
War of Change Part 6: Round Three

(General POV)

Location the Warp-The Neutral Zone of Chaos, the Base of Mount Olympus-Battlefield: Allied Chaos Forces Vs Tzeentch Forces

The fights between Tzeentch and his brothers, were still ongoing.

With the Dark One's turn, fast approaching, currently he and Nurgle were watching as their brother Khorne, was mounting the battered Changer and started to whail on Tzeench.

Khorne was pummeling Tzeentch, relentlessly with his gauntlet covered fists, payback most likely from when Tzeentch did one the thing you never do against Khorne, aside from running away like a coward, and that is to use psyker mind reading/attacks against him.

Now Tzeentch was learning the hard...and brutal way, to not anger your older and stronger siblings.

Khorne then performed a move, that seems to have become his favorite since this the third, maybe fourth time he has done the Chokeslam on someone.

Grabbing tightly onto Tzeentch's throat, he lifted the beaten body of the Architech over his head, holding onto tightly around Tzeentch's neck, as he gasp and choked, even his legs started swaying and kicking, while the Change tried to use his five hands to pry off, Khorne's clawed grasp on him.

The next moment, Tzeentch was surprised, by sudden fast movement and following pain that he felt, as Khorne, just slammed him with all strength and momentum possible onto the water/ground.

Tzeentch he let out a cry of pain, but Khorne didn't release him yet.

Lifting him up again, he started to gut punch Tzeentch over and over, not relenting or allowing the Master of Manipulation, any sort of respite to think of a plan or counter to Khorne's beatdown.

With Nurgle it was mostly heavy, slow blows, while he tanked all Tzeentch could muster against the Decaying God, but with the Blood God, it was pure, unadulterated violence and brutality.

Neither of his older siblings, allowed Tzeentch to gain distance to fire off his spells like that one time he managed to use Nurgle's Earth-bending divinity to his advantage, and started raining down fire, lightning, and other dark sorcery onto Nurgle.

Since that moment Nurgle didn't allow him to use a magical onslaught, while Khorne just pulled the Changer toward himself with his hellfire chains, making the two fights utterly one-sided, and it didn't help that Tzeentch wasn't a physical/melee fighter, but purely a scheming, strategic, spellcaster.

These duels were completely against his favor, and he has yet to face the Dark One, which was obviously the next fight.

As the Changer, was trying endure Khorne's beatdown on him, until he was overcome with rage and frustration, as he yelled out, "ENOUGH!!!" and blasted a expanding wave of psychic energy, around himself with hit Khorne point-blank range and sending him flying, once again relaying on his psyker powers, since his fires were useless, and his warp-lightning barely scratched the Blood God's armor, Tzeentch decided to use pure psychic might against a more physical powerful opponent.

Stretching out his upper, and central right arms, pointing at Khorne with his open palms, one which has a great blue eye, while the other a mouth that had it's purplish tongue sticking out...channeling his mental power, he lifted Khorne from the ground, and once again like Star Wars or like any psychic villain in Media, Tzeentch started to smash and slam the Blood God against everything.

But it turns out that while he has gain some semblance of advantage over Khorne, it was also a very costing double-edged action.

The amount of mental strain and fortitude that the Sorceror God was using to just restrain and attack the Blood God, would destroy any lesser being.

So he had to beat Khorne, while he still had energy to do so...but he started notice that all his attack were utterly ineffective against the Chaos God of War.

As Khorne was getting more unruly and breaking the psychic binds that Tzeentch has place on him, and to make things worse for the Architech of Fate, all he was actually doing was making Khorne more angry, and increasing his powers.

The moment that Khorne was freed he knew, he was doomed basically.

So Tzeentch tried to deliver one last, ultimate attack on his brother, the Blood God before he lost his mental grip over his body.

Tzeentch telekinetically pulled the Lord of Skulls, towards him and like he did before when Khorne nearly exploded him, in a huge meteor crash between them.

The Architech of Fate, placed his five hands on Khorne's head, shoulders, and chest and began chanting a long and massive eldritch incantation to strike, Blood God with quite possibly his strongest attack, as a last trump card against God of War, and a least start winning these fights.

But one simple miscalculation would prove, quite painful for the Changer, at that distance between him and the Blood God, Khorne, commanded his chains to strike against him.

Khorne's Chains of Wrath, coiled and restricted around Tzeentch's body and started to burn into the Changer's flesh.

Hissing and grunting on pain, the Master of Manipulation, fought through the pain and continued his spell, every finished verse, causing a growing surge of psyker energy, that began to cover all of Tzeentch's body.

Making the Changer, turn a glowing bright white, blue, pink, and indigo colored aura.

Obviously noticing the growing power, and nearly the completionb of his spell, Khorne double his efforts to break Tzeentch's hold and to hurt him badly.

Eventually Khorne chains burned through two of Tzeentch's five remaining arms, leaving three left one on each of three areas that he was holding touching the Blood God, plus more of his tentacles were severed off by these chains.

A bit more and Khorne would have won, and ended this fight before the Dark One, could have his turn of fighting against the Changer, but Tzeentch barely managed to complete the spell he was casting.

To the Chaos Gods, surprise it wasn't one but two spells that Tzeentch has just cast upon, the Blood God.

Both spells were from the Biomancy Discipline of Psyker powers, the first one was the infamous [Agony] from the will and desire of the caster, to reach out with at their victims, using said power to lash out at their enemies with acute and all-consuming pain, this spell was used to amplify the damage, of Tzeentch's true attack.

