
The City Council Appears

/////////////////////Three Month Later///////////////////////////

Did you know that being a baby is boring? I'll tell you, it is boring as fuck. I'm not even three-month-old and I am bored as fuck. I can't move very much, well I couldn't. At first, I could only move my stubby arms to one side or the other. I could also open and close my hand, but not by my own will, it was a reflex that activated whenever something touched my palm. And lastly, my legs could only kick out, nothing more.

So, I did just that, until I got tired and my Stamina run out. Then I had to wait for a few seconds and start again. My foster mom in tsubaki loved my activity and would spend time praising me to heaven and gushing about my eagerness to play and live which was rare in kiri. were most had grew solemn or parents had already started planning their training style for a Ninja career.

I liked the attention i got my foster brother not so much but it did even more like the rise in my status. All the kicking, flailing and moving was increasing my strength, endurance and reflex. Not overly much, just a few points. It's not as if I could really train. Baby sit-ups are still impossible, my head is way too heavy for that.

But still, I did all the training my infantile body could handle and learned a few things. First, I Feel a strong urge to sleep whenever im outside but apart from this sleep won't affect me. My body only needs to rest until my Stamina is recharged and then I could continue i think the drowsiness is from the nature energy in my blood line i need to be careful of that.

I've been trying to figure out how to meet Mei because getting into her good books occupied around 50% of my plan until the land of waves arc. She should be twelve right now, and if she graduated when she was nine she should be a chunin.

According to what I know she did a lot of killing during this period of time. And there was still Ao, he had to go get his byakugan in the next three years so there was nothing I could do to influence that.

During the seventh month, my body continued to grow, being able to move my fingers into the shape of a fist really opened up a lot of doors for me. Forming the signs of the Seal of Confrontation, the same one used before a spar in the leaf I could actually feel my chakra move.

Moving chakra to different parts of the body was really an exhausting process, and after doing it for an entire week, I finally saw no improvement in my status screen.

But still, without being able to move and do something I had to resort to other activities. moving my nature energy was one such thing. Whenever I was pushing it outwards, or into one of my body parts specifically, it would suck my Nature Energy dry quickly since it and Chakra took up the Energy bar i had to train one or the other and not both. So, I did not do that much. Chakra exhaustion felts crappy And no Nature Energy felt worse as my entire body couldn't move, I once did try how it would feel to use my life as Chakra, worst hangover ever.

But trying to meditate to get it back faster gave me a pretty neat skill.

Meditation: LV 5 ( ??%) Active;

The user gathers himself and finds rest from his inner peace. Chakra and Nature Energy will be regenerated at an accelerated pace. This skill can't be used during combat.

I also was training my Chakra sensing, whenever I could I would try to sense for another person's Chakra. Tsubakis's was tiny in comparison to my mother's Chakra. And hers was also a lot less than dad's

////////3 moths later//////////////////////////////////////////////

Every time I ran out of Energy I'd pass out, so I started to sleep a lot more. That made my mom happy because with 20 stamina, I had to force myself to sleep or I'd stay up all day. Even though I was molding chakra and my control over Energy was getting better by the day, I couldn't see the percentage count i was at as that part of Skills and thier percents along with my perks were locked up with Eve until i was 5 years old so I remained at level 1 with zero Knowledge on my jutsu..

////////////////////13 months later/////////////////////////////////

The next weeks and months were spent like this. Most of the time mom was with us, reading storybooks to us or play train us for our future as ninja. kurōbā learned to crawl when he was 10 months, I was still practising my infant excersize and could only lift my head at that time i guess he is lucky.

///////////////////// 2 years later///////////////////////////////

"Honey let's get ready to go to tsubaki's apartment so you can play with kurōbā " mother grabbed her jacket from the armoire.

I looked at my mother, but i wanted to stay alone but what mother would leave a 1-year-old alone?

"Ok" opening i said opening my mouth a cute baby voice emerged.

Grabbing her hand we walked out the door and travelled through the all too familiar hallway, and knocked on the all too familiar door. This had been my life for the past year, nothing more, and nothing less. If not the gossip from mother's work i would be a missing nin-baby.

It was not that i didn't care for mother, but reprogramming over twenty years of independence couldn't be done in one. Getting cleaned was already embarrassing enough.

Before we could walk in Tsubaki stopped my mom at the door and began to talk with her thinking im still to young to understand.

"Sabu can you come in for a moment?" Tsubaki's voice sounded choked.

Furrowing her brows slightly Mom pulled me into the apartment. "What's wrong, is everything ok?" Looking at her friend's appearance she began to worry.

Looking at kurōbā playing with a plastic kunai on the bed,i walked over, while still listening to the conversation.

"I stopped getting letters from Basura two weeks ago, I fear the worse" Unable to complete her sentence tears started to stream down her face.

Mom instantly pulled her into a hug and began rubbing her back. For some reason, both women started to cry.

Looking at the two of them i felt slightly confused, you know most of the ninja in Naruto have parents, but you never saw them. Looking at My crying mom i felt the same burning pain in My chest; the bond between a mother and child was scary.

