
Venomous Scheme

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Fang Xinxin made for a powerful sight as she led a crowd of bodyguards into the room. She saw that Long Jingyuan's forehead was covered in blood and his complexion was pale, as though he had already stopped breathing.

She immediately felt nervous to the point where her heart began pounding loudly.

For some reason, though she did not interact much with Long Jingyuan, she was terrified that he would die.

It was as though she would lose someone very important if he died. She couldn't identify the reason behind the strong sense of uncertainty that had overtaken her.

She quickly approached the bed and shoved Bai Jingrou aside. She checked Long Jingyuan's breath and noticed that he was still breathing.

She heaved a small sigh of relief and turned to glare at Bai Jingrou harshly. "You tried to murder Director Long?"