MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(General POV)
Location the God of War World-The Kingdom of Hades, the Underworld/Acheron Area
All throughout the Underworld, breaches and rifts to the Plague Garden were opening across the Greek realm of the dead.
As a gallons of slime, and ooze was pouring out the breaches in the sky, mostly pouring directly into the five rivers Styx, Phlegethon, Lethe, Acheron and Cocytus, corrupting them and the souls swimming through those waters allowing the Plague Legion to easily traverse and spread further into the Realm of the Dead.
Even the ferryman, a skeletal entity with ragged bluish clothing and spiked braces this is Charon. (Charon model from Smite.)
The Ferryman, was struggling with the corruption happening all around him using his connection to the rivers and his boat to survive the tentacles, floating tumors, puss and filth that was surging from Acheron the river of woe.
He cares not for who becomes the new God and Lord of the Underworld, as long as he can obtain his coins, and navigate through his rivers that when the skeletal ferryman heard rumbling from above the canyon that secured Acheron river, his spectral blue eyes looked up as the embodiment of pain, the Daughter of Death, Erinys was thrown against the right-side wall of the canyon.
Her body was covered in blooming mushrooms and fungus, as she flapped her wings trying to avoid falling into Acheron.
When Tsathogga appeared at the other side of the canyon, the pustule cover Elder Frog Daemon, have a wicket smile as he casted [Acidic Burst] in between his webbed claws a mucous green ball of acid form, as he shot the large ball of acid at Erinys.
She dodge but not unscaved as her right wing and arm were caught in the shower of acid, from the colliding magical projectile of the Frog God, she screamed as her wing and arm were burning/melting away.
Using all her strength that still remained in her body she climbed out the canyon and onto the other side of the area, Charon was impressed by the stubbornness of a dying soul, he turned to Tsathogga who jumped into the purple and green...thank to the breach that pour more filth from the Garden into Acheron...splashing into the river of woes.
Emerging beside the ferryman, Tsathogga spoke in a deep, frog like voice, "Another immortal. Do you kneel before Zeus or Papa Nurgle?" Tsathogga was clearly interrogating Charon, who showed no worries or fear as he responds in a graspy, ghostly voice, "I serve as the ferryman of the Underworld. I'll serve the Lord of the Underworld whoever, it may be...but quite honestly I'd prefer your Gods over the Olympian slavemasters." Tsathogga swam away as he went to the side to climb the rock wall of the canyon, to huntdown Erinys and aid Tabes.
With that done and daemon toads were jumping into Acheron, Charon kept sailing through without a care...
Back on top Erinys was writhing in agony as her flesh and feathers burned.
The daemonic acid magic on top of the traitor Tabes, fungus was withering her strength away so she had no other choice but to rip off her arm and wing to stop that frog's magic from spreading.
She screamed as she torn them off with golden blood gushing out her wounds, (GOW-Ghost of Sparta she bleed like that) but then as she panted and hissed from the pain, she was strucked by a necrotic blast that she become all too familiar with.
Being knocked to the grey desolate ground of the Underworld, her golden blood soaking said ground as she applied pressure onto her self-inflicted wound.
Growling as she turned to withered old man of grayish green skin and covered in mushrooms and fungus, especially his mushroom cap head, holding his long decayed wooden scepter, then that frog creature that has been attacking her alongside Tabes has ever since she landed near this area and those breaches started opening everywhere in the Underworld.
Her raging thoughts boiling over, "These bastards!!! They've killed father!!!! Dare oppose us, the true masters of this World!!!?" Erinys screamed out loud, "You'll pay! All of you, will pay for going against father!! I am the Daughter of Death!!! PAIN MADE FLESH AND YOU'LL SHALL PERISH BY ME!!!!" Erinys lower her voice and left arm as she continued to speak, "Once I'm done with all...that brat, Limos and that bitch that poisoned father shall suffer endlessly in the Domain of Death."
No knowing her saying that has sealed a gruesome death for her.
What she said was quickly shared psychically by Tsathogga for he and Tabes were completely mad!!!