So if my Knowledge is right i could maybe get kurōbā to take the place of chojiro as he was the worst mizukage and didn't do much in the anime any way but will he still become the sixth Mizukage? That was too far into the future that it was not even worth thinking about. All i know about the second year of the war was that Akatsuki was formed, which meant Yahiko was still alive.

Clenching My tiny fist I took a deep breath. "Everyone is getting stronger." Releasing this fist a smile formed on my face "But just because you started early doesn't mean I'll fall behind." Whispering to myself, i tried to steel my little resolve.

The main Goal in this world i have two 1 Marry the best girl in the series Mei Terumi and 2 make my own group simmialer to the akatsuki with the main purpose of being the strongest in the world to defeat the world boss and be one step closer to finally dying.....geez when i think about how morbid it is that my goal is to die it kinda makes me wanna stop trying and just enjoy life.

"No!!" my sudden scream caused everyone to turn and look at me which is embarrising to no end.

"Asegao honey is everthing alright" my mom yelled out as she ran to me like a bear defending her cub

"no mom i saw kurōbā playing with the toy and thought it was real" i said that while making a sad face and pointing towards the tiny plastic kunai kurōbā was playing with on the bed.

Seeing my worry my mom decided everyhting was fine and decided to cheer me up by patting my head and giving me a small snack

"Don't worry baby everything is fine as long as moomy is here now why don't you go back to playing with kurōbā" she said while herding me towards the bed

"Yes mom" left my mouth and quicker than the third raikage i ran to the bed to look around the room and when i did im prety sure i got the best skill i would ever get in this life.

Observation; LV 3 ( ??%) Active;

Observe your surroundings and find useful information. Oh look, there are two bugs fighting each other, over there, behind the leave, five meters away.

-Each use costs Stamina and the results vary on the Skill level of the user, the LV difference of the observed living being or the rarity of the observed item.

Needless to say that I observed everything I could find. I could identify everything I could see and gain information for a low cost on Stamina. The skill was only giving me ?-Marks whenever I was trying to observe the status of my parents or other visitors. Only their name and level were shown. Mom was level 195, Tsubaki 165,kurōbā 0 and i was 1 These numbers were crazy, I just wish I had something to compare them with.

My own stats have risen as well from my constant training, they now looked like this;




Age.3yo 6 months

Live Points; 100%

Chakra Points; 100%

Stamina Points; 100%


Chakra Control:15/100

Nature Chakra Control:10/100

Water; 015%

Earth; 000%

Wind; 015%

Medical; 000%

Lightning; 000%

Strength; 13

Endurance; 25

Wisdom; 7

Intelligence; 20

Reflex; 12

Charisma; 10 (+10)

Luck; 20

Soul Points; 0

"I have to work now too, the money has stopped coming in."

Hearing the conversation pick back up, My ears twitched.

"Don't worry about that, you can come work with me at the restaurant, the boss was just saying how he needs more help."

Tsubaki's eyes brighten but soon dimmed again. "What about the kids?"

Mom frowned, forgetting the crucial point of the problem. "I" she hesitated for a moment "I met someone at work the other day, she said she was looking for kids to train, to get them ready for the academy. She seemed nice enough, and when I go to work today I can write her and ask the boss about your job."

Tsubaki thought for a bit before answering

"These are difficult times, and no matter what they need to grow up strong. Ok, let's do It." Releasing a breath, her shoulders dropped slightly and the tension in her shoulders relaxed.

"Ok, I'll go make the arrangements." Mom nodded her head slowly before leaving the apartment.

Watching her leave, Tsubaki walked to the bed and laid down while covering her eyes with her right forearm.

I think she for got we were here so i prepared to hug and comfort her but could hear soft cries, but that wasn't important, what was important though, was what his mother was doing sending them off with some stranger to who knows where and leaving his foster mom tsubaki to cry.

As i thought about all this a certain baby brother of mine came to play with me

"Shun let's play ninja today." said kurōbā while waving the 'plastic' kunai in his hands i would usually play but what really mad me not wanna play was that he always referred to me with the name my dad gave me Shun and not my given name of asegao my mom didn't mind but tsubaki and me hated it and whenever he said it around her he would get a spanking good he deserved ah i started venting again

"No you never lat me be the mizukage" i told to kurōbā while grinning in my head to the pout he made afterwards

"Okay you can be the mizukage but if i win i get your snacks"

Oh hell no he will not take my snacks i love dango too much for that besides it's hard to find them in the mist already and most of them are fish balls painted pink i see i have to be the perfect mizukage and "kill" kurōbā TO PROTECT MY DANGO!!

////// 5 minutes and lots of fake blood and yelling later//////////

"I win I win!" kurōbā jumped to his feet in excitement.

