

I am Stella Collin, a girl who wants a simple and happy life, being with my family, and making my dream come true. But the life I desired was stolen by people I trusted. The goal that was within my reach was taken by my lone friend. And the most painful is my love that will end my life. But destiny seems to pity me. It gave me another chance to change my grim fate. And aside from that, fate gave me a gift ...Will I succeed this time? How can I correct my misfortune? ...

Scarlett_Red003 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Changing my fate

The next day, I got up early and got ready for school. As usual, I wore my thick glasses while my hair was braided.

I quickly grabbed my bag while hoping I could catch up with my father, who was leaving early for work. When my mother was imprisoned, my father lost his job in the company. But he did not give up and lost hope. My father took different kinds of jobs just so my brother and I could study and support ourselves.

"Dad!" I call while running to the kitchen, but he is gone as I expected. I sighed and sadly smiled as I opened the covered dish on the table.

"Dad, don't worry, just be patient. I'll make sure I get into the University of my dreams, and I'll take back mama's company," I utter as I start eating. My father prepared simple bread and milk, but it was the best breakfast for me. He also prepared me a lunch box while a note on the top.

"Be good, Love Dad," My eyes lit up as soon as I read my father's note. So, before I left, I took a piece of paper and wrote for him as well.

"Love you too, Dad. Please don't work too hard, Love Ella," After writing, I glued it to the fridge for my dad to quickly see.

"Let's see if the strength I have that night is still in me," I utter as I adjust the laces of my old shoes.

My school is almost a kilometer away from our house, and because I'm saving money, I walk back and forth from school to my house.

I started walking while thinking about what would happen today. Since I'm irrelevant to school, I'll be happy if students ignore me like invisible.

Because when they start noticing me, they won't stop mocking me. That's why when I came to school, I was delighted because the bullies who often come to insult me had not yet arrived.

"Good morning, Stella,"

I was about to enter the classroom when my cousin Katherine called me. She walks like a model while waving at me with a timid smile.

(Huh! How can she smile like that? If I didn't glimpse my fate, I'm sure that smile would fool me,) I utter to myself and smile at Katherine.

"Good morning, Kath. You're early for today," I commented and entered the classroom.

"Yeah, I woke up early because I made a video for my vlog," Katherine explained while walking to the front where she was sitting.

"Ohh, that's great," I replied briefly. Since I knew Katherine wasn't a real friend, I decided to open my book to read.

The students arrived in a few minutes. Since I'm the 'ugly ducking' in our class, no one wants to sit next to me. And that is fine with me because I want to hide my true beauty.

Every morning I was used to the noise of my classmates, so when they suddenly became quiet, I frowned and looked up in astonishment.

(Kyle Beltran! What in the world is he doing in my class? Why did I not see this?) I exclaimed in my mind while adjusting my glasses. I'm sure he won't recognize me because I'm very different from the woman he saw at the auction party, but I still can't help but worry.

"Is this seat taken?" Kyle asked. Since this was the only vacant seat in the class, he had no choice but to sit next to me.

I was forced to nod and removed my bag from the chair.

As soon as Kyle sat down, I didn't look up even though I could hear the whispers of our classmates.

"Wow! Welcome back, Mr. Beltran! I'm glad you still remember you're a student here," the teacher commented as soon as she saw Kyle.

Kyle just grinned and didn't comment on the teacher's remarks.

"Student, I know all of you are preparing for university. And I also know that you all dream of entering the Film Academy. I decided to endorse two of my best students in this class," Prof. Villa stated to make the student go wild.

"What do we need to do to get that recommendation?" Katherine excitedly asked.

"Our class will have a play for the school's annual celebration, and it is called Beauty and the Beast. The lead will be chosen randomly to be fair to everyone. But since Kyle is a known celebrity, he will be the main Male Lead," Prof Villa explained.

"Ma'am, I'm not interested. You can give the role to others," Kyle immediately protested. So, everyone's attention was directly focused on him.

"You don't have a choice, Mr. Beltran! I will hold your grade if you don't participate," Prof Villa remarks. Since Kyle needs to graduate this year, she is confident that he will accept the role.

"My manager will not-"

"I already talked to your manager, and they agree," Prof. Villa intercepted Kyle.

"Since you agreed to do the play, why don't you draw the name of your future Belle?" Prof Villa suggested with a broad smile.

"Sure, Ma'am! It's my honor," Kyle exclaimed and stood up and went to the front. The whole class was excited as they waited for the name Kyle would call.

"Well, my Belle is Stella Collin," Kyle remarks and holds up the paper with my name on it.

"What the hell? Will Stella play the role of Bell?" one of the students exclaimed in disbelief.

"Stella, don't mind them. As I announced earlier, we will be fair. Will you accept the role?" Prof Villa asked.

(I need that recommendation!) I declared to myself, so I didn't hesitate and nodded.

"Ma'am, if Stella will be the female lead, why don't we change the title of our play? Why don't we just do The Prince and The Beast?" one of the students exclaimed teasingly.

"That's a good idea," Prof Villa agrees.

I ignored the other talk, all that mattered was getting the recommendation. I also didn't want to team up with Kyle, but I had no choice.

When the English class ended, everyone went to the gym because the P.E course was next.

[Locker room]

"This is an excellent opportunity for Stella. Imagine she's been suffering since her family went bankrupt and her mother was imprisoned, "Katherine said as she smiled at her classmates.

"Good for her, but what about Kyle's reputation?!" one of the students exclaimed, obviously annoyed by what happened.

I still heard a lot of comments from my classmates, but I ignored them.

In my previous life, I will be hurt by what they said. But not in this life.

"Stella, ignore them. I know you deserved this role," Katherine approached and comforted me.

"Don't worry, Kath, I understand how they feel. I know they're just jealous since I will be the girl who is lucky to be Kyle's partner in the play," I replied, smiling to Katherine's surprise.

"But be careful. Too much intimacy with Kyle will cost you trouble," Katherine holds my hand to show concern.

"Thank you for your concern," I said and smiled at Katherine. Even though I knew she was the reason I was expelled from school in my other life, I still had to play nice to her.

(Katherine would win the best actress award for her ability to hide her true color!) I commented to myself while watching Ka