This less then that Goddess, dare threatened their Mother and new Princess in front of the Children of Nurgle!!?
All the nurglish daemons rampaging, and killing all the monster servents of Hades across the Underworld, heard their Second Elder Daemon's psychic message...and they a normally cheerful and merry bunch of daemons were completely and utterly furious!!!
That apart from those fighting alongside the Queen and Princess (Aiikila & Limos) or with Nurgle himself, they stopped what they were doing and turned to head straight to the area of Acheron, and torture this vile witch, Erinys in the names of their Grandfather, Mother, and Princess!!!
Along with all those enraged Ku'gath, the Glottkin and Tabes who was exuding massive amount of decaying energy all around him, as Erinys fate was sealed...and was destined for an outcome worse than death could ever Tabes and Tsathogga approached her.
Location Within the Throne Chamber of Hades & Persephone
Rotigus' filthy and diseased infested rain was extremely hazardous to the undead warriors of Hades, and incredible affective against Persephone...who is basically the only true source of life in the Realm of the Dead.
Of course Rotigus and the daemons fighting in the throne chamber, heard Lord Tsathogga's message and obviously made them extremely mad, but they have to protect and fight for "Royal Family of the Garden" as they are referred to together.
Meanwhile Aiikila shrunk herself to fight against Persephone personally as the thick, dark green rain pour down upon them, Aiikila left her daughter, Limos under the care and watch of the nurglings and several of her insects as well.
Speaking of Aiikila plague mutated insects she decided to use them against Persephone as vengeance for her daughter from before...Persephone was using all her life magic to stave off the effects of Rotigus' "Nurgle's Demirge" but this meant she'll be greatly weaken and open for attacks against Aiikila.
Aiikila started the fight, charging in and swiping her polearm axe point which Persephone dodged only to be struck by Rotigus' left arm, as he was standing beside his queen and mother.
Rotigus laughed as he pointed his Gnarlrod forward and manipulating the filthy, diseased rain and water around them to launch filthy water attacks, all over Persephone as thick brownish green water made bullets shot at the Queen of the Underworld from all directions.
Persephone, she tried to block all the projectiles but it was impossible as several of the nurglish bullets managed to break through and pierce into her flesh.
That's when Aiikila summoned one of her many insect swarms to attack her target specifically a swarm of fat, bloated, large, green and yellow flying insects that flew towards Persephone.
Seeing these diseased, foul smelling and looking insects fly towards her, the Queen of the Underworld, use her magic to form a small domed magical grayish-blue barrier over herself, as these hundreds of insects swarmed around her, as Persephone heard Aiikila speak to her, "Feel the Plague God's embrace."
With a downward swipe of Aiikila's arm, all her flying insects starting bombarding Persephone's shield, using their bodies each infected insects collided against the barrier covering and splashing daemonic ooze and acid on the dome, the constant bombardment was cracking and withering Persephone's barrier.
Until they're constant onslaught, broke through her barrier dozing her in parasitic, and bacterial acid that greatly burned her making her scream, as the bloated insects continued to pelleted on her relentlessly.
That's when Rotigus stretched out his aqua-green tinted tentacles from his left arm, wrapping around Persephone, as she was thrown across the chamber by the Greater Daemon.
With his arm still outstretched as the tentacles reverted back into the arm of Rotigus, he started to cast the psyker spell of Nurgle called [Lance of Foulness] with handful of rotted filth, a stream of vile brown, foulness launches forth from Rotigus' outstretched and opened hand, as well as the lower mouth from his arm.
These two spear like projectiles was shot at Persephone who was pierce by them, as utter pain and nausea surged through her body, causing her to cough out vile and puss from within her body, as foul miasma was exuding from her body.
While the Queen of the Dead, was doubled over in sickness and pain when Aiikila attacked again driving her polearm axe head into her belly spilling blood from the blade, digging and cutting into Persephone body, as now blood was also spewing out her mouth as well.
