

The next day.

Edwards looked at his children one by one, who was currently playing on the beach. He just sat quietly on the beach, watching them, who were already very busy playing without thinking about anything else.

"Don't go too far, son! The waves carry you away!" Edwards Shouted at his son, who was now swimming and almost far.

"Daddy! Big brother swam far!" Queen deliberately complained about things that made Qabel couldn't help but swim to shore again.

Our two children ran to their father. They asked for cold drinks brought by the maid. "Daddy told you not to swim too far, son. The sea is dangerous if you want to swim very long. It's better to swim in the pool, Daddy has made his own pool, and you guys still love to be on the beach." Edwards said, slightly angry at his son, not really angry. It's just nice to say a little firmer.

"Yes, Daddy. I'm sorry, I know this is wrong." Qabel said. He put on the towel the maid brought and started to lay his back on the bench.

They saw the sky that afternoon which was very relaxed and peaceful. The colour of the evening sky was indeed beautiful. Queen only ate fruit and occasionally looked at her father, who was busy with his cell phone in hand. "Daddy, why can't I hold the phone?" asked Queen when she saw that her father was busy with some work.

"You're still small. When you're older, you can hold your cell phone. Let's go inside. You have to take a shower and clean up." Edwards said again, but they stopped when they heard the unmistakable sound of a helicopter.

When they looked up, it was confirmed that one of the helicopters was about to land on the coast. Edwards narrowed his eyes. He saw the Douglas company logo on the side of the helicopter. Who? Edwards thought, is his father coming? Maybe.

"Who's, Daddy?" Qabel asked his father.

"Looks like your Grandpa is coming," Edwards said, trying to guess that maybe it was his father.

The helicopter had landed perfectly, not far from where Edwards and his two children were currently standing.

And sure enough, when the helicopter doors opened. Edwards could see his father coming out wearing sunglasses that looked very brave. Then he also saw a beautiful woman in a purple dress. Edwards didn't know who the woman was. Did his father choose to remarry? Actually, Edwards didn't really mind it, but why did the face and shape of the woman who was holding his father's hand look familiar?

The two of them strolled toward Edwards and his two grandchildren. Finally, Edwards could smell the woman's scent in his father's arms clearly. Who? Edwards thought with great curiosity.

"Edwards.." Brandon said to his son.

"Dad? Who?" Edwards asked directly. He didn't mince words anymore when he saw the father and the woman already in front of his eyes. Edwards's question was not finished yet when the woman opened her glasses and immediately smiled so sweetly.

Edwards immediately paled, especially when the woman's eyes looked straight into his eyes.

"Edwards, dear? how are you, son?" That voice was enough to make Edwards unable to do anything. He immediately grabbed the woman's shoulder and saw the birthmark behind the shoulder. Yes .. a birthmark only his mother had. The birthmark on the shoulder was immediately noticeable.

Yes... That's his mother!

"Mommy? Mommy? How can that be? Mommy? how can that be?" Edwards didn't know what to say. He just looked into his father's and mother's eyes in turn. Edwards couldn't believe what he was seeing right now.

"This is Mommy. I'm sorry Mommy left you too long, sorry Mommy who hasn't seen you for a long time. Honey? How are you?" Mrs Douglas asked her son.

"How can that be? Mommy! Mommy is long dead!" Edwards was about to cry, but Brandon immediately took his son's hand to calm his trembling body.

"Let's talk in your house, ok?" Brandon invites his son and two grandchildren to enter the house. They all went inside together, and his two grandchildren were with the maid to change into their wet clothes.

In the family room, Edwards, his father and his mother had sat together to discuss the current state of affairs.

"So, Edwards..." Brandon began to explain things slowly and carefully to his son. Edwards, listening to it all, had begun to digest it well.

He listened to, one by one whatever his father said, not bothering or criticizing any of these words. There were a lot of things Edwards was paying attention to right now. Those things are about the impossibility of happening, Yes.. about death which is too abstract and about life which is totally beyond reason. How could it be? Do dead people come back to life? That's what Edwards is asking now. He really couldn't understand what he was hearing right now.

"So right now, in front of you is Mommy. Your mother, who was long gone and now comes back to life. Her face still looks young like it used to when you first saw it. She doesn't age because of the help of life-sustaining devices." Brandon's last words were only answered with silence by Edwards.

They all fell silent, staring at each other with eyes full of longing and pain.

Yes.. Pain.

"Mommy? How are you?" That was all that came from Edwards' lips. Mrs Douglas immediately burst into tears and hugged her son.

Hugging tightly, so did Edwards. He returned to feel the warmth that had been lost for a long time. Yes, the warmth he had never felt again, now he felt it again. That warmth is the warmth of love between mother and child.

"I'm fine, son. I'm sorry for leaving you for so long. Are you happy? Have you been happy all this time? Are you living well? Are you eating well? Are you smiling every day? How are you and your grandson Mommy? Gosh! Mommy! Didn't think that I would see you so big and really handsome. You're Mommy's child. So amazing!" Mrs Douglas said with tears that were full of emotion.

"Ahhh, Edwards lives well, Mom. With happiness and with lots of smiles. Edwards lives as Mommy wants. Edwards lives like a normal man." Edward said in a low voice. He clearly missed this moment a lot. Such a wonderful moment, a moment that Edwards never really thought about at all.

They spend time talking to each other, telling many things they never thought possible.