
Rebirth of the Global Banker

When 39-year-old financial genius Ethan Blake is tragically killed in a car accident, he finds himself reborn in a fantastical world as an 18-year-old with a second chance at life. In this new realm of magic and mystery, Ethan unlocks an extraordinary cheat code: the Global Bank, a powerful system that grants him unparalleled financial prowess and magical abilities. Ethan's path crosses with Princess Seraphina, the third princess of the wealthiest family in the kingdom. At 16, Seraphina's life has been far from a fairy tale. Used as a pawn in her father's schemes to expand his empire, she dreams of freedom and true love. Ethan and Seraphina's worlds collide as they form an unlikely alliance, determined to defy the odds and take control of their destinies. As Ethan navigates his new life, mastering the Global Bank's capabilities, he must protect Seraphina from her father's ruthless ambitions while unraveling the secrets of this fantastical world. Together, they will challenge the established order, fight for justice, and perhaps, discover a love that transcends worlds.

LJDRLwanen · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Banking on the Unexpected

*Year ???, ??? ???*

*System Code Activate: Global Banker*

*System Message: HUD Bar Opening*

*System Message: Welcome, Ethan. How can I assist you?*

Ethan squinted at the shimmering interface that floated before his eyes, its light tracing his every glance. "This looks straight out of a video game," he mused, inspecting the HUD bar. "Global Banker… Wait a second—is this the app I designed back on Earth? If it works the same way, I might have stumbled upon the ultimate cheat code!" A mischievous grin crept across his face as the possibilities dawned on him. "Let's put this to the test… Hey, Global Banker, what's your deal here? What can I do with you?"

*System Message: New message*

*System Message: I am here to assist you, Master Ethan. As my creator, you have been granted my services by the gods of this world. All systems you integrated into me in your previous world are now implemented here. I manage your virtual bank account, enabling you to teleport funds into this realm. Additionally, you have an infinite storage inventory. How may I assist you further, Master?*

Ethan's eyes widened in awe. "So, this really is my Global Banker app! I need to buy that god a drink for hooking me up with this. Okay, how much gold do I have in my account right now?"

*System Message: New message*

*System Message: Calculating your starting balance… In your former world, you had saved $450,000 for a new house. Adjusting for value differences, this converts to 1,341,000 Gilla in this world.*

Ethan's jaw dropped as he stumbled back, losing his balance. "I'm a millionaire? In a fantasy world? Just… wow." He staggered to his feet, still processing the shock. "I just hope that's a lot of money here."

*System Message: New message*

*System Message: Would you like to activate a Human NPC as your guide?*

A new prompt appeared before Ethan. "Yes, I would lo—" Before he could finish, a flash of light burst forth, materializing into a woman with alabaster skin and long, flowing white hair. She stood elegantly, hands clasped behind her back, her expression serene.

"Greetings, Master. I am Gaia, your assistant. I will manage all your Global Banker needs. Feel free to request my assistance anytime." She smiled, her eyes sparkling like moonlight on water.

Ethan blinked, momentarily speechless. "Uh, hi Gaia. So, you're my personal banker and guide? Wow, they really thought of everything."

Gaia inclined her head. "Indeed, Master Ethan. Would you like a tour of your new financial kingdom or perhaps an overview of the local economy?"

Ethan chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "Well, first things first, how do I start making more Gilla? A million might seem like a lot, but I've got big plans."

Gaia's lips twitched into a playful smile. "Master Ethan, with your knowledge and my support, the sky's the limit. Let's turn that Gilla into a fortune that legends are made of."

Ethan's grin widened. "Let's do it. Time to show this world what modern banking can do!"

*Year ???, ??? ???*

As Ethan and Gaia navigated the dense forest, the sunlight filtering through the canopy cast dappled shadows on the ground. The air was crisp, carrying the earthy scent of pine and wildflowers. Ethan's curiosity about this new world grew with each step.

"So, Gaia," Ethan began, "tell me more about this world. What's the economy like? I'm guessing it's not exactly like Wall Street."

