
Rebirth : System created by a person who reincarnated 800+ times

" Life is so messy that it requires a single bad day to turn the sanest man into a lunatic." - Joker, Stan Lee. Eris, a being who was even special and stronger than god's. Who had the power which can be found in only a single individual in hundreds of trillions of beings. He was fighting the great almighty God of the universe 6778 was tricked and killed by that God with the help of other gods. Sirius, your everyday normal introvert. He had a weird fate, from childhood till now he had suffered many incidents which would lead to death. It was not the fact that he always had deadly accidents occurring to him that was surprising but the fact that he always survived. Most of the time even without doing anything special he always survived. After being tricked and killed by the God Eris was going to get a chance as she always got but this time she decided to do something different. After all, she was bored of doing the same thing again and again. At that time for the first time Sirius died but even after death his fate didn't give him eternal peace as he was called by Eris. " Live for me." Eris said to Sirius. " Beautiful miss, it usually 'die for me'." Sirius said, mesmerized by her beauty. " No, Live for me so that I can die." When Eris said that Sirius was a bit confused. Little did he know that the most precious thing he ever wanted was never going to happen to him :- DEATH!!. —————— Hello guys, Author here~, I was writing for my other two novels when I suddenly got a weird idea with an urge to write. I will shamelessly admit that I have decided to write this novel just because of that idea and maybe I will take a break from my other novels if I get support on this one. I am not a good writer as both of my novels had a lot of info dumps, that's why this time I have decided to go with a mainstream novel. I am paranoid that's why please expect a bit of info dump. I won't give you many spoilers but this novel is a fantasy novel but it is also practical. That's why please don't expect a sad backstory or something because those things, at least according to me, are not practical. You can expect sad things which are more practical and tragic. Like even a top student who is praised by everyone can face depression to the point that leads to sucide. Except for that you can expect this novel to be like my ideal Author ' Pancakeswitch '. If you have not read her novels please I will highly recommend her novels for those who don't want a serious plotline and just want to enjoy Slice of Life. - Daily updates [ 1 day off ] - Chapter length : 1000-2000 Additional tags : Bloodline, Dragon, undead, beast, pheonix, romance, Harem, Griffin, God, Angels, Devil etc

DukeofDemon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Rebirthers Spellcraft Book

[You are currently on the 10th floor of the dungeon]

[You can't exit the dungeon until you find the return stone which is embedded in one of the monsters of this floor.] 


I sighed and looked at the entrance of the cave by turning around. There was a green colour barrier covering the entrance. When I touched the barrier a force seemed to be stopping me.

Well, sometimes things don't go as well as you hope them to go but instead of regretting the past it's better to focus on the future.

I started moving in the dungeon and after a ten minutes walk I saw them. The monsters of this dungeon. I expected the monsters based on the dungeons name but I wasn't confident about the monsters but here they are. The rattling piles of bones; Skeleton.



[Hp] 40/40

[Race] Undead (Spawn)

[Level] 3

[Description] Skeletons are one of the weakest undeads. They don't have any intelligence but they will be attracted to any form of life and try to kill you. You can kill them directly by destroying their skulls. Just like most of the undeads they have a natural weakness of heat and fire.

All of this information is nearly the same as the undeads from the novels. Now that I think about it the Appraise has leveled up to be used on living beings instead of objects. It shows [hp] as well as more detailed information like its weakness and how to kill it. I guess for now this is really helpful. 

What does it mean by spawn? 

[Spawns are creatures born in dungeons who don't have any free will and are just slaves of the dungeon boss.]

Now should I fight them?

'....No, thanks.' I thought while shaking my head.

Just like most of the undeads who hate life and love death they stick together. There was not just a single skeleton but more than a hundred at the very least.

I have a plan in my mind but for that I need to check something. I stood at the same place for almost six hours. I wanted to check whether they come in this direction or not. They seemed to move from time to time but they were not approaching the entrance of the room as well as the other entrance which was directly opposite to the entrance in which I was standing.

I moved backwards and found a comfortable place to sit near the entrance of the dungeon. I picked out a thick book which can be recognised as the Rebirthers Spellcraft Book.

I started reading it after a few deep breaths. This book in itself was magical and as this book recognised me as its owner it also became understandable to me no matter what the language was.

I kept reading it for nearly three hours trying to understand most of it. Though I say most of it that doesn't mean the whole book but the part which I have read. Sometimes I had a smile on my face while sometimes I had a serious look on my face.

"Wait....I know how this works... Isn't this like coding languages!?" I exclaimed while looking at the book.

The first part was just a short history of different kinds of ways to use magic. The most common and the most powerful way is spells.

Even in spells there are lots of ways for example chanting, having a natural affinity to a particular element and last but not least Awakened magic.

The one Eris uses is a magic used in some of the worlds. This magic is considered weaker compared to Awakened magic. Awakened magic allows a caster to pass on his will in elements causing them to cast as the caster wishes without any form of restrictions except that of Mp of course.

Eris also used awakened magic but after some time she found a better way of using magic. Array or magic circle casters are magic users who use magical languages or runes to be precise to create proper equations which will create a spell.

This way of using magic was better for long-term magics but they were considered inefficient as normal spells because of the high mana consumption and the concentration it required.

Even though awakened magic was the strongest it was only limited to elemental magics and to use other types of magic one has to again rely on Arrays or Artifacts.

Most people didn't mind this but Eris surely did. Eris wanted an efficient magic which is not divided into chanting, elemental affinity, chantless, non elemental and artifact creation.

That's why she had created and perfected a special way to use magic with arrays or magic circles along with the help of the system which doesn't require different paths to follow but all the paths merge together.

She created her own sets of runes and her own magical language as well. Yet she still has stored all the runes and magical languages present in the world in this small book.

Even though that is the case except for that she has only taught how to make spells using this method and except for some small examples there are no real spells in this book.

"I think I understand how Eris thought while creating this book…." I said aloud.

Eris knew one thing for sure and that was that without a system no one can use this magic and for those who have a level up system for them this will be easy to understand as well as use. The intelligence stat was actually made for this magic only.

If I would be able to master this magic then with this knowledge alone I won't have to solely rely on the system. This magic was created for the caster to grow stronger without the system restricting their growth. Maybe Eris faced this problem a few times as well.


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