

I am Stella Collin, a girl who wants a simple and happy life, being with my family, and making my dream come true. But the life I desired was stolen by people I trusted. The goal that was within my reach was taken by my lone friend. And the most painful is my love that will end my life. But destiny seems to pity me. It gave me another chance to change my grim fate. And aside from that, fate gave me a gift ...Will I succeed this time? How can I correct my misfortune? ...

Scarlett_Red003 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

The Rebirth

"No!" I wake up trembling in terror because of my dream. The scene is so vivid that I can feel the pain in my chest.

"Finally, you're awake,"

I couldn't help but be surprised when I saw Marga standing before me while holding a glass of wine. And my astonishment increased when her friend entered the room. I know them. These two are the artists my mother helped when they were just starting.

"Marga, the auction is about to start. Your lovely cousin needs to take this sex drug so that she can be more daring in front of the bidders,"

"What is the meaning of this? Marga, who are they?" I asked when I saw the two men next to Marga's friend. They were carrying a human cage.

"Do I need to explain to you? Your mother needs to pay a lot of debt, so I'm just helping her by selling your virginity. This is my gift for your birthday," Marga responded before sipping her red wine.

My eyes widened in shock, especially when the two men opened the cage. I promptly get up away from the bed, but Marga's friend quickly pins me back to the bed. And because she's bigger than me, I can't do anything even if I struggle harder.

"Stella, don't fight. It's for your mother and siblings!" Marga remarks, took a dress from the table, and threw it on the bed.

"I don't believe you! My mother will never allow you to do this to me!" I glare at Marga while gritting my teeth and breathing fast due to frustration.

Marga just stared at me before turning to the guy holding the cage, and she remarked, "Help Sandra dress her up. Stella needs to be beautiful so we can get more money out of her!"

I felt my hand start to get sweaty due to nervousness, especially when the two men began to step closer to me.

"No! Don't! Get away from me!" I screamed as the two men gripped my hand and foot so that Marga's friend Sandra could stand up.

"This dress will suit her!" Sandra commented while rubbing the red silk halter dress.

"Stop!" I scream as Sandra starts to unbutton my clothes, but these people just laugh as if they were happy seeing me cry with all my heart.

"Wow! Marga, your cousin, is stunning even though her eyes are already puffy with tears!" The other guy commented when they succeeded in putting the clothes on me.

"Of course, Stella is beautiful! No one is ugly in my clan! Even if she is a daughter out of wedlock!" Marga remarks with a smirk.

Marga was preparing the stimulating drug when the door opened, and another friend of hers, Ann, entered.

"Hey Marga, the people involved in the auction are already looking for you," Anna said as soon as she entered the room.

"See? Everyone is excited to have you in their bed, so you have to exceed their expectation," Marga said to me before giving Anna the drug.

"Is this enough, or will I increase the dosage?" Anna asked with a grimace on her face.

"It's up to you. Just make sure Stella is ready once she has to go out!" Marga replied while walking out of the room.

"Did you hear your cousin? It's up to me, so I'll add more to release the lust you're hiding!" Anna declared with a sneering smile.

"What did Marga promise you? Tell me! Is it money ?!" I exclaimed while kicking Sandra.

"Aside from money, I want to break you!" Anna responds to me with so much hatred in her eyes.

"Break me? Why? What did I do? Why are you doing this!" My voice trembled with anger. Earlier, I was scared, but it was replaced by anger and hatred towards these people as time went on.

"Enough chatting! Come here and give her the drug to finish this!" Sandra exclaimed while rolling her eyes at Anna's slowness.

Anna frowned as she walked closer while Sandra tried to catch my mouth to get ready for the drugs.

(I will not allow myself to be deceived and exploited! I will fight even if I die!) Because of the determination, I felt strange energy overflowing in my core that spread throughout my body. Although wondering, I ignored it.

"Stay still!" Sandra screamed in annoyance. She grabbed my jaw and pressed.

"I said get away from me, you bitch!" I exclaimed and head-butt Sandra.

Sandra sighed as she writhed in pain. When the pain was slightly gone, she rubbed her bleeding nose.

"You! Lock her up!" Sandra's vein in her neck popped up in anger.

"You bastard! Let me go!" I struggled when the two men yanked me upright to follow Sandra's command.

The two men succeeded in putting me in the cage, but when Anna gave me the drug, I kicked her hard reason for her to squeak out of the cell.

"Ugh!" Anna coughed up blood because of the force of my kick. The two men pinned me in the cage because of what I did.

"Ahh!" I winced at the discomfort in my back because of the protruding wire carving on my side. But I didn't stop, I used my body to push one of the men, and when I succeeded, I kicked the other man who was still holding my hand.

My heart almost jumped out of my ribs, and I didn't know what I would feel when I finally escaped the two men in the cage.

"And where did you think you are going?!" Sandra remarks as she grabs my hair to restrain me from scaping.

"Ahh! Sandra, please! Instead of blocking me, why don't you call a doctor for Anna!" I suggested when I saw that Anna had fainted. Even though I hate them, I don't want anyone to perish.

"Don't worry; Anna won't die. But if we let you escape, Marga will surely kill us!" Sandra exclaimed as she gritted her teeth.

"Then it's your choice, but I won't surrender!" I declared, not giving Sandra a chance to speak when I firmly held her hand that was tweaking me and twisted it hard.

Sandra's scream was heard loudly outside as I opened the door, so I immediately closed it and ran to escape.

"What is happening to me?" Many questions play in my mind because of the images I remember vividly. Everything that is happening now I have seen in my dream, or is that a dream?