
CHAPTER 34(Unity Trading)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and changes etc)

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Within the capital of the land of fire, tensions are high as everyone is on guard. No word has reached the civilian population regarding the attack on the palace as of yet. Everyone has been waiting with bated breath for almost three days for news regarding the incident.

Walking through the streets, a group of men can be seen wearing full-face masks as they escort an older gentleman to the palace. The obvious leader of the group can be seen as an old man with white hair and a slim build.

As they approach the palace gates the guards immediately escort them inside after checking their identification. They silently move toward the meeting room before they are stopped.

"I'm sorry sir, but the Daimyo will not allow any armed guards into the room, your men will have to wait here," The guard says in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Mmm, alright, wait here boys." The man commands with a wave of his hand.

As all the guards hold their positions outside the room, they all take a few steps away to give the palace guards space.

Within the room, the old man greets the Daimyo and his council. Before taking a seat.

"Thank you for reconsidering my offer, your assistance will help me greatly," The man says.

"Uh, sorry your letter didn't leave a name," The Advisor says.

"I represent Unity Trading, you may simply call me Unity if you'd like." The man says.

"Alright, we've looked over your offer and..." The Daimyo says before looking to his advisors to take control of the conversation, his lack of work ethic showing as much as ever.

"In light of recent events we've decided to agree to your offer, however, we cannot agree to the second stipulation until we begin to get an influx of trade from other lands," The first advisor says.


"Second stipulation?" The daimyo asks softly.

"A simple rule really, seeing as I wish to establish a large trade network between all the nations I'd rather not deal with conflict, therefore, any nation in open war can receive no benefits." The old man says.

"Hmmm, you wish to be an allay to all, the land of fire is the richest and most powerful of all the nations, we could be great partners," The Daimyo says.

"Yes, you are. Unfortunately what I'm doing is for the people who suffer from all the power struggles, the nameless families crush under the burden of war. That is why Unity was created, Lord Daimyo."

"Hmm, alright then. We've looked over all of your offers and accept your terms" The Daimyo says, confident his advisors have the situations handled, as always.

'Wow this dude really is a moron, why didn't Orochi just take this guy instead?' Jin ponders as he looks at the Daimyo at the other end of the table.

"I'm happy to hear that my lord, I assure you that your citizens will come to love my company," Jin says with a smile, giving the appearance of a kind old man once more.

"Alright, let us sign the papers already, I have another meeting to get to", ' It's almost tea time' the daimyo thinks as he lies to the people in the room.

"Of course my lord"

As the concealed Jin and both 'Advisors' deal with the fine print and handle the contracts the meeting is quickly finished. As Jin is escorted out of the palace to go view his newly acquired properties, the Daimyo can't help but praise his advisor.

"You really did fix this whole situation, now the tax will only have to raise 10% instead of the 45%, this should stop them from revolting. Any word on who stole from us?"

"None as of yet my lord, but I assure you the guards will find something" The 'Advisor' says.

---2 Days later...

Jin can be seen sitting under a tree as he watches over vast pastures of land around the capital. Spending all his time since the meeting making deals with the farmers for control of the crops and in some cases outright buying their lands, all at 1.5x the market value.

"I guess my knowledge from my old world came in handy after all, at least before the wars and all that shit started," he says aloud.

'I wonder, if food became that scarce in this world, if people had to kill their children and call it mercy, what would become of this world. Hmm, if they knew what that would cause everyone would be thanking me openly. They'll understand in time. There can be no peace without a purpose, peace through necessity. Just need to force them to lean on each other.'

The memories of the last clone arriving in his mind, his business here finalized until he establishes a foothold in the other nations. All far away until Unity begins controlling the market in the land of fire.

Strapping his scroll to his back, he leaves the capital in the hands of a clone as he runs toward the land of fire.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

---Unity Trading has arrived.

---A slight glimpse of Jin's past gets shown, just a glimpse.

keanu_eugenecreators' thoughts