
Remember one thing..

Everything written here is only the author's idea and does not intend to bring down any religion or insult any religion. Only as a lesson for us as human beings. Thank you...


Qabel approached Edwards, who had just entered their tiny house. The others had already chosen to go to the hotel. They said that Edwards had allowed Qabel, Queen and Lily to stay together. Then they would come back later in the afternoon with Lily.

"Daddy, you're home? Do you want a drink? I'll make you some hot tea." Qabel hugged his father for a while, then kissed the cheek of the man who had always been by his side all this time.

Edwards, who was treated sweetly, was confused about what was wrong with his son today.

"What's wrong? Do you want something? Do you want a new toy? A new tutoring place? Or something? If you're good like this, you'll want something." Edwards chose to sit on the bench in the living room. Saw the Queen who had come to bring fruit.

"Daddy, can Lily stay here?" Compared to her big brother, who talks too much, Queen prefers to say everything straight away—looking into her father's eyes intently and thoroughly unblinking. Queen knows her father's weakness is in Queen's eyes because those eyes are very similar to Choon-Hee's eyes.

"What do you want until there is an overnight stay? Is there anything?" Edwards asked quietly. He took the fruit his daughter had brought her and chewed slowly.

"No events, Daddy... We miss the crowd. Is it okay? If we can't stay in this house, how about making a tent in front of the beach there? But guarded by bodyguards, we just want to have fun. It's been a long time since we've had fun, Daddy. How's that? Daddy agrees?" Queen looked forced. Her adorable eyes made Edwards couldn't help but nod.

"You can make a tent in front of the house, don't be too close to the beach. Daddy will tell the guards to look after you. Is there anything else you want to say?" Edwards asked with concern.

"There is," Qabel said. He looked at his father and smiled.

"What's that?" Edwards gently stroked his son's head, looking at Qabel and Queen, who was already staring at each other.

"This.." Qabel said, handing him a diamond ring which made Edwards instantly speechless.

(Diamond Ring In Asscher Shape. It is called Asscher because it was initially shaped by a diamond-cutting expert from the Netherlands, Joseph Asscher. The uniqueness of this model is in the corners, which give a classic feel to the diamond. The cut is antique and does not accentuate the impression of luxury.)

Edwards still remembers the words of a ring designer who then chose a ring for Choon-hee to wear at their wedding.

"Where did you get this from?" Edwards asked because he did not know and did not remember about his wife's wedding ring all this time.

"Aunt Lita said today is Mommy and Daddy's wedding day. She gave this so that the three of us could remember how beautiful Mommy was at the wedding at that time. This is a photo of Mommy and Daddy at the wedding. Mommy is so beautiful. I know why Daddy loves her so much to this day because there is no woman as beautiful as Mommy on her wedding day. Dad? Happy wedding day. Thank you for marrying Mommy and bringing us into this world." Qabel looked like he was about to cry, but he held it in. He hugged his father tightly.

Queen, who saw her father and brother hugging, could only sit while holding the diamond ring that her father was holding. "How beautiful, Daddy? I want this," said Queen.

"Sure, would you? We can make one that looks exactly like this, of course, to the size of your ring finger." Edwards said, after letting go of the hug from Qabel.

"Thank you. You make Daddy feel more alive." Edwards stroked his children's heads one by one. Then he hugged his two children again at the same time.

"Daddy... Aunt Lita told me that one day we could be together again. Is it true for me, Mommy, Daddy, Queen and the new siblings?" Asked Qabel, who didn't really understand Lita's words.

"Of course, when we are called by God later. We will gather in heaven, where your Mommy and Grandma are waiting for us. There, we will gather and be together." Edwards explained slowly. He let his children sit quietly beside him and looked into Edwards's eyes.

"Is there another life in heaven?" Queen looks so curious about what her father said.

"People say there is. There is another life." Edwards said quietly. He took a deep breath, then smiled again.

