
Rebirth of Versatile Mage

Our Main Character has died but through the power of plot armor, he gets rebirthed at the start of his road to becoming the world's most powerful mage. How fast will he be able to claim his title of "Versatile Mage" back?

CyanXD · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 7

Mo Fan patiently waited until every student exited the classroom; most of the boys looked at him with rancorous looks. Xiaohou walked next to Mo Fan and said, "Good luck Brother Fan, I am cheering for you. I always knew you had amazing talents and hard work, and you were so badass in front of Mu Bai and Zhao Kunsan!"

Mo Fan smiled happily. "Thanks, see you back at the dorm."

"Yep, see ya."

After Xiaohou left the room, silence filled the room between the two. Both looked at each other intensely.

"So Mo Fan, how is your seventh star going? Or are you here for something else?" Tangyue broke the silence.

Mo Fan respected how straightforward Tangyue was and honestly answered. "Then let me just be frank, I want your help starting from now. Not for any magic lessons, but I am here to negotiate for your trust in me for protecting Bo City."

Tangyue stared at Mo Fan back with a slight Pikachu surprise; she turned very serious after hearing Mo Fan and readied her magic. "Help? Trust? Protecting Bo City? You aren't a normal student, aren't you? You are at least a couple of times stronger than every student in the class. Tell me what your purpose is right now!" She knew something was wrong with this kid.

Mo Fan laughed and calmly replied, "I think you are trying to kill the wrong person. First, I am not a member of the Black Vatican. As for my strength, I will show you my secret after you agree to my proposal. We are on the same side trying to find members of Black Vatican."

"I will agree if you can answer this question. How do you know I am trying to search and protect Bo City?"

Mo Fan saw the question coming. "About that information, I can't reveal it. However, a young competent Intermediate Mage coming to a small city in China and also taking a small job at a high school seems kind of suspicious."

"You know saying that is making you seem more untrustworthy," Tangyue stated.

"I know. Trust can't happen overnight, but I am letting you know that we are both on the same side, and I can help you with your investigations. I know that you are a trustworthy person according to my information; whether or not you trust me right now, I will show you my secret."

Mo Fan started casting his Lightning Strikes, and he was able to finish quickly. He fired at a puppet nearest to him.

Tangyue was confused. 'This kid has both Fire Element and Lightning Element. He is not at the intermediate stage yet. How is this possible?'

Mo Fan answered her thought, "I have naturally awakened two elements. Also, other teachers and students don't know this, so only you and I know that I have both Lightning and Fire Elements. I hope we can get along quite well in the future." Mo Fan smiled and lightened the conversation.

Tangyue chuckled. "You are an interesting one? Aren't you?"

"I think it was pretty interesting that you wore such alluring clothes on your first day. It was quite funny watching all the boys be so infatuated." Mo Fan joked, "Anyways, it was a good way to get their attention. It was a good lecture today."

Tangyue got slightly embarrassed.

As he was leaving out the door, "By the way, I don't have a phone yet, so I will use the school dormitory phone to contact you when I find something out. Also, could you give me a fake ID by the end of the school year? I need it for registration into the City Hunter's Team." Mo Fan asked Tangyue.

Tangyue thought about it for a bit and warned him. "Okay, I will do that, but if you turn out to be a pernicious Black Vatican member, I will make sure to headhunt you down."

"Well, having a beauty chasing me down until the end of the earth doesn't sound bad," Mo Fan turned very serious and looked directly at Tangyue's eyes. "I won't ever turn into those inhumane bastards. I already have a couple of names down, but I need more evidence. Thank you, Teacher Tangyue."

Mo Fan left the room heading toward his dorm. He was glad that he had found his trustworthy backer, and he punched the air in celebrating today. 'Yu Ang and Mu He. You both better watch out. I am going to make sure it ends with both of you suffering until death seems like the only option.'


As the snow melted, there were slowly increased activities of both humans and monsters in Bo City. Mo Fan woke up pretty late for school, but he didn't seem to be in a rush, and he seemed rather content with his situations. For the last month, Mo Fan has gotten the hang of cultivating all night and getting naps all day.

Mo Fan arrived in the classroom 5 minutes late, but none of the students and teachers seemed to care. All of them just ignored Mo Fan.

