

There is not nobody walking on the streets of Dongshi, but everyone is in a hurry. They wrap up their clothes and go fast, except when they distribute food at the gate at noon every day.

Every day at noon, when the sun rises in the sky, the residents and soldiers of the city will gather at the city gate to wait for food distribution. The peaceful camp is no exception, and the soldiers must line up here.

When people in the city receive food at one place, naturally there will be many discordant voices. For example, some people complain, accuse senior military officials of eating, drinking and enjoying themselves, and give people black vegetable root soup.

This kind of person can only be killed alive in the end, but no one sympathizes.

In order to prevent the people from being unstable and causing trouble by the fact that the food is not even, Commander Jiang ordered the soldiers to receive food together with the people, which made Anning secretly nod.

Of course, in addition to some people making discordant voices, food grabbing, food stealing and food cheating happen from time to time. Yes, it is food cheating!

Grabbing grain and stealing grain is no exception. As for cheating grain, I'm afraid it's also a new line of business.

Those who were swindlers before the end of the world have no other ability. It's no problem to fool you into changing the role of a swindler. In the face of the disaster of the end of the world, it's not uncommon to change money swindlers into food swindlers.

Peace is when we meet.

On the first day when she was receiving food with the Peace Army, a group of people tried to cheat Anning out of the food she had just received. She saw through it and asked her subordinates to give the people to Commander Jiang.

Of course, Mr. Jiang was so shameless that he ordered people to kill those cheats on the spot. But one of them was an orange eyed senior strong man. At the last moment, he attacked and fought back at all costs. Finally, he sacrificed one orange eyed senior officer to end the fight.

Quietly amused himself, Chiang blew his beard and stared angrily.

Jiang Shaofeng, however, did not see him again after the First World War. According to his estimation, Jiang Shaofeng must have been seriously injured in that battle, and may be recuperating now.

Today, it is the daily opening of the warehouse to release grain. The Peace Corps such as Anning came out to receive grain as usual. Zhao Qisheng and Liu Donglin also led the army to line up.

Zhao Qisheng spat at the ground, "Damn it, I think that old guy just drove us away. So many people asked us to join the queue!"

"Ho ho, I have asked the soldiers to go out and line up on their own. They can eat first and then eat." Liu Donglin smiled coldly, but his eyes also showed some dissatisfaction.

Peace shrugs. The Peace Corps are all women soldiers. These soldiers are taken care of everywhere they go. It is the soldiers and ruffians who make meals. When they see these women in Peace Corps uniforms, they sometimes make more soup and put more steamed bread.

So tranquility did not restrict soldiers to line up and let them get food by themselves.

And she calmed herself. She stood in line with Zhao Qisheng and others at random in the refugee center. She didn't care about the dark vegetable root soup and steamed bread, but it would be bad if she always stayed in the camp to open a small kitchen.

In this way, peace is convenient for everyone to eat together.

However, compared with the local soldiers, whether they are Anjiajun, Zhao Qisheng and Liu Donglin, the soldiers are obviously always smiling, not like those soldiers and civilians in the city who are downcast and listless.

If you want to ask why, it is naturally a promise of peace. Those who are not full after receiving food can go to Wu Li of Ping An Army to get a bowl of broth. Of course, only Zhao Qisheng and Liu Donglin are included.

In this way, the three armies are not happy?

In this way, Dongshi has formed a trend. Those local soldiers often take the initiative to chat up with soldiers of the three armies after receiving food. If the conversation is good, they will join the soldiers of the three armies in the Anning camp to receive food. So the soldiers of the three camps are now in demand and are highly sought after.

"Hey, let's go, hurry up!" A female voice behind made her heart jump. She hurriedly turned around and exclaimed, "Yu Xiaoli?"

"Huh?" The woman behind was obviously stunned, looked at Tranquility and said, "Tranquility!"

It was quiet. One thing I forgot to hide my voice, and another thing was that I didn't change my appearance very much. If I didn't touch my current self, I was afraid I might recognize her as that quiet.

"Why are you here?" Yu Xiaoli asked incredulously. She didn't think she would live peacefully until now.

Tranquility can be said to hate the woman in front of her. Of course, that was before, but now it is also very disgusting.

Yu Xiaoli was the woman who kicked herself out of the company by virtue of her relationship. She still remembers the humiliation at that time. She swore more than once at that time that she would tear the woman to pieces if she had the chance.

Of course, it was just a moment of anger, but now it seems that it is not impossible.

When you laugh at yourself, you are really bored.

But I don't want Yu Xiaoli to ask, "You're not dead? Ha ha, I didn't expect you to escape to Dongshi?"

Looking at Yu Xiaoli, who is disheveled but in good spirits, she calmly guesses that she should have a good life. Of course, she is only relative to others.

"You haven't died yet. Of course I won't die so early." Peace did not deny it, and smiled coldly.

"Oh, my mouth is hard. It seems that I am still so cheap. I will never stop taking advantage of my words!" Yu Xiaoli sneered and looked at the peace, then said proudly, "I will keep the food I have assigned. I can guarantee that you will live well in Dongshi. How about that?"

