
Talk with lita

In the afternoon, Qabel and Queen were busy taking care of the tent that would be their home tonight. They both looked excited when they discovered their father had allowed them to stay with Lily.

Edwards couldn't help but smile a little when he saw his active children. They were praying. Pray that God doesn't take Edwards and doesn't take their loved ones first. Edwards was quite happy to see his two children, who were so adorable.

"Here's some hot tea for you." Lita brought warm tea. Earlier she had gone to help Violet and Daniel find a hotel. Now she has returned and saw Edwards, who was very happy to see his children's activities.

"You look happy," Lita said again.

"I'm quite happy because it turns out that life doesn't stop when my wife dies. Life goes on watching my kids grow up, and it's so adorable. They say their first prayer." Edwards took a sip of the hot tea that Lita had given him—hearing that, Lita just smiled and felt happy.

"You are a good father. They will be pleased to have you. Your father and mother to them, just look at how they are very obedient to you and rarely do unnecessary things. They know they can always be with you when they grow up." Lita said to tell.

"Telling about it later, I wonder how their life will be in the future. I'm sure they will be swamped, but I will continue to be by their side wherever they want to live. I will continue to follow them." Edwards said a little protectively.

"Yeah? Are you sure you're going to follow your kids all the time? How can you follow them when they're grown up? Gosh!" Lita shook her head several times, not knowing that Edwards would be so protective of his children.

"I don't want them to grow up quickly and forget about me. Especially my Queen, my daughter is wonderful for sure. I can't imagine what if a lot of men approached her. Gosh.. my head is spinning just thinking about things like that." Edwards said earnestly that he did get a little dizzy when he thought about his daughter when she grew up. He couldn't imagine his daughter was so beautiful, and many men would try to approach her and ruin her sweet and kind child.

Lita just smiled a little. She knew very well that the relationship between father and daughter was sacred. Even if the father and mother divorce or the mother die, the relationship between the child and her father will never end. Even though a daughter has many brothers, a father figure will not be replaced for her. The father-daughter relationship can be very bad or perfect, depending on how the father carries out his role as a parent. And Edwards loves his daughter very much. Lita is sure they will stay close until Queen grows up.

"I understand how you feel. As a father, For a daughter, the father is the first man she meets in her life, maybe even the little girl's first love. What her father does, how she does it, her behavior towards family, and all the little things. What she does affects the mindset of her daughters. Daughters admire their fathers for everything he does and even begins to dream of marrying someone like their father. Or at least have half the goodness that fathers have.

And I know very well that a father's instinct is to protect his daughter in particular. No one else can match it. Father makes his daughter feel safe. No one will dare to do evil or mischief to a daughter if the beloved father is nearby. Daughters are the most special people in a father's heart, more than his wife, son, and even his parents. Fathers will always care more and love their daughters.

Father will ensure that his little daughter will never be hurt by anything. He will also do his best to fight anyone who makes his daughter sad. But you should also know, Edwards, that girls have a lot of love and affection in their hearts. She will always care for and love everyone around her. And above all, the little girls will try to make their father proud in every way possible because the smile a father gives his daughter will be precious and make her happy.

There comes a time, too. You and Queen will have different opinions. You have to be patient with a girl who is just growing up. She will start to fall in love with a man. And you have to be the first to be happy about it, allow it. You just need to tell what you can do when you have a lover, or you can tell Queen to introduce the guy to you. If Queen is more open to you, she will understand better than if she has problems later. She will always tell her father everything." Lita said at length.

And Edward agrees with everything Lita said. The man understands how his children will behave when they grow up to become adults. They will try many new things, and Edwards has to prepare mentally well to control his children's activities properly.

"Do I need to increase the number of maids and bodyguards?" Edwards asked again.

"That's fine, but tell the guards to guard against a distance. Don't get too close; don't be too tight on them later. Tell them what they can and can't do. I am also allowed to prepare all the necessities, but for things- big things. If it's just taking drinks and food, they have to be able to do it themselves. Especially, Queen, she's a woman. There are times when you give her time to teach her to go into the kitchen and introduce ingredients, even though she doesn't have to be able to cook. But at least she can make hot coffee, Or hot tea. Or sweet treats for her lover one day. So that her lover can love her more." Once again, Lita's words made Edwards nod.

"Now I understand why a mother figure is needed for the growth and development of children. Because at this age, my children need a mother who understands and accepts them well. Lita? Do you want to be their mother? My two children?" Edwards immediately looked at Lita. The woman just smiled a little and immediately shook her head slowly.

"You not only have to find a mother figure for your two children Edwards but a wife and woman who can love and care for you too. But the point is, I can't be both of those things for you. I could be their mother. Maybe now I have become their mother indirectly. But I don't want to be your woman because I know. I won't be able to serve you who haven't been able to forget Choon-hee. So instead of getting hurt, I'd better reject you now." Lita's words made Edwards laugh.

They both look like friends. Lita knows what Edwards needs. She also realized that their friendship was only limited to that, nothing more. That's why Lita has never put her heart on Edwards. She was just busy in her world, to be precise. She can't fall in love and doesn't know how to love.

"About Zurich, are you still close to him? He has also lost Bella for a long time, and it seems he has moved on. He approached you a few times, right? I know when he started asking you a few times and told me that you are a sweet woman. He even asked if I would marry you. I just said to him, if you want. I certainly don't mind, but he said straight away that you wouldn't. And it's true. You don't. I think you two already have the same feelings." Edwards began to tease the woman beside him, seeing how Lita's movements, who were already smiling a little, made Edwards know. About what?

About Zurich and Lita's relationship, of course.

"You had sex with him? Just admit it, I'm not sure you and Zurich didn't do anything nice." Edwards asked again, and Lita immediately hit the man's arm.

"I'm just experimenting. He's fun. Instead of playing alone on my body, I'd rather play with a real man. I'm not you! Who sighs in the bathroom every night, calling Choon-Hee's name. What a strange man!" Lita joined in teasing Edwards, and the man just laughed.

"Well, it can't be helped. I have no lust for other women. In my brain, there is only the name Choon-Hee, so I play alone while watching the video I made with my wife first." Edward said shamelessly. Once again, Lita hit the strange man's arm.

"You are absolutely insane, and I'm sure when you do that. Choon-hee is giggling up there, seeing her husband's abstract behavior." Lita took another sip of her hot tea.

Edwards also did the same thing. They finally fell silent again while watching Qabel and Queen's activities.

Lita thought about Zurich. Indeed this woman has been close to Zurich for several years. But only as friends to sleep with, nothing more. Although maybe in the deepest of Lita's heart. She did a little bit about Zurich. Just a little.

Zurich, like Edwards, lost the woman he loved to death. But the difference is that the Zurich woman named Bella died because she was raped. Somehow Zurich felt at the time that he must have been completely crushed and his heart numb.