
is she really awake?

Edwards made hot tea for the night. He wanted to enjoy the full moon alone. Earlier, he had talked much with some doctors who treated Choon-hee. Currently, he is still waiting for the following process several times. Also, Edwards started to invite Choon-Hee to talk about good things to make his wife's brain react adequately.

Edwards sighed softly. He felt pretty tired from all his busyness. Waiting for someone with very high expectations is indeed quite draining of mind and energy.

Edwards carrying the teacup in his hand, strolled out of the mansion. There is a fountain that is so noisy because the sound of water can indeed make you feel calm. Hot tea combined with the gurgling of water, then the fragrance of the flowers that have just bloomed, is an extraordinary unity to make the mind calmer. Yeah... Edwards felt it better to make his brain okay.

He took a sip of the hot tea and closed his eyes slowly. He enjoyed the tea taste, which was quite bitter but so fragrant because this black tea was added with some dried flowers. So it doesn't taste enjoyable sweet, and fragrant, even though Edwards did not add sugar.

"Are you better, Edwards?" A voice made Edwards turn, his father coming with a pack of cigarettes. He offered it to his son, but the man, who had never really smoked, just shook his head.

"Why is Daddy smoking again?" Edwards asked, confused.

"Just wanted to," Brandon said without feeling guilty.

"Why? Is there a problem with Mommy? or something else?" Edwards knew very well that when his father smoked, he was in trouble.

"There's something Daddy wants to talk to you about," Brandon said again.

"About what else?" Edwards was not interested in what his father would talk about.

"Have you always considered me your father?" One question that feels strange does it deserve to be called a question. Because for Edwards, it wasn't a question that could be answered.

"Is it worth explaining that question? because all this time, I felt Daddy didn't want to make a fuss about all that stuff." Edwards answered.

"That's not a question. I just want to know. Because all this time, I feel we have quite a distance, between a child and a father who can't communicate well with each other. Sometimes we only communicate about work and work. I want to know because I see you are close to your children. I feel you are quite good as a father, unlike me, who has been unable to make you happy and be a good father." Brandon said very Honestly, hearing that Edwards suddenly fell silent and shut his lips very tightly.

"Mr. Edwards! Mr. Brandon! Miss Choon-Hee... She is starting to show signs of consciousness!" The conversation between Brandon and his son had to stop when one of the doctors ran over and told him about Choon-hee.

With the strength he still had that night, Edwards threw the teacup in his hand away. Then he started to run fast to get into the Laboratory. He was followed by his father back there.

They like playing a running race until they arrive in the Laboratory and see Choon-hee, who has been removed from the glass tube. The woman began to breathe without the help of oxygen, her hands moving several times, showing her body's nerves were adapting to her surroundings. Edwards could barely breathe. Especially when he saw his wife's lips were also starting to move like calling someone's name.

The room was suddenly silent, all the doctors anxiously waiting for what would happen next. "Ed... Ed... Edwards..." One name escaped Choon-Hee's small lips, and the tears of the man beside him just fell.

Edwards cried, seeing how his wife was struggling to get up and regained consciousness, he had understood, and her brain was starting to understand well. Just look at how Choon-hee works to name the one name she's always loved.

"Honey... I'm here. Edwards is here." Edwards said anxiously. Slowly but surely, the long eyelashes that had been closed for a long time and never showed their beautiful eyes are now starting to open. The eyes blinked a few times, closed slightly, and then opened again.

The breath of everyone there seemed to be drawn out as those beautiful eyes opened and stared blankly at the ceiling above her. Her body still couldn't move properly. She couldn't look to the right or the left. But a smile and a sigh escaped instantly, for those eyes functioned when they saw the light above them.

"Gosh... Thank God!!!" Edwards immediately burst into tears, the tears falling without stopping. While the others fell to the floor, the doