
Chapter 450: The Argument over the Painting

Translator: 549690339

The door was open, and the sound of several people arguing came from inside.

Kuang Yunxian rubbed his brow helplessly as soon as he heard the voices.

Chiang Xiao also heard snippets of the argument.

"This painting was in your care, so isn't it your responsibility now that it's damaged?"

"This is a special situation; we didn't expect it to rain so heavily that day in the county."

"What do you mean 'didn't expect'? Why didn't your teacher close all the doors and windows before leaving work? This is a very basic mistake, and you still have the nerve to call it a special situation?"

"Enough, stop arguing. What's the point of going on like this? Our main goal now is to repair this painting."

"How can you repair it? It's become so blurred. We've all seen this painting, but among those present, who can remember every detail of the painting? Even if you wanted to copy it, could you replicate it exactly?"

Upon hearing this, Chiang Xiao's heart suddenly stirred.