
CHAPTER 47(Promotion)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and changes etc)

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Walking into Konoha wearing a standard Jounin vest under his read coak, with his new visor on Jin took in the sights while making a beeline to the Hokage's office.

'Nothing really changed, hmmm. I can feel some people nearby, Choji, Shikamaru...Temari, I need to get out of here before Naruto comes back, if Tsunade sends me to the sand everything fails.'

"Hey Shizune," Jin casually greets the woman at the desk outside Tsunade's office.

"Uh, Jin?" her eyes roam across his body for a moment but become a bit uncomfortable when she sees the visor, recognition immediately dawns on her.

"I'm the same but taller, who else would it be... I'm here to report back from my training," Jin says with a small smile.

"Oh, right, follow me..." Shizune grabs her pet pig in a tight hug as she leads him into the Hokage's office.

Opening the door he's immediately greeted by the busty Tsunade buried in a mountain of paperwork. Her face a portrait of misery as she lifelessly signs forms.

"Hi princess," Jin greets her with a small wave, his eyes roaming across the room, the feeling of the Anbu hidden in the ceiling clear as day after his intense training. Their chakra simply can't hide from him.

"Huh, oh...Jin," she wasn't all that happy to see him, her eyes narrowed as she took a better look at him.

"That's not very nice, most Kage would be more polite to their villages' newest perfect sage," he gives her a cocky smile.

A tense moment passes as both women stare at him in surprise.


"Yeah, the training paid off," he finishes for her with a shrug.

"And you're more, calm, than before I mean. What happened?" Tsunade asks.

"I suppose you can say I've learned to not take things too seriously, nobody can control the world after all," their surprised faces easily tell him how they feel about this change.

"Right...Are you ready to get back to work?"

"Itching for a fight," he casually replies.

"Hmm, this makes things a bit awkward. The spot you left on your team was filled a while ago, they aren't as effective at search and destroy missions as you were but they're still one of our top tracking teams, as long as you get along it should be fine..."

"Or..." he says.

"Or?" Shizune questions, now deciding to speak.

"Just leave them be and let me run solo, I'm a perfect sage and I've been stronger than them by a lot for a while, they'd probably work better with their current team than with me."

"Hmm, solo is dangerous, but you've always been above the norm, I suppose having you join team Kurenai again could upset their momentum, it's not like I didn't consider this anyway. Jiraiya was adamant that you'd suggest this on your own," she reaches into her desk and withdraws a sheet of paper, gently handing it over to him.

Taking a moment to read the page, a wide smile spreads across his face.

"Huh, I like the sound of this, Captain Jin Satsujin, Jounin of Konoha; Jin of the five elements..."

"Try not to let it go to your head, write me a full report of your training and report here tomorrow morning at 8 for a mission, I recommend you go see Kurenai, she's been missing her star pupil lately," Tsunade says in a dismissive tone, she clearly wasn't the biggest fan of Jin, but as Hokage, she could see his usefulness.

"Sure thing, see ya, princess," he quietly leaves the room.

After Jin left the room, Tsunade immediately took out a bottle of sake and downed the entire thing.

"LADY TSUNADE, you still have work to do!"

"I'm done for the day, he just gave me a headache Shizune,"

"I understand you don't exactly agree on things but, you still have work to do."

"It's not just that. He's a disrespectful brat just like Naruto, but at least Naruto is kind about it. Jin acts like he's better than me, like I'm incompetent. Hell, he told me that to my face after Sasuke left..."

"Lady Tsunade, you're the 5th Hokage, the greatest shinobi in the village, why are his words getting to you?"

"Am I letting Naruto influence me too much Shizune, I've had two and a half years but refused to put a bounty on Sasuke, did I make the wrong choice?" Tsunade's voice was low, staring down at her desk as she contemplates her choices.

"I-I believe in Naruto... he can bring Sasuke back to the village," Shizune reaffirms with a nod, showing her determination to believe in her Sensei, to believe in Naruto.

"This is a gamble, Jin's a monster on his own. He made it very clear that he's dangerous and ruthless. Fighting team 7 and some of the nine tails on his own is no simple feat, I guess I'm betting on Naruto getting Sasuke back before Jin kills him. Because I don't know what will happen if Naruto fails."

"Lady Tsunade," Shizune's voice carried obvious concern, her face in a deep frown as she looked at her teacher.

"I know, but if anyone can change my luck, it's him. That's why I'm betting on Naruto."