
Met Lu captain a line of people

Li Hang controls the drone, maintaining a distance of 2 kilometers, looking down from a high altitude.

Suddenly, Li Hang saw a village street in front of him. It looked like someone was above the government building!

Pull the drone down slowly, and the drone makes a whine sound.

It also attracted this man upstairs, who saw the drone, panicked, and threw a rock at it.

But at some height, the man threw several rocks without hitting the drone.

Big brother, there are people in the village street ahead. It's just over by the government House. Look." Li said, pointing to the control screen in his hand.

Although they could not see the specific face of this person clearly, the actions of this person all told them that this was a real person!

Li Yu looked intently, wondering in his heart, they have also come many times around this, go up and have a look.

Make up his mind, Li Yu took out the walkie-talkie and said to Li Tie: "Iron son, will stop there in Pei Township government building, we see someone on the drone side."

"Someone? Okay, I'll stop later." Li Tie replied.

The man on the roof, after hitting the drone in vain, immediately ran off the roof.

"Team Lu, there's a drone on the roof, pointing at us all the time." "Said the man.

"Drones?" Captain Lu frowns, this is a year after the outbreak of the last days, but also can use drones such things?

Who the hell is that? They are not allowed to escape from the danger of zombies, and finally let them find a safer place, that is, the government building.

And now someone?

Captain Lu has a pain in his head.

At this time, the old Xie who was on guard at the gate also ran over to Captain Lu and said: "There is a team at the gate."

Lu captain smell speech, eyes fixed: "Call everyone, take the weapon."

At a time like this, they come in here, they spy with drones, they don't know if it's friend or foe, but either way, they have to be ready to fight.

Not waiting for captain Lu to go to the door, he saw Li Tie with a submachine gun coming toward him.

Li Yu is behind, standing on the bus looking at the house.

Suddenly see a familiar person, Captain Lu?

In fact, he has been for this captain Lu, the impression is better.

When he went after the refugees, he wanted to kill them, and they exposed the location of their base.

He worked hard, carefully, just this once, by these refugees to know, so many refugees, will certainly spread.

Although it is inevitable that the location of the base will be exposed, it is necessary to hide as much as possible.

When he came to Tahrir City and did not kill all the refugees, he did not simply kill all the people in Tahrir City, it was because he still had some conscience.

Liberation City must take in these refugees, he also wanted to see how the liberation city would die!

"Captain Lu? Long time no see." Li Yu said with a smile and some friendliness.

Lu captain to the front, facing the Li Tie points his head, is to say hello, then hear the voice of Li Yu.

Look up, from the bottom up to see Li Yuzheng a friendly face looking at him.

Captain Lu's expression was somewhat complex, some ashamed, some remorseful, and in these two emotions, there was a trace of joy.

He regretted that Li Yu had given them a reminder and did not pay attention to what Li Yu said.

And also took these refugees in, although the main reason is because of the director Zhang, but in the end the liberation of the city directly collapsed, become like this.

At that time, it should have been more firm and strongly opposed to the refugees joining the Liberation City.

There is no regret medicine in the world, and Director Zhang has paid the price of his life for what he has done.

To be a good man, in these last days, sometimes so cruel, the fastest death.

"Li, long time no see" Lu captain want to say before Li Yu said, you can join them, now also promise.

But what happened in Tahrir slapped him in the face.

Li Yu had already reminded him.

Finally, it is self-inflicted, standing in Li Yu's point of view, looking at the liberation city.

Imagine that Li Yu wants to solve the refugees, liberate the city to stop, and shelter. Li Yu kindly reminded them, did not pay attention to.

Now they're running like dogs, and now they're hoping somebody will take them in.

Captain Lu thought of the recent death of these people, especially with their own close, escaped from the liberation of the city of these people, face what, suddenly are not important.

Thinking before Li Yu had also expressed some goodwill to him, so I thought maybe Li Yu could let him join.

So he said, "Mr. Li, can we join you?"

Get straight to the point and say what you want to say the first time.

Li Yu Wen speech, some surprised to look at captain Lu, he did not expect captain Lu's idea so direct, and change particularly fast.

"You liberated the city? What's the matter now?" Li Yu did not answer him at the first time, but asked him about the liberation city.

Heard Li Yu did not answer directly, Captain Lu some lost, heard Li Yu's inquiry, some sad back: "Liberation city is gone, did not listen to your opinion, should not put those refugees in." When the displaced people arrived, the conflict was further aggravated and riots broke out."

"And the others? Where is Director Zhang?" Li Yu asked.

"Director Zhang was knocked unconscious by a brick, and later did not get timely treatment and died." The rest of the people, too, were scattered, probably running to various places." Captain Lu the whole person as if by a hammer, heavy hammer off the spine, the whole person as if a short cut.

Li Hang heard it in the back, the expression was a little sedate, the face was happy, the original killed those refugees, there were not so many bad things.

Not only did they prevent them from solving these refugees, they also ignored the warnings they were given.

Oh, it serves you right.

Li Tie, Li Gang and others also sighed after hearing, they did not expect these refugees, even the liberation of the city to play collapsed, which is equivalent to the last straw that crushed the camel.

Li Yu heard Captain Lu, expressionless, did not express schadenfreude, did not show sympathy.

What you do, how you do it, you need to bear all the consequences.

Li Yu see the captain Lu in front of him, he was very appreciative before, ability is enough, is some have no opinion.

Liberation of the city of refugees, the original captain Lu also feel do not put in, but he did not insist.

What a pity.

As for whether to let him join the base, Li Yu fell into meditation, for the moment, they have to go out to find a military base, it is important, at present absolutely can not let them know, second, captain Lu is now around, there are four or five looks like their family, is not convenient.

It is not possible for them to join at the moment, but it is possible to change the way that there is a need for some people outside the base.

Li Yu pondered for a while and said, "Well, now, you first as our extracurricular team, you encounter problems, we try to help you solve, if other forces come, we will protect you."

What about you guys? Look around for us, and keep us posted.

This is how it is arranged, is that how you like it?"