Mo Fan figured out that Teacher Tangyue didn't do anything against Mo Fan's late behaviors, and she didn't report to the school either. Mo Fan thought. 'What a good teacher! Hot. Mature. And lenient. Maybe our relationship has gotten better?'

It was the opposite. Tangyue was still suspicious of Mo Fan, but she would never show any concern during class. Also, she didn't care about Mo Fan's attendance; it is up to the student to decide. For the rest of the students, the boys enjoyed her class because all the boys had intentions of getting close to Teacher Tangyue. For girls, they like how experienced Teacher Tangyue was in magic, compared to other teachers, she was like a goddess to a human.

Mo Fan has been writing down things that would happen in the future down in his notebook, and it was a backup of his memory in case he forgets. He has been focusing on his strength, but Mo Fan realized he wouldn't be able to take down the whole Black Vatican even with the help of Demon Element (At least early in his cultivation). He needed to power up his good friends and make them stronger this life, and he would create a team that could extinct the Black Vatican.

After school in the afternoon…

Mo Fan was waiting for Xiaohou to come to the practice field where Mo Fan teaches Xiaohou for the last couple of weeks.

'There are three months until the practical exams. That is a good chunk of time for my Shadow Element.' Mo Fan has stopped cultivating his Fire Element because he still wanted to be realistic and hide his strength.

If Mo Fan were to cultivate more, Mo Fan could definitely reach Primary Level Two, but it would not be good to show his strength too early.

A person slammed the door open like an energetic kid. A skinny brown-haired person with an average height came into the room and directly speed-walked to Mo Fan.

Xiaohou excitedly, "Brother, I can now control six stars on my Wind Element, and I should be able to release magic by the end of the year! It was all thanks to Big Brother who gave me amazing directions in controlling stars."

Mo Fan responded. "Not bad! Not bad! I want you to be able to control your last star by next month, so we can start practical exercises."

Xiaohou felt that Mo Fan has changed. Throughout the day, Mo Fan showed no interest in class or lessons and even showed up late to some of them. Also, Mo Fan wouldn't pay attention to the class even if the precious Tangyue was teaching. Her clothes flashed off her best feminine features, and it intrigued many of the boys, but it had no effect on Mo Fan. It was indeed strange.

Mo Fan in a slightly annoyed manner. "Hurry up and come here! We are going to start cultivating."

Xiaohou complained, "Brother Fan, I have been cultivating diligently and trying my best in controlling for the last month, and I need to break from this. Also, League has just released a new character!"

Mo Fan shook his head and sighed. He had been drilling Xiaohou for the past month, and Xiaohou has been complaining a lot more now. In his first life, Xiaohou decided to finally focus on getting stronger after witnessing Bo Calamity, and it clearly showed how useless Primary mages were. Mo Fan argued, "If you were to play League for the next few hours, you would experience and complain about how trashy your teammates are, and nothing would be done which you would regret in playing League. Every other game, you are going to get a feeding bot lane, and sometimes you will get a jungler who can't even right-click. Monkey, you are in Iron IV, and you have been hard struck in Bronze and Iron for around five years. Faced it. You are not going to get good as Faker, but you can work hard on your magic abilities. Let us say if there was a beautiful girl that was on the verge of death, can you save her with your current ability right now?"

Xiaohou swung his head around debating. Finally replied, "Well, I am not trying to beat Faker, and I can get stronger later."

Mo Fan did a 'are you serious?' look. "Well when the time comes, don't come to me begging for help." Mo Fan closed his eyes and started his mediation.

Xiaohou felt wronged, but obediently followed his brother in cultivating.


For the next month, Xiaohou didn't complain about a single word on cultivation and control. He had been joining Mo Fan right after school. One evening, he was trying very hard for his very last star. It was a very hard and tedious journey. From the start, the seventh star didn't even listen to his directions, it was like a rebellious teenager with a car. It zoomed right to left and everywhere, so Xiaohou increased the pressure to control it, so it went extreme edgy teenager mode. It just went crazy for a week, but it has calmed down recently, and obeyed sometimes. It was mentally exhausting.

Xiaohou failed again, but he wasn't too angered. He had been failing for the last month, but it was annoying how he wasn't able to control his last star. He was so close. Xiaohou calmed himself again before restarting. For the first three stars, it was like taking a walk in a park. The next three were obedient, however, they did try to flee. It was unsuccessful.

'The last one. Please!' Xiaohou directed it to approach the position slowly, and it listened to his direction. Xiaohou felt hyped. 'Slowly, slowly, and now stop. It stopped in the position. Xiaohou screamed.'

"LETS GOO! Brother Fan, I did it! I can cast Wind Element now!" Xiaohou started dashing around the open field, and he felt like the fastest man alive. (A/N: Poggers in the chat for the monkey.)

While Xiaohou was celebrating like a madman, Mo Fan watched the happy monkey doing his ritual dance. Mo Fan felt the wind blowing around. "How does it feel? To be able to cast your magic."

Xiaohou was feeling high-spirited. It was more than the adrenaline rush. He had been cultivating diligently for the last 6 months, and he had been controlling himself not to give up easily on magic. "It feels like I can obtain anything in this world!" Xiaohou stopped in front of Mo Fan and beamed his dazzling eyes.

Mo Fan chuckled, "You should watch yourself because you might feel your fatigue kicking in anytime now."

As right as Mo Fan can be, Xiaohou suddenly felt fatigued all over his body, and it made him fall to the floor. Xiaohou tried to talk, but he was breathing heavily because he had been running around too much.

Mo Fan explained. "This is what you will feel after casting your first magic. The problem is that you don't have high cultivation where you can cast the spell more than one time. The solution is to rest up and meditate until you feel refreshed."

Xiaohou nodded. He immediately started to rest up and prepare to meditate. After thirty minutes passed, Xiaohou could feel himself again. Mo Fan said, "We will end here today, but remember to rest up properly and meditate. We will start practical training next week." Mo Fan smiled as he said practical training.

Xiaohou felt mixed emotions. He could get a good break, but he shuddered when Brother Fan said practical training. 'It is going to be a long two months.'

As hellish as Mo Fan could make Xiaohou work, Xiaohou's ability to cast magic was unmistakably faster and more precise. Firstly, he made sure that Xiaohou's physical ability without any magic was better.

Secondly, Mo Fan played games of dodgeball with Xiaohou. Mo Fan fired his primary fire spells at Xiaohou, so he would get better at reacting and casting under pressure. Sometimes, Mo Fan cast his fire spell at Xiaohou's feet trying to make Xiaohou accelerate and decelerate faster.

Some accidents happened. Mo Fan would hit Xiaohou directly. It sent Xiaohou flying for a bit but no serious injuries happened due to Mo Fan's control over the flame. The first time was the worst because it knocked Xiaohou out cold for a few minutes, and the practical training was unpleasantly grueling for the little monkey.

Xiaohou collapsed onto the ground. Tired, breathing heavily, and sweating. Mo Fan handed Xiaohou a bottle of water. Xiaohou wolfed down the whole bottle of water like nothing. Mo Fan complimented, "You are finally getting the hang of it. The first time you did this, you didn't even last 1 minute. Now, you can survive for 12. Good improvement!"

Xiaohou responded tiredly. "Youuu… know thatttt… we have ourrrr exam in likeeee… a week right?"

Mo Fan nodded and casually said, "That is why I am making the training harder and harder. It seems like you can take it on. We will try to double the amount of time next week!"

Xiaohou stared at Mo Fan. "I would rather be dead." Xiaohou collapsed and started to act dead like a possum.

Mo Fan was joking. He had seen how fast Xiaohou had been growing, and he would need time for his body to recover. "Just a joke. For the next week, you don't have to come to practice, but I do want you to meditate every day and exercise your body. Taking care of your body would be very helpful in the long run." Mo Fan smiled.

Xiaohou let out a sigh of relief and quickly added. "All right! That is what you said. I am going to rest up for the next whole week and meditate properly."

As the sunset, Mo Fan was still cultivating. Not only has he been training very hard on Xiaohou, but also Mo Fan has been cultivating his Shadow Element for the last three months. With his Shadow Element, he can track down anyone in the city and visit anyone he wants. Unless someone like Tangyue is around. She is a Mid Tier Magician, so her ability to perceive the surroundings is higher. Also, she had Shadow Element, too.

Mo Fan felt thrilled for the exam to happen and wanted to shock everyone again.

HYDRO CHECK -- Drink your water boys and girls.

Have fun reading.

CyanXDcreators' thoughts