui's focus was no longer on Liyue.

Pantalone, the Regrator, narrowed his eyes, his perpetual smile unwavering. "Arlecchino is correct. Based on the intel from Signora, although the former Geo Archon faked his death and stepped down, it seems he still resides in Liyue. We should minimize our actions there."

"Hmph, and who was it that wanted to harvest Liyue's markets during its chaos?" scoffed Capitano, the Captain, his face obscured by his mask.

As a fellow martial enthusiast like Childe, Capitano held little regard for Pantalone, who preferred monetary solutions over combat.

Although Pantalone wasn't as combat-oriented as the other Harbingers, his vast understanding of wealth and currency granted him immense financial power, a strength in its own right.

Not too long ago, after Zhongli faked his death, Pantalone had attempted to seize control of Liyue's commodity markets during its turmoil, hoping to capitalize on the chaos.

Having his earlier actions exposed, Pantalone remained unfazed, his smile unbroken as he responded, "It was merely a little game of currency war, one that was ultimately foiled by Liyue's Qixing."

A gleam reflected off his glasses, masking his true expression.

It had been Keqing, one of Liyue's Qixing, who defused his monetary assault. As someone equally well-versed in markets and currency, she had matched Pantalone's tactics, leading him to recognize the depth of Liyue's intricate economy. It was not something he wanted to meddle with again.

Pierro clasped his fingers together, saying, "Indeed, Liyue's Qixing are no pushovers. Since we have already obtained the Geo Gnosis, the Fatui will maintain a low profile in Liyue for now."

As Pierro prepared to move on to the next agenda, Dottore, the Doctor, suddenly interjected, "But that juvenile dragon possesses immense potential. If we can capture it while it's still young and bring it back to Snezhnaya, it could become a significant asset in the future."

A red gleam flashed in Dottore's eyes, the dragon's potential stirring his curiosity.

Capitano voiced his displeasure, "That dragon has been chosen as the next Geo Archon by the Qixing. This is not a matter to take lightly."

Arlecchino bluntly added, "Dottore, you're suggesting this just because you want to study the dragon, aren't you?"

Dottore's unsettling grin widened, his laughter filled with madness. "Hahaha, of course! A young dragon has immense research value. If I can uncover the secrets of the divine dragon's power, I could apply it to enhance the strength of Snezhnayan soldiers."

The Fatui were well aware that the divine dragons of Liyue were natural-born powerhouses with extraordinary racial abilities.

A fully-grown divine dragon was a force that not even the Fatui dared to challenge. And for centuries, there had only been one—Liyue's Geo Archon, Morax.

But now, an opportunity had presented itself.

A young dragon, barely born, was currently residing in Liyue.

Dottore's heart raced with anticipation, knowing this creature could be a research subject comparable to his Deicide experiments.

Pantalone, ever calm, wore his signature elegant smile as he subtly encouraged the proposal. "We've already offended many gods. What's one more? All of this is for the glory of the Tsaritsa."

Beneath his composed demeanor, Pantalone's madness rivaled even Dottore's.

After a moment of contemplation, Pierro spoke gravely, "Are you confident you can uncover the secrets of the dragon's strength, Dottore?"

More concerned with Dottore's research potential than the long-term possibility of raising the dragon as an ally, Pierro waited for his answer.

Dottore raised a hand with fervor. "I swear on my life, success is inevitable!"

Arlecchino sarcastically muttered, "And how many lives do you have, exactly?"

The Harbingers all knew Dottore had already sliced himself into multiple independent entities.

Pierro ignored the banter and leaned on the table, his tone growing solemn. "Proceed with the plan, but do not force it. We cannot afford to provoke Liyue's full wrath."

He warned them, his voice heavy with seriousness, "Ensure the impact remains contained. Her Majesty already has enough on her plate, and we cannot afford to trouble her with this matter."

Pantalone suggested, "Let Childe handle it. He's already in Liyue."

"Agreed," Pierro nodded. "I trust Childe's judgment."

With the decision made, the Harbingers appointed Childe to lead the attempt to capture Lin Yuan.

Afterward, Pierro shifted the discussion to another matter, asking, "How is Scaramouche's preparation in Inazuma coming along?"

"The plan is nearly ready. Signora is also on her way to Inazuma," Arlecchino reported.

At the moment, the Fatui's main focus remained on obtaining the Gnosis of Inazuma.

"Then let's ensure they secure Inazuma's Gnosis as soon as possible. All for Her Majesty," Pierro declared as he stood up and saluted.

The other Harbingers followed suit, chanting, "All for Her Majesty."

Meanwhile, Lin Yuan remained unaware that the Fatui Harbingers had already set their sights on him.

At this moment, he was wandering around Wuwang Hill, following closely behind Hu Tao.



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