Which was the second spell, and the one that Tzeentch used all his will and dark chanting to empower, [Bio-Lightning] a psychic lightning that manifest from the mind of the casting psyker, and lash out at the target in a torrent of blueish-white lightning, that not only struck on the physical sense, but also the biological as well.

As Khorne was consumed in a massive burst of electricity, as the sparks flew and surge wildly and constantly out from Khorne's body.

With sparks bursting out from the form, of the Lord of Skulls, obstructing all view of others, as the massive pulse of power and light, stopped the battle and gained all forces undivided attention.

While the tzeentchian forces were overjoyed and excited at the sight of their Dark God, for what they assume is him beating Khorne, but the Sorceror God, knew otherwise.

With what his brother, the Dark One, said but a few moments ago the brute of a Blood God, had a high magical and psychic resistance making him by far the least favorable opponent, that he faces in open combat.

So to win, Tzeentch enhanced the pain output, and the overall power of his spell to strike down the Blood God...but his deep focus on the [Agony & Bio-Lightning] spells, were very draining to his psychic and mental abilities, as he noticed that Khorne despite barely making a noise of discomfort or pain, from his spells, but Khorne was twitching and not from pain but from trying to free himself and lash at him.

As these two Chaos Gods, struggled against each other Laharl commented that he was impressed with Tzeentch's stubbornness, and tenacity, he was...even if barely...survived against Nurgle, and was keeping up with Khorne.

All while being at his weakest point of his timeline, and the tier rank of Low Gods.

But even with these "noble" traits, Tzeentch was still missing power to back them all up, and it seems it was time for Khorne to retaliate, the Dark One, spoke out loud, "Let's see, if Tzeentch can survive this round with Khorne, huh Nurgle?" this sarcastic question, made Nurgle bust a gut...literally...as his stomach maw spew Warp knows horrors, while he was dying of laughing.

Khorne finally gathered enough strength, to break some of the psychic hold that Tzeentch placed on him.

He quickly thrust out his right arm at Tzeentch's neck, both causing a hard blow to his throat then followed it up, with tightening choke on him, using his greater physical strength, he pulled Tzeentch in and smashed his face in with a vicious headbutt.

Blue blood and some small amount of gore, soured out from Tzeentch's face, this surge of pain from the blow disrupted and stopped Tzeentch's spells.

Without a chance of rest, with Tzeentch's brain still rattling in his eldritch skull, the whitish blue surge of psyker electricity has abruptly stopped.

Khorne, tightened his grip on the Architech throat and began punching Tzeentch with his other fist, over and over, blood gushed out and his face/skull was being slowly and gruesomely being caved in by the Blood God's fist.

Just when he landed his last left straight, Khorne scoffed seeing that Tzeentch was barely conscious, he decided to end the Changer's misery...lowering his left arm, close to his side and then coating that arm in blazing hellfire, and punched hard at the Changer's chin, delivering a hard, burning uppercut, that knocked and burned Tzeentch away.

Laharl had to fight the urge to yell out, "Shoryuken!!!" as once again, Tzeentch was thrown to the ground.

Just as Khorne was going in for the follow-up, Nurgle spoke up, "Brother!! Your time...is..up." stopping Khorne in his tracks, grunting in frustration, the Blood God, lowered his combat stance, crossed his arms and started making his way to Nurgle and the approaching Laharl.

Khorne said to his older brother as he passed, "At least make it entertaining, Dark Harbinger." as Khorne kept on walking, the Dark One chuckled and responded, "Don't worry, Blood God. This is going to be very entertaining." Khorne having heard this, chuckled as he stood beside Nurgle, and turn to watch the battle continue.

Again the Changer of Ways, was on his back nearly submerge in the water around him, as he was now the middle of another vicious match.

He survived Nurgle's toxicity, Khorne's brutally, now he had to survive what Laharl has in store for him.

Grunting as he forced himself back on his shaking feet, Tzeentch heard his brother clapping his hands and then speak to him, "My, my little brother. Don't you want to give up, yet? You now your outmatched, right now." Tzeentch grinded his teeth.

Tzeentch yelled at the Dark One, to "shut up!" and struck fight blasting bolts of magical lightning and fire at the Dark Harbinger.

Laharl didn't move or flinched as the barrage of warp-lightning bolts, and pink & blue fireballs were soaring towards him.

With his God Artifacts, the Magni'manta on his body, specifically created to face against Tzeentch and his magical abilities.

The magical attacks, struck against the unmoving Laharl, several blasts of daemonic lightning and fire bombarding against the Dark One's body, causing a massive, thick, dark cloud of dust to form around him, and obstruct all view on what has happened to Laharl, after Tzeentch's attack.

After a while of Tzeentch's rage fueled barrage of attacks gave finally stopped, and Tzeentch was panting still on guard for any movement inside the dust cloud.

Since he couldn't use his psychic abilities, on Laharl, not wanting to face the wrath of that iron maiden daemon guardian, (Iron Maiden 666) that Laharl has in his service, the Changer was forced to rely on his physical senses against, the Dark One.

That's when he heard the low sounding, noise of...hissing...then swiftly striking out the cloud, were Laharl's serpents all eight of them struck at Tzeentch quickly, restricted him, wrapping around his body as Laharl emerged from the dust cloud, completely unscaved.

Laharl looked at Tzeentch and said, "Now, let's start round three, shall we, Tzeentch?"