Gaia walked beside him, her ethereal presence blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings. "This world, Teralis, operates on a mix of traditional and magical economies. Gold, known here as Gilla, is the primary currency, but magical resources like Mana Crystals and Enchanted Gems hold significant value too."

Ethan's interest piqued. "Magical resources, huh? I suppose those are used for spells and enchanting items?"

Gaia nodded, her hair shimmering like silk in the sunlight. "Precisely. Mana Crystals power spells and magical devices, while Enchanted Gems are used to enhance weapons, armor, and other artifacts. They're highly sought after, especially by adventurers and craftsmen."

Ethan's mind raced with possibilities. "And how does the Global Banker integrate with all this? Can I trade these resources through the system?"

Gaia smiled, her expression tinged with amusement. "Yes, Master Ethan. The Global Banker system allows you to store, trade, and invest in these magical resources. You can convert Gilla into Mana Crystals or Enchanted Gems and vice versa. The system also provides real-time market data on their values, enabling you to make informed trades."

Ethan's eyes lit up. "That's incredible! It's like having a magical stock market at my fingertips."

Gaia's laughter was soft, almost musical. "In a way, yes. Though be cautious—market values can fluctuate wildly based on local events, magical phenomena, and even political unrest."

Ethan nodded, absorbing the information. "Got it. So, how do I avoid getting scammed or making bad investments?"

Gaia's gaze was steady, her tone reassuring. "I'm here to guide you, Master Ethan. I'll provide insights into market trends and advise you on potential investments. Together, we'll build your wealth strategically."

Ethan grinned, feeling a sense of camaraderie with his ethereal assistant. "Alright, Gaia. Let's start small. What's the first step to making a profit in this world?"

Gaia's eyes sparkled mischievously. "First, we need to reach a village. From there, we can gather information, identify local needs, and explore investment opportunities. Luckily, there's a small village not far from here—Havenwood."

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Havenwood, huh? Sounds quaint. Lead the way."

As they walked, Ethan couldn't help but be curious about Gaia herself. "So, Gaia, tell me about you. What's it like being a virtual assistant in a fantasy world?"

Gaia's smile was enigmatic. "I was designed to assist you, Master Ethan. My purpose is to ensure your success, both financially and in navigating this world. I adapt to your needs and preferences."

Ethan chuckled. "Adapting to my needs, huh? Can you handle my sense of humor? I've been known to make a few adult jokes now and then."

Gaia's eyes twinkled with amusement. "I am programmed to understand and respond to all forms of humor, Master Ethan. Even the more… mature varieties."

Ethan laughed, feeling more at ease. "Good to know. So, if I crack a joke about a wizard's staff being his 'magic stick,' you won't be offended?"

Gaia's lips curved into a playful smile. "I assure you, Master Ethan, I will not be offended. In fact, I might even laugh."

Ethan shook his head, grinning. "This is going to be fun. I've got my very own magical financial advisor with a sense of humor. What more could I ask for?"

Gaia's expression softened. "Only your success and happiness, Master Ethan. That's my primary goal."

Ethan's heart warmed at her words. "Thanks, Gaia. That means a lot."

The journey through the forest continued, with Gaia pointing out various plants and animals, explaining their uses and magical properties. Ethan marveled at the vibrant colors and strange creatures, his mind buzzing with the potential applications for these resources.

As they neared the edge of the forest, the trees began to thin, and the distant sounds of village life reached their ears. Ethan's pulse quickened with anticipation. The path opened up to a picturesque view of Havenwood, a quaint village nestled in a valley surrounded by rolling hills.

Havenwood was a bustling hub of activity, with cobblestone streets winding between timber-framed houses adorned with flowering vines. Market stalls lined the village square, vendors calling out their wares, and the scent of fresh bread and herbs filled the air. The village was alive with the hum of conversation and the clatter of hooves on stone.

Ethan took a deep breath, savoring the moment. "This is it, Gaia. Our first real step into this world. Let's see what Havenwood has to offer."

Gaia's eyes gleamed with anticipation. "Indeed, Master Ethan. Let's explore the marketplace and gather information. There's much to learn and even more to gain."

*Year: 18900, Day: Monday, Location: Havenwood*