Gasping in pain as Aiikila pulled out her Black Death from Persephone's flesh and spinning it in her hands, she hit Persephone across the face with the spiked flail end, breaking her skull and gushing blood from the head-wound, as she was tossed across the chamber by Aiikila's blow.
Said blow knocked her through the side wall of the throne chamber and onto another part of the Castle.
Aiikila and Rotigus chased after their wounded prey seeking to end her at last.
Location Outside the Castle of Hades, the Battleground between Nurgle & Hades
Hades was under relentless assaults from various nurglish daemons, from Repulsive Khaos, Pox Riders, and even Plaguebearers.
The pain wasn't as worse then what was happening all around the Underworld, Nurgle and his daemons were completely corrupting and twisting his kingdom, already the five rivers were completely defiled along with the souls that swam through them.
Insanely fast growths of flesh and disgust was growing out the desolate grounds of the Realm of the Dead, the foul stench perfumed the air, and puss, slime, and vile now pour and burst out the very earth.
As the badly acid burned Hades was now walking through the vile infected, white and green soul pouring waters of Styx, the river of unbreakable oath.
While Nurgle was enjoying this with a joyous laugh, as he walked to the edge of the bridge above Styx, stepping off the edge Nurgle let himself fall into the river below.
Once Nurgle fell into the corrupted soul riverwater, seeing their Grandfather diving down into the river, soo they stopped their attack on the King of the Underworld, allowing Hades to have a short moment of reprieve from the onslaught and pain.
Roaring out in anger, he swore he'll send them all to the deepest pits of Tarterus, as he was about to climb out of the river, a titanic parasites burst out the white and green waters bitting and latching onto Hades.
Hades cried out in pain, as Nurgle in a titanic size as well, has emerged from Styx.
Laughing in low volumed, deep, mature sounding voice, as his bright lightsaber green eyes borrowed into Hades along with his parasites.
While Hades was stepping back and tried to pry off Nurgle's parasite tentacles off of himself.
When Nurgle punched him in the gut with his left fist and as his other bloated and infected arm surfaced from the river, was his Worldblighter held tightly, while he banished his Phthisis for he wasn't able to use correctly in the enclosed space...but his cleaver was perfect for this fight.
With that he starts chopping and cutting at Hades' body, Hades tried to retaliate with his remaining chain-hook, only for the Maggotking to command one of his tentacles to unlatch itself and attack the left arm that still had his chain, wrapped around it.
Unable to strike back against Nurgle, as Nurgle instructed his parasite to coil and wrap around the body of the Olympian, completely restraining Hades as he struggled against the Rot Lord's tentacles while the lower right parasite outstretched left arm, with Nurgle smiling as he rised his Worldblighter over the said arm.
Nurgle said to Hades as held his Worldblighter high, " rid...of...this...nuisance." Nurgle swung down his daemonic cleaver chopping deeply into the area below shoulder.
Hades screamed as blood gushed out the wound, but the Nurgle pulled out the blade causing more blood to gush and pour from the Olympian chop-wound.
Then Nurgle chopped down again, and repeated this over, over, and over again, chopping through Hades' outstretched arm, Hades struggled hard to escape from the Plague God's attack, as he was obviously planing to cut off his arm.
Once more Nurgle rised his Worldblighter and swung down with all his might, completely cutting/chopping through everything...flesh, muscle, tendons, and Nurgle has cut off Hades left arm, and with pull from his tentacle parasite Hades chopped off arm was tossed over the canyon.
Hades scream and scream in pure agony as his Godblood pour by the gallons onto Styx, seeing this made all the Plague Daemons cheer for their Papa Nurgle, the Grandfather released Hades and slashed the King of the Underworld across the chest knocking him back under the white and green river.
Not letting Hades go he send his parasite tentacles underneath the riverwater, once again latching on the badly wounded Olympian, as Nurgle laughed as he basically won their battle now it was time to claim his prices, the empowerment of absorbing his part of Hades divine power and strength, his divinity over the [Dead] and divine authority over the Underworld...
