

I am Stella Collin, a girl who wants a simple and happy life, being with my family, and making my dream come true. But the life I desired was stolen by people I trusted. The goal that was within my reach was taken by my lone friend. And the most painful is my love that will end my life. But destiny seems to pity me. It gave me another chance to change my grim fate. And aside from that, fate gave me a gift ...Will I succeed this time? How can I correct my misfortune? ...

Scarlett_Red003 · Fantasia
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3 Chs

The encounter

"Where is this place?!" My tears are dripping while running, I want to stop and think about what happened, but I can't for fear that Marga's bodyguards will see me.

Until I reached the end of the hallway, the only way was the single door. I had no choice but to enter, and as I expected, I was immediately intercepted by the bodyguards who were there.

"And where did you think you are going?" one of the guards asked while approaching me.

"Ha Ha Ha, perhaps the two boys in there are playing with the two actresses!" the guard who was complacently sitting commented as he studied me from head to toe.

"Is this the girl we will auction for tonight? Hmm, I will also pay to taste this beauty," the guy at the end of the state hall as he started to walk.

"Don't come any closer," I immediately warned as I prepared for the guard's next move.

"Ha Ha Ha, a lioness! They love a virgin that knows how to fight!" The guard responded and held my arm.

My body seemed to have a mind of its own as I quickly fended off the guard's hand, then grabbed him by the arm and threw him away.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed.

"What the-" The guard remarks as they immediately stand up and attack.

"Why do they run in slow-motion?" I utter to myself while watching the guards run slowly.

I quickly punched the guard sitting earlier as I quickly ran, jumped, and used my knees to attack the guard in front of me. Then I took advantage of it and ran away.

I could not avoid a figure that met my turn in my haste.

"Is this your way to grab my attention?"

"Kyle Beltran!" I exclaimed as my eyes widened. I was about to walk away when he quickly grabbed my arm tightly.

"So, you know me?" Kyle asked while raising an eyebrow. Then he looked at my back. His face darkened even more, when he saw the guards approaching.

I didn't answer his question. Instead, I looked behind me while removing Kyle's grip on my arm.

"Mr. Beltran, please hand that lady to us," one of the guards politely asked.

"And what if I refuse?" Kyle remarks as he pulls me over to him.

"But sir, she will be sold for tonight," one of the guards explained while wiping away his sweat. Kyle Beltran is known in the field of entertainment. He is a famous model, singer, and artist. But he is renowned for one more thing: Kyle Beltran is ruthless!

"Tell your boss that this girl is mine! And if she has a complaint. Come directly to me!" Kyle remarks before turning around and pulling me to keep up with the walk.

The bodyguard can't do anything. He was sure that his boss would not be able to do anything if he faced the young man whom everyone feared.

Meanwhile, Kyle made his way to the parking lot while still not loosening his grip on me.

"Mr. Beltran, can you please let go of me? The tightness of your grip already hurts me," I complained as I pulled my hand away.

Kyle seemed to feel sorry for me because I felt his hand relax on my arm.

"Get inside," Kyle's voice is cold and firm, but authority is there.

"And where will you take me?" Although nervous, I try to remain calm.

"I need to make sure of something," Kyle responds as he opens the door.

Kyle seemed relieved because he let go of my hand, and this was what I was waiting for. I pushed him hard and ran fast without looking back.

Kyle was shocked but did not chase me. He just followed me with a meaningful look while clenching his fist.


Since I didn't have anything with me, I just walked to my house. And it took me down before I arrived.

"Now I am certain ... What I remember is not a dream," I murmur when I reach the apartment's gate. I held back the tears that threatened to drip as I entered the quiet households.

"I remember, my father is working while my brother is at the boarding house, and my mother is imprisoned for a sin she didn't commit," I utter to myself while standing in the empty living room.

My foot began to stretch to my bedroom, and I went straight to the bathroom as my mind returned to the memories I remembered.

"Did I die and be reincarnated? But how? Perhaps God took pity on my family's plight, so he gave me another chance to save my family and myself from this terrible fate?" I mumble while opening the shower.

I closed my eyes while feeling the shower drip on my body, and then suddenly, I remembered something. It came back to my mind the scene where the guard hurled my punch and kick. Then my eyes widened when I saw the scene where the guard ran in slow motion again.

"That strength! I know it's not because of the adrenaline rush! There is something within me!" I exclaimed and hurriedly took off the gown and stared into the mirror.

"Where's my wound? I can't be wrong. I felt my skin cut earlier!" I state while looking at my side where I felt the pain.

"What am I?" I whispered after a few minutes of thinking. I quickly finished my bath and immediately went out of the bathroom to get dressed.

"If my memory is correct, then I can tell what will happen in the future," I said as I walked to my bedroom window, I opened it and inhaled the fresh air of dawn while watching the sunrise.

"The new strength I have ... If this is a gift, I will no longer allow anyone to be bullied," I declare, raising my hand and facing the sunlight, gradually covering the surroundings.

I close my eyes to feel the sunlight. Then I open my eyes, not like earlier full of resentment and sadness. Now my eyes are full of confidence and hope.

"I will get back everything!" I declared, full of determination.