"Why did you say, Dad? Did Daddy not really understand?" Qabel was a little confused by his father's answer.

"Daddy's friend, he often said several times. A family that believes in God will be reunited in the afterlife. From this verse, it can be understood that a pious believer then his Faith and piety are followed by his descendants, then Allah will gather them in a place in heaven, and Allah will suffice their reward and enjoyment for their offspring. The pleasures that children and grandchildren obtain are like the rewards and pleasures given to their parents, and Allah will not reduce them. This verse suggests that a family consisting of a husband, wife, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren can gather to live in heaven later, as long as all of them believe and do good deeds.

Actually, Daddy doesn't understand the word Faith and does good deeds. Daddy only hears stories about what Daddy's friend said. But whatever it is, we must believe in one thing... God exists. God is always there and grants our requests. In this world, there are many kinds of religions, and those religions believe in the existence of God. the thing Daddy mentioned earlier is a verse from the Muslim holy book. They are people who really believe in the existence of their God. So, if you're having the wrong time. You're troubled, you're sad, and you're confused. Just pray to God, and ask with a sincere heart. Then God will answer our prayers." Edwards tried to explain simple things to his two children. (source: google)

Edwards did not teach his children about religion and all things about the Existence of God because Edwards did not want to be too restrictive for his children. They had the right to choose any religion. All religions teach good things, and Edwards believed it.

"If God can grant all our requests. Why did God take Mommy? Did Daddy take Mommy back when you prayed? If I pray now, Mommy will be returned?" Queen looked at her father. Edwards Immediately smiled a little.

This is why Edwards rarely discusses the existence of God because Edwards doesn't understand either. But at least so far, he has learned a little about the existence of God and Religion. Although it is not still perfect, maybe this learning can make the children understand a little.

"Look, son, when God takes something beautiful from our grasp, it doesn't mean God is punishing us, not loving us, or maybe not hearing our prayers. God wants to open your hands to receive something more beautiful. God take Mommy Because God knows. Mommy is a very good person. God loves Mommy more than us. That's why God is so sad. God wants to save Mommy from all pain. You know, right? Before Mommy died, she was seriously ill every day with Daddy. She always feels pain and endures the pain. God is sorry, God doesn't want Mommy to feel that pain any longer. That's why God lifted her pain and made her go to heaven, a more beautiful place.

Never be prejudiced toward God, who may indeed make us hurt and disappointed. But be kind to God so that we can accept whatever has happened to us so far. Maybe it was true. At first, Daddy was sad. Daddy hurts, Daddy wonders, why? The word why always haunts the mind. But after the year went by and the world looked better, that's when Daddy realised. God take Mommy, release the pain. And God gives you something more beautiful, both of you... You are both Daddy's children. Given by God as a substitute for Mommy. you understand?" Edwards asked with a smile that didn't fade at all.

"So? Could God have taken Daddy too? If Daddy is too kind and loved by God?" Queen with innocent eyes was about to cry.

"It could be that God took Daddy if Mommy was lonely there. But Daddy is sure, Not now. Because God knows better that at this time, Daddy's children need Daddy's presence more than Mommy, who might be happy with God right now, don't be afraid of death and loss, child, because those two things are things that we will feel. Loss is like a word that is always attached when we are together, so don't be afraid. Remember one thing... When God takes one thing we love, then God will give us many things That will make us happy and love us. Just remember that then you will be fine in living this life." Edwards kissed his daughter's forehead, who had nodded understandingly.

"God is perfect. God knows what we need. I will start praying and asking for many things." Queen babbled. Edwards just nodded.

"So Qabel can also ask God?" Qabel asked with eyes sparkling with pleasure.

"Ask God whatever you want. You can ask for it. God is good." Qabel and Queen nodded in understanding, they immediately closed their eyes, and the atmosphere was suddenly quiet.

Edwards was a little confused as to what the kids were doing, but Edwards didn't want to say anything. He just stood there waiting for his children to finish closing their eyes.