Location Within the Castle of Hades, Great Hall of the Dead
Rumbling and shaking echoed across the halls of the Underworld Castle, as the blonde, skull made headband wearing Queen of the Underworld, Persephone was tearing through another dark wall as debrie and dust covered around the doubled over, soaring form of Persephone rolling across the multi-columned held hall.
Skulls and torches were scattered around the hall, as she coughed and hacked, while she bleed from her wounds and it was clear that she was poisoned and growing sicker from Aiikila's attacks.
Then busting into the hall came both Aiikila the Mother of the Garden, and Rotigus Rainmaker the Caller of the Rain.
Persephone stood up and started to limp away from the two invaders that have come to her husband's domain, she heard rain fall against the ground along with insect skittering.
Which meant that Aiikila and Rotigus were on her trail, Aiikila saw her wounded target blood trail on the ground, that meant she was trying to run away and escape from her, as Rotigus' toxic rain fell on her.
Lowering Black Death beside her, and lifting her left arm as mutated centipedes started to crawl out the parts of her arm armor, oozing with foul ooze and poison, with white sickly underskin and green legs and pincers which oozed out slime.
Several of these massive mutated insects, crawled and came out of Aiikila armor at the command and call of their Dark Mistress, she brought her arm closer to her face as these centipedes got more excited and active, in her insectoid voice she ordered them, "Hurt...and tear into her, for me." Aiikila once again stretched said limb out and all the centipedes started to fall or crawl off of their Goddess, and went after Persephone.
(Persephone POV)
Location the Personal Garden of Persephone
I managed to crawl through a special passage way, that lead me away from the Great Hall of the Dead...
Once again I vomit as I looked down at the wound in my was clearly infected...which should be impossible for this to happen to me, a Goddess of the force of life, get this state of sickness and infection in such a short time?
Regardless I've managed to reach the glorious garden that my husband made specially for me.
In it the pomegranate tree that bared one of my holy symbol, a symbol that represents the indissolubility of marriage, and my bound to Hades, with that fruit I can heal myself and restore my power, to expel this intruders.
Allowing for an opportunity for dear Hades, to return to the castle and we can fight these Plague Gods together.
As I wander through my reddish, flourishing garden I made it to the core center, where my Pomegranate was planted.
Only for my heart to break as these servents of Nurgle, are destroying and twisted this sacred place and treasure that my husband has over again vomiting vile and blood onto the red leaves scatter on the ground.
That's when I heard...skittering again, afraid it was Aiikila that has found me only to be slightly more horrific than I'd imagine, insects that likes never seen all rushed towards me, like great serpents they coiled around my body!!!
Bitting and tearing into my flesh and bones, I felt as their legs stabbed into me, their pincers and maws ripped pieces of flesh off of my body, but the worse was the burning sensation that was injected into my veins...these insects were poisonous.
I felt my strength leaving me, I fall to ground as a mass of these creatures continued to feast on me and I cough out blood...things became numb and my vision faded away, all I could able to say, " love. I'm sorry..."
(General POV)
Location the Throne Chamber of Hades and Persephone
As the happy and celebrating daemons of Nurgle, stormed and cleared every inch of the castle, Aiikila returned to the throne chamber that used to belong to Hades and Persephone, as said Goddess has just become food for one of Aiikila's swarms.
Aiikila upon returning to the chamber she was immediately greeted by her loving daughter, Limos, as she hugged her leg, and Aiikila picked her up and looked at the smaller throne that clearly used to belong to Persephone, so she walked towards it and sat down with Limos resting on her lap, eating one of the beatles she gifted her to eat.
Eventually Rotigus has re-entered the chamber, "bowing" the best he could as he informed her and Limos that nearly 35% of the Underworld has become a part of the Garden, Erinys was captured crucified and suggested to non-ending injection of the most virulent diseases, plagues, parasites, spores and much more for her sins against the "Royal Family of the Garden".
Also the best news Nurgle has won and is dragging the Lesser God, Hades towards them as they speak, Limos cheered happily for her new father, this reaction made all the nurglish daemons and the Plague Mother, very happy, as they wait for Nurgle to come, for the Underworld now belong to Decay and Rot.