Damn how can this little basterd dodge all my hits i swear he got lucky i missed and wait a minute...Status i can see others with onserve as i thought to use the skill on Kurōbā i could feel heavy chakra loss in my body

Name: Kurōbā Hanakotoba(Camellia Branch)

Title:4 leaf clover

Bloodline:{Unveiwable till own is unlocked}

Age.3 yo 8 Month

Strength; 10

Endurance; 10

Wisdom; 5

Intelligence; 10

Reflex; 12

Charisma; 10 (+20)

Luck; 50

Fuck i knew it that basterds luck is almost triple my own damn what does the title even mean i know four leaf clovers are i sign of luck but damn no wonder tsubaki named him that well i can atleast check right,,, after i steeled my heart for shock i focused on the title four leaf clove and i lost control and yelled wanting to just kill the bastered now,

Four Leaf Clover;

The heavens are watching over you themselves for every year lived or danger survived luck will increase by a random number between 15-25,during anytime of danger there's a 3% chance of enemy dying instantly from divine punishment.

After seeing this i cried for ten straight minutes lucky basterd

"seeing me cry the bastered himself patted my soulder trying to sooth e but i was so mad i punched him and well....

Name: Kurōbā Hanakotoba(Camellia Branch)

Title:4 leaf clover

Bloodline:{Unveiwable till own is unlocked}

Age.3 yo 8 Month

Strength; 10

Endurance; 10

Wisdom; 5

Intelligence; 10

Reflex; 12

Charisma; 10 (+20)

Luck; 65

I cried more than i ever did as a baby or my previus life that day.

All the noise caused Tsubaki to sit up. Seeing her son celebrating and me crying she was about to scold Kurōbā but saw the kunai and relized we were playing and that her son won caused a smile to form on her face.

"Kurō honey mommy is going to start working soon, so you and Glory will be playing with someone else too from now on, ok?"

"Mom play, Kuro like play!" He ran over and grabbed his mother's leg while jumping up and down.

I suddenly felt exhaustion wash over me. Chakra depletion didn't K.O me anymore but it did zap my energy and leave my body stinging. Closing my eyes i looked at the inventory that recently sorted out




Inside the inventory i deicded to finally open the starter pack and then shiny shuriken,kunai and other various tools popped into the 5 of my twenty boxes in my iventory is still my dads note and while i still can't read it it dosen't mean i won't eventually only a little while till eve comes back and i can start my training then go to konoha to make sure everything is as planned while working out my akatsuki copy i mean styled group plans...

Over the years i have learned that looking at this menu didn't pause the world. And it loaded up slow but the quicker the item came out of my inventory and more importantly another thing I realized is thatThe more chakra i had the faster it increased, and stamina had barely risen. The only thing that didn't move was health, so im starting to believe everyone had 100 hp till they gain training in chakra body growths at the acadmy. No matter what, if your head gets cut off, you die unless you have a special jutsu or body composition, and i have neither. All the fan-fic i had read, they always had a Kekkei Genkai, but i have to train for atleast a year until then none of that, well not yet.

there was some interesting stuff in the Ninjutsu i sto..learned by mixing nature energy and chakra oh i also found out my chakta nature when mom let me touch the chakra paper she got when her boss found out i wanted to be a ninja after we visited one time and well it got wet then split yup wind and water perfect for kiri right.

The jutsu making process was hard and i stayed up many nights with chakra burns everywhere but i made it with a little insperation from other anime i made two jutsu

Water style:hydro cannon

Description:Nature energy is gathered in between pointer and middle finger then spun using wind chakra to gather water from the mist in air and form a vortex like projectile blast at a target

(100 damage per 5 seconds charged/1,000 damage max)(20 chakra per second charged)

yup my own hydro canon i thought that spirit gun was cool so i though lets see if i can do it using only nature energyy but i failed so i added my chakra natures but since my control is low it takes long time intervals to charge so it's mostly a starter and final move next jutsu i made was a mix of landmines and bit of nature energy.

Wind style:False Petals

Description:wind chakra is formed into the shape of rose petals and using nature energy are masked with the chakra energy of the nearest tree to be used as trap that when explodes causes a huge gust of wind in the direction of contact[explodes upon contact with foreign chakra]

( 5 Damage per petal 10 petal max;10 chakra per petal)

i thought i would need some kinda trap since i'm a ninja and it's perfecrt i mean ninja always run to somewhere on trees and if the look from afar they look like regular petal until you get close enough for the wind chakra to burst and throw you backwards and since nature energy matches it to the trees chakra signature sensors won't be able to find it until it explodes and since it's chakra i can have it eventually be pure chakra like the rasengan or have the power of a rasenshurikan in a tiny rose petal but that's a long way away. well enough stat checking mm will be back soon

Opening my eyes, i decided to stretch, laying a solid foundation was good for the future, and If i couldn't level up i planned to have the best foundation possible.

Kurōbā continued to bother me, but i just got him to stretch with me

And like that hours passed.

Standing up i looked at the door because this was the time mom usually returned. Sure enough, not even two minutes later there was a knock on the door.

Tsubaki opened the door, revealing Mom's figure, but next to her was an old woman with a face full of wrinkles. Her hair was pure white and tied up in a bun, she was wearing a black kimono with blue trim and blue sandals.

I frowned because i havd no idea who this woman was.

"Asegao,Kurōbā,Tsubaki this is Madame Yan, an elder from the city council."








Well shit