

Won't it be the same again? Is it true? Brandon saw the arrival of his wife, a very young and beautiful woman. The woman he had been waiting for and so kindly brought back to life. Is his wife not the same anymore?

"Let's eat the cake. Grandma has made a sweet cake." Mrs. Douglas came with a cake that was still warm. Qabel and Queen, of course, immediately ran and chose to eat cake with their grandmother.

"Husband? Come here! What are you waiting for?" The voice was so sweet and so beautiful. Brandon could only stroll toward them and join the cake at the dinner table.

We look like a happy family, but is this Happiness real? And will it last long?

"Honey, this.. let's eat." his wife spoke again. Brandon couldn't help but nod and smile a little.

"Thank you. It tastes delicious. You've always been good at cooking." Brandon praised his wife's cake, the exact cake since they first became husband and wife. Yes. Brandon felt trapped in the past, and his world revolved around there and there. But he wanted to always be near his wife and always meet that beautiful woman.

"What were you thinking? Did Edwards scold you?" She asked, and Brandon just shook his head.

"I just feel happy. All these scenes are like scenes from the past. When we ate cake with Edwards, I missed all that, and today I feel all the warmth of our love again." Brandon said honestly.

"I'm glad you can feel that warmth again. Love sometimes does blind things. Even you here want to bring me back to life, even though you know everything is an impossible thing." A smile from Brandon only responded to his wife's words.

The man understands, When you are in love, you will do everything selflessly for the person you love. However, this is not just one's own wants and needs. It just shouldn't happen in a relationship. However, selflessness here is the sense that arises regarding behavior and approach to loved ones. Love is so amazing. However, that does not mean love is a mystery that cannot be explained at all.

Do you know about the nucleus accumbens? It is the part of the brain that controls pleasure and reward. When we are with someone we like or think about, the brain will read it as a form of pleasure and reward for us.

This is similar to the brain's reaction to addiction. Because the brain has received information about our lover as satisfying, the brain will continue to instruct us to fulfill its needs. This is what makes us always crave her figure and never get bored with her at the beginning of falling in love. Our lives are so revolving around lovers. Whatever we do or think, her figure must appear in our minds. We also become willing to do anything to please her, even the silly or difficult things.

That's what Brandon feels all this time. Falling in love decreases the levels of certain substances in the brain, such as serotonin, especially in men. This condition is widely observed in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder. The reason low serotonin levels are the reason why we feel so obsessed with a partner. That's why he would do anything to bring his wife back to life—blinding love obsession.


Brandon and his two grandsons were already in the garden behind the Mansion. They were planning to practice their agility this morning. However, the two children were still very sleepy.

"Grandpa, I'm still sleepy." Said Queen, who was still rubbing her eyes because they felt heavy.

"Come on. We must fight to survive in this harsh world." Said Brandon, who had warmed up.

"Grandpa, my eyes are so tired." Said Qabel, who also felt lazy.

"Are you sure you want to sleep again? Do you want me to teach you self-defense or not? If so, let's practice now. While the air is freezing." Brandon said to the two of them. Those who heard the word cold immediately looked at each other.

"Isn't it because it's cold that we should be in the room and warm up? Why should this be self-defense?" Queen asked in a lazy tone. Brandon, who heard this, immediately folded his arms in front of his chest. Then looked arrogantly in front of these two very lazy teenagers.

"You know? The enemy won't think about whether it's rain, storm, heat, or cold. They won't think about it when they attack us, so you have to be able to survive in this cold weather, so when you face the enemy in this weather, You're not surprised. Come on now, take off your jackets and run with me." Brandon had taken off his jacket first, looking at Queen and Qabel, who finally gave in and took off their jackets.

They only wear long, thick clothes. Their feet are still wearing shoes. Brandon then made several moves to warm himself up.

"Let's do it. Move your body so you won't be surprised when I ask you to run later." The older man said again to Queen and Qabel.

"Okay, grandpa." Said Qabel and Queen. Brandon immediately nodded, pleased to see those who obeyed like this.

They warmed up for a few minutes, after which Brandon started jogging. Queen and Qabel followed closely behind. They circled the edge of the lake, which stretched quite wide. Maybe the width of this lake is like a football field. Yes, it's enough to warm up and warm the body for too long.

Brandon ran with a slow movement and had time to look back. Qabel and Queen haven't complained so far, so Brandon quickened his pace, and they were fast too.

Brandon was a little surprised. Why didn't they complain at all? Are they used to running?

"Are you used to running?" he asked his two great-grandsons, then they nodded in unison. Tsk! Brandon felt too weak to teach them their first lesson.

Why did Brandon tell them to run? Because I was sorry if I immediately taught self-defense. But if you look at their powerful breath when running like this. He should have directly taught them other heavy things.

"Does Daddy Edwards really require you to run like this?" Brandon asked curiously. He thought they were weak kids who usually only relied on the guards.

"Daddy Edwards always took us to a race every Sunday, taught us a few other sports. So we're used to running like this, although maybe not as strong as Grandpa." Qabel spoke now, and Brandon heard they were still busy running and thinking about some things.

He wanted to run a race with his children and two grandchildren one day. Just imagining it made him instantly miss Edwards, who was currently busy with Choon-hee. What if he did it together with them? It must be fun.

"Daddy Edwards is really good at running?" Asked Brandon, who had never known about his son's activities. It wasn't a question. It's just curiosity and longing.