
The Betrayal

In the Heavenly Realm, where all kinds of Heavenly Deities live their daily lives, a shocking event had just taken place.

In front of the Imperial Jade Palace, where the Jade Emperor, the Ruler of the Heavenly Realm resides, a great crowd was gathered. The main subjects of the crowd were the Jade Emperor who was standing in front of her Daughter, The River Goddess and beside her was standing a Colonel of the Heavenly Army, Song Baoshen.

The Jade Emperor was confronting the General of the Heavenly Army, General Yang. The General Yang was a tall man, with long white hair tied to pony tail. He had sword like eyebrows, a defined jaw and a pointed nose. The General had an eye patch on his left eye and he was wearing a golden armor and his entire being was exuding heroic aura.

"General Yang, what is the meaning of this?" The Jade Emperor asked in a severe tone. Just a few moments ago, he had heard his daughter; the River Goddess's scream which alerted him. When he came to the scene, he saw Song Baoshen, a Colonel of the Heavenly Army standing in front of his daughter, with his sword drawn and standing opposite to the General of the Heavenly Army.

"Your Ma-"

"Esteemed Father, serve justice for me. That man had barged into my room and was forcing himself upon me, and if it weren't for Colonel Baoshen, I wouldn't have been pure anymore"

General Yang opened his mouth to answer the Jade Emperor's question but he was interrupted by the River Goddess. Hearing the River Goddess's words, the Jade Emperor was incensed and he looked at the General furiously, ignoring the fact that his daughter had just called someone by their name.

"Let me explain Your Majesty-"

"No, you don't need any explaining General Yang. You were my most trusted and loyal subject and if you had asked for my daughter's hand, I would've given her to you and showered you both with my blessings but you dare to lay your hands on my daughter with malicious intentions?"

"I, the Jade Emperor of the Heavenly Realm, Ruler of the entire World, herby strip you of the Honorable Title as the General of my Heavenly Army which you have sullied and hereby sentence you to eternal life in the lowest rungs of the Hell"

The Jade Emperor's voice resounded throughout the Heavenly Realm, leaving every single soul in it completely shocked. General Yang was one of the most powerful Deity in the Heavenly Realm and for him to be given such a punishment, the matter was not as it seemed at all.

General Yang himself was appalled. He had been utterly loyal to the Jade Emperor and went through mountains of swords and rivers of blood just for him. Such a punishment, without even listening to his side of the story even once was shocking.

General Yang looked at the Jade Emperor blankly before suddenly his eyes fell upon an old man in golden robes standing behind the Jade Emperor. He looked towards the young man beside the River Goddess before his gaze rested on the Goddess herself.

Suddenly realization dawned on General Yang. He recognized the old man in golden robes as he was the Imperial Adviser and before being an Imperial Adviser, he was the father of the young man beside the Goddess of River Song Baoshen, Song Baishen. The Imperial Adviser was also one of the most trusted aides of the Jade Emperor even more so than himself.

"I see, I see, now I finally realize what this all is about. To think I was such a fool to go through thick and thin just for you" General Yang spoke in a desolate tone as he gazed at the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor furrowed his brows when he heard General Yang's words. His heart lurched as a bad premonition appeared in his heart.

The Jade Emperor suddenly moved without warning and as if he had teleported, he appeared in front of General Yang and sent out his palm towards his naval. General Yang easily noticed the Jade Emperor's movements. For others it may have been as if he had teleported, but he merely moved with great speed, faster than anyone's eyes could perceive but not General Yang.

"Humph! First you keep me close and now that I have become a threat, you simply want to throw me away, don't be delusional Ex-Imperial Adviser" General Yang snorted and he also sent out his palm towards the Jade Emperor. When the Jade Emperor heard General Yang's words, his heart trembled as he looked at General Yang in utter shock.


General Yang and the Jade Emperor's palms met. Space itself seemed to distort as they clashed but it wasn't clear who was came out on top in the clash.

General Yang and the Jade Emperor both retreated a few steps. The Jade Emperor steeled his heart and killing intent appeared in his eyes. He no longer had the intention of merely sealing General Yang's Cultivation but killing him since somehow General Yang managed to discover his darkest secret that only one other person knew.

The Imperial Adviser was also shocked internally when he heard General Yang's word. His mind immediately started working as did what he does best, scheme.

"Yang Tai, you dare attack His Majesty, your punishment shall be your soul's annihilation" The Imperial Adviser bellowed out. The entire Heavenly Army heard his words and unsheathed their swords. Their sole duty is to carry justice for the Jade Emperor, and General Yang attacked the Jade Emperor means that he had committed a great crime and needed to be eliminated.


Every single Heavenly Soldier released their battle intent and charged towards General Yang. Their might was unparalleled as all the hearts of other Deities shook in fear. General Yang looked at the Heavenly Army with fearless eyes. Who was he? HE was the one who lead this very army. He readied himself and brought up his defenses against the clash against the power of the entire Heavenly Army-


-before a sudden change took place. A scream suddenly rang out and the entire Heavenly Army stopped and looked towards the origin of it and so did everyone else. When everyone saw who screamed, they were shocked once again.

The Goddess of River was staring blankly at her secret lover's father, her father's most loyal subject, Song Baishen. Even Song Baoshen himself was looking blankly at his father and what he had just done.

Song Baishen was standing infront of the River Goddess, holding a spear which was stabbed into her chest. The Imperial Adviser had a calm smile on his face as if her life and death didn't even bother.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING BAISHEN?" The Jade Emperor was also looking at the scene and he screamed in anger. His most precious daughter was murdered by his very own best friend.

"F-father?" Song Baoshen was shocked. The girl, that he had fallen in love ever since he saw her for the first time, was now standing there with her heart pierced by his very own father.

"You foolish son, I told you not interfere until General Yang and this useless whore did the deed but you had to become impulsive and destroyed my ultimate plan" The Imperial Adviser looked towards his son and reprimanded, not minding everyone else, especially the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor was infuriated and once again bellowed, "ANSWER ME, WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?"

The Imperial Adviser finally turned towards the Jade Emperor and gave him attention, "oh, its nothing much, just disposing of your useless whore of a daughter" The Imperial Adviser calmly replied.

The Jade Emperor become extremely furious, more than he was at General Yang, and attacked the Imperial Adviser. The entire Heavenly Realm trembled as the Jade Emperor's fist turned Bright Red as he appeared in front of the Imperial Adviser and punched him in the chest.

The Imperial Adviser looked calmly at the Jade Emperor's ferocious strike and held a strange rectangular piece of wood in front of the Jade Emperor's fist. The wooden piece was strange because of the strange markings on it. The fist and the wooden of a strange material clashed.

The rectangular piece didn't even pose any resistance and broke under the Jade Emperor's fist. General Yang, who was watching from the side lines, furrowed his eyebrows when he saw the Imperial Adviser's strange actions as he couldn't figure out the reason but the next moment, the reason revealed it itself to him and everyone present.

When the wooden piece broke, a very strong force was released from within the wooden piece which even managed to not only repel the Jade Emperor, the ruler of the Heavenly Realm himself, but it also created a crack in the very space and what came from within made everyone's heart shudder in fear.
