
The Shang Family's Territory!

General Yang and his family have been traveling for three days without any disturbances. The scenery had changed many times from forest with tall trees to wide planes of grass to large mountains. The carriage they were in currently was passing through what is called the Rocky Mountains.

General Yang was eagerly looking outside the window of the carriage the entire time. It had been almost forever since he had witnessed the sights of Mortal World. Although in the Heavens Realm, even a road side pebble was as beautiful as pearls, the simple forests and grasslands had a beauty of their own. Soon, the carriage exited the Rocky Mountains and below these mountains was a sight that took General Yang's breath.

Below the Rocky Mountains was a very large forest whose soil couldn't even be seen faintly at a height. Further away from the lush forest was what could be called a fairly big town. The most surprising thing about this town was that every single individual was wearing an armor of sorts and carrying weapons like swords, bows, spears etc.

Another peculiar thing about this town was that it had no walls or guards stationed at the entrance. Everyone was moving around with discipline, backs straight, eyes sharp and body tensed ready to be deployed into battle. The ground of the city was not hardened like in the capital. It was simply dirt and soil.

"Gappa, why doesn't this city have any walls?" General Yang asked curiously while looking at his grandfather and pointing at the city.

"This city is our Shang Family's territory and the reason it doesn't have any walls or guards is because every man, woman and child in it is a fighter. Except animals, no human dares to even look at this city with evil intentions" General Hu introduced the city to his grandson proudly but internally he was relieved and surprised. It was only three days and his grandson was back to his usual self and didn't look like a kid who had gone through a traumatic experience. His eyes shined with never ending curiosity and his body was always moving.

General Yang's eyes brightened as he felt a deep sense of familiarity with this city and he already started liking it. The majority of his life he had spent in the Heavenly Army. The previous three years had been uncomfortable for him and if it wasn't for the presence of his mother, sister and cousin, he would've gone nuts. He wasn't one to like luxurious lifestyles.

The carriage descended the mountain and went through the lush forest. Before long, the carriage came to the city's entrance.

The citizens were going on with their daily when those who were close to the entrance noticed the ground shaking and heard the sound of hoofs. The immediately turned their attention towards the entrance and noticed a black colored carriage drawn by four red colored buff horses. Everyone knew who this carriage belonged.

"ATTENTION!" one man roared and his voice reached out very far. The citizens who were sitting stood up abruptly and those already standing lifted their right leg and slammed it back on the ground.


Miraculously, every single person lifted their leg at the same time and slammed it back down at the same time as well. A large sound resounded throughout the town and dust flew up from the ground. This large sound was like a gigantic explosion and it didn't seem one bit like the sound coming from the legs of more than hundred people.

"ASSEMBLE! THE GENERAL HAS RETURNED!" the same man once again roared once again and as if on steroids, each man, woman and child ran towards the entrance of the Village and lined up in two rows while leaving a space large enough for a carriage to pass through.

Every single person saluted after they lined up and the carriage, which was moving at breakneck speeds slowed down. The carriage slowly moved in the space and a small head had come out of the carriage looking at everyone with curiously but more than that, satisfaction.

The older men and women had no change in expression but the younger had some albeit faint. They looked with the small head of a child coming from the carriage of their great General Hu.

Soon the carriage came to stop in front of three middle aged men wearing an armor that differed from the rest. Each of them had scars on their faces and eyes were battle hardened. Their pose was remarkable and they seemed to be three unmoving mountains. They expression was solemn and serious.

The door towards the carriage opened and the first person to step down was General Hu. When everyone saw him, their hearts started beating furiously in excitement as well as vigor. It was as if a single word from General Hu and they would be ready to go into the battle without care of their lives.

"Welcome back from your journey General" One of the middle aged men standing between the other two saluted and spoke in a respected tone. General Hu nodded at them and looked back into the carriage.

The second person to step down was a young lady with a mature aura. She was wearing a simple dress but that didn't hinder her elegant and noble aura one bit. This lady was the previous Queen and General Hu's daughter, Shang Xu.

"It's been a long time" Shang Xu said with a smile but after seeing no change in the expression of the three middle aged men's faces, her eyes became melancholic and she stepped away from the carriage door.

The two middle aged men on the side stepped forward and went towards the entrance of carriage. When they say a young black haired girl in a wheel chair, boundless killing intent emanated from them. Every single person except the third middle aged man and General Hu become frightened and their bodies trembled. They turned and looked at the young lady with anger before turning back and helping the young girl out of the carriage.

When the remaining middle aged man looked at the girl, an even greater killing intent came from his body which immediately made the weaker willed citizens faint from fright while rest dropped their salute. This killing intent was directed at the young lady. General Hu didn't stop the middle aged man and closed his eyes silently.

The young lady's body also shook in fear as she clenched her fist. It was unbearable for her and her breathing was almost hindered-


-almost since suddenly, a small child jumped out of the carriage and landed in front of the young lady who suddenly felt the suffocation vanish into thin air. The three middle aged men looked in surprise at the young boy. They weren't surprised at the young boy's appearance but rather after he appeared, all the killing intent they were releasing simply vanished as if it was afraid of the little boy.

"It nice seeing you again after such a long time Uncle Sai, Uncle Chen, Uncle Ye" the young girl in the wheelchair greeted the three middle aged men with a happy smile on her face.

"It's lovely to see you again as well Little Shu"

"How've you been?"

The two middle aged men who had helped her smiled and retuned her greetings. The third middle aged man noticed the state of everyone else and decided,

"You all must be tired, let's return" he said and then escorted them, while walking a step behind General Hu. Everyone else sighed in relief and moved to help the other who had fallen unconscious.

They moved towards the inner parts of the town where a large house was standing. In front of the house were quite a few people already standing to welcome them.

Everyone entered the large house and came to the living room. Shang Shuan's wheelchair was being pushed by one of the three middle aged men which made everyone else curious. All three middle aged men were of the top standing within the town and for them to push the wheelchair of a young girl, it didn't take a genius to know that the young girl either had a very special background or she had a special standing in the middle aged man's heart.

"Esteemed Grandfather, how was your journey?" after everyone settled, one of the middle aged men asked while although change the way he addressed, he still spoke respectfully while serving his grandfather, General Hu a cup of water.

"It was good" General Hu simply replied. The middle aged man turned towards the young girl in wheelchair before looking at the young lady with narrowed eyes.

"How did this happen to my niece?" everyone noticed the anger behind those words. The young lady looked at the middle aged man and she didn't have the courage to speak.

"Uncle Yan, it isn't Mother's fault, don't blame her" the young girl in wheelchair spoke up for her mother.

"Brother Yan, they have come from the Capital and it had been a long journey for them. Don't ask such questions now" the middle aged man who had pushed the young girl's wheelchair said. Although he too was angry, he knew how to handle such situations.

"humph!" the middle aged man called Uncle Yan snorted and dropped the matter.

"So, whose the little guy?" the middle aged man asked with curiosity. Shang Gu, came towards General Yang and picked him up playfully.

"My dear Uncle Ming, this is our little Angel Yang" hearing Shang Gu, the three middle aged men looked towards the young lady and then back at the little boy.

"At least he has the Shang Family bloodline dominant in him" Uncle Yan said but everyone could notice the happiness in his voice.

"Esteemed Grandfather, was his Bone inspected?" the middle aged man who was silent all along, Uncle Sai asked General Hu curiously.

"Yes, he has a Tier 6 Bone" General Hu answered with a serious expression. His other grandchildren were around as well and he didn't want to show favoritism and make them sad.

"Finally, our family has another Peak Intermediate Tier talent and if it weren't for someone's unwillingness, we would have had an Advanced Tier talent as well" Uncle Yan was relieved but the next second his mood turned sour. He knew about his niece's talent but looking at her state now, she wasn't apt to be trained.

General Hu raised his eyebrows at Uncle Yan's words, "What do you mean by another Peak Intermediate Tier?"

Uncle Ming decided to answer instead, "When you were gone Esteemed Grandfather, we held the Bone Inspection ceremony and Brother Yan's son turned out to have a Tier 6 Bone"

General Hu beamed at the sudden revelation. Although everyone in Shang Family was a trained fighter, their future prospects were defined by the Bone Tier they had. With just the right nurturing, a child with Tier 6 Bone could become a core powerhouse of their family.

"Tomorrow we are going to hold the Blood Baptism Ceremony" Uncle Yan informed. After that, Uncle Yan, Uncle Ming and Uncle Sai returned to their work while General Hu, Shang Xu, Shang Shuan, Shang Gu and General Yang went to their room to rest. This whole time, General Yang was silent and he was looking around the large house.

The large house was made form stone and wood. It had many rooms and it seemed that his direct family all lived here. At the side, there were three ladies sitting silently and they had small children in their arms.

He liked the atmosphere inside the house. A family living in the same house as well eating together was a rare thing. He also noticed that his Uncles were peaceful and didn't look like men who were greedy for power. The three ladies, who he imagined to be their wives, also seemed good natured at first sight.

General Yang followed his mother along with his sister and cousin as they were led to a room by one of the three ladies.

"Here, this room was reserved for you and your family. We had already cleaned it so you guys could do anything you want without worries" the lady informed them with a smile. She had long light brown hair tied in a French braid. She was fairly tall and General Yang could even see a very faint outline of muscles on her arms. She looked to be warrior rather than a housewife.

"Thank you for everything Sister Jessica" the young lady bowed. Sister Jessica hurriedly grabbed her shoulders and smiled at her.

"This is what sisters are for. You should rest today, because tomorrow me and the others are going to have a long and deep discussion about how you maintain your skin" Sister Jessica smirked and then walked away. The Young Lady smiled but it looked to be a sad smile. Shang Xu was feeling extremely guilty inside as she recalled her past.

They entered the room and took a bath before going to sleep. General Yang was excited and he couldn't fall asleep for a long time since he was eagerly waiting for tomorrow.


Author's Note:

Another chapter as well as the end of the Rebirth arc.

You guys must've noticed i used a western name. This novel wont be purely Xiaxnia and Wuxia so i will use names from other part of the world as well.