
Hostage (1)

Editor: Atlas Studios

Ye Qingtang heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing the report. No one had seen the bodies of Jiang Lang and his wife, so perhaps they managed to escape with the Domain Monarch.


It was somewhat strange. According to the ancient clan folks, the Jiang family had managed to keep their hideouts a secret. Even their informants only found out about them after the Ancient You Clan raided them.

Ye Qingtang had not heard anyone mention those hideouts before either. Those hideouts must have been a highly-classified secret.

So how did the Ancient You Clan know of them?

"Oh yes Holy Lord, there are a few more ancient clans who wish to seek protection under you. They are waiting for you outside the temple." One of the ancient clan leaders spoke up.

Ye Qingtang was already used to this. The stream of ancient clan folks who had come seeking protection had been relentless in recent days.

Silent acquiescence was acceptance.