Quietly disdaining the sneer, Yu Xiaoli stepped forward mysteriously and said in a low voice, "Don't be a bitch and set up a memorial archway, because you think it's useful for a woman to pretend to be a man. With your awkward appearance, a fool can't recognize you! As long as you listen to me and serve the one in front, hello, hello, hello, everyone, understand?"

Then he pointed to the big man who was bargaining with the grain distribution soldiers.

There is no nonsense in peace, and shaking hands is a loud slap, which throws Yu Xiaoli sideways and screams to the ground!

The voice was so loud that the surrounding people naturally stopped to watch. The big man who was bargaining half way in front also looked at it. Seeing this, he raised his eyebrows and shouted angrily, "What are you doing?"

Peace turns around and sees that the big man has already run towards Peace like lightning!

The wrist shook, and the peaceful, thin, white little hand clasped the big man's iron fist. With a turn of the backhand, the big man squatted down with his arm and cried out in pain.

Great disparity of power!

And the reason, of course, is the great disparity of grades!

The big man is still a strong man at the orange level. When he meets a senior strong man at the green level, he is naturally like an ant!

Yu Xiaoli got up from the ground, looked at tranquility in horror, and shouted, "What are you doing? Do you want to die?"

Quiet eyes squinted, his right hand flicked, a green energy shot out instantly, flicked on Yu Xiaoli's cheek, and made her stagger!

Yu Xiaoli's teeth were knocked off three times with this blow. She stared at him angrily and seemed unable to believe how that incompetent girl could become so fierce and vicious!

Calm cold lips smiled, "I want to die!"

"You! Mr. Jiang will decide for us! Mr. Jiang, come out and judge quickly. I want to see Mr. Jiang!" Yu Xiaoli suddenly sat on the ground and cried out loudly. The soldiers looked at her as if they had seen a ghost. She didn't know Commander An?

Dare to challenge Commander An. I'm afraid that Mr. Jiang can't protect you, can he?

Although Mr. Jiang was ordered to close the First World War that day, the world was no stronger than the wind, and the paper could never keep the fire. The news that Mr. Jiang, a young strong man, was defeated by Commander An spread widely, and became the latest topic of private discussion among soldiers.

And Commander An, who was white coat, white cheeked, and thin, also quickly established an image in the soldiers' hearts. Every day, even when he received food in peace, the soldiers would be around to watch him. Although he dared not be bold, he would also look around to observe the peace action.

A lot of people just saw that this woman was disrespectful, and whispered to Commander An with a mean look. Commander An slapped and fanned her. I'm afraid she's another cheat, isn't she?

Soon, today's patrol soldiers appeared, dragged up the woman who was sitting on the ice and cried loudly, and asked, "What are you crying about? What's wrong if you don't line up to get food?"

Yu Xiaoli pointed at peace with an aggrieved face and cried vaguely, "She hit me and my man again. Sir, you should make up your mind for me!"

Officer? This is a new name, which makes soldiers almost think it is an ancient city management.

However, when the soldier turned to look, his face suddenly startled. He turned to give Yu Xiaoli a slap in the face angrily, "You his mother daredevil Commander An, say, how did you offend Commander An!"

Yu Xiaoli's head hummed with the slap. When she heard it, it was quiet all around. The citizens didn't know how powerful it was. Have soldiers heard about Commander An's divine power? Does she want to die?

"Commander An, Commander An?" Yu Xiaoli repeated a sentence stupidly. Apparently, she had heard of Commander An's name. She immediately shouted in disbelief, "How could it be! How could she be Commander An! She is..."

The voice did not fall, and tranquility once again slapped him with an invisible slap, and his eyes narrowed dangerously.

Guo Feng on one side narrowed his eyes at this time and went up to Anning and said, "Commander An, I know this person. Can you talk to her for a second?"

When Guo Feng and Anning were together, he went to the hospice unit to find her and met Tai Xiaoli. At that time, he was also very disgusted with Yu Xiaoli. He often listened to Anning's complaints and talked about Yu Xiaoli's evil deeds. When he saw Yu Xiaoli, Guo Feng's mind was also active.

He was not willing to give way in peace. He immediately said coldly, "Captain Guo, there is no need to say more. This woman will die today."

"What hatred does she have against Commander An?" Guo Feng is aggressive and looks straight at peace.

Yu Xiaoli, lying on the ground with blood stains on her face, roared, "Peace, don't bully people too much, you know..."

There was a strong wind and a peaceful body shot fast. A bright red Tang Dao appeared in his hand at some time. Seeing this, Guo Feng quickly stepped forward to resist. As soon as the long Dao in his hand came out, it was instantly cut off by a peaceful, iron like Tang Dao. The blade stabbed Xiaoli's throat. The corner of her lips moved slightly, "I'm sorry."

Yu Xiaoli died with open eyes.

Guo Feng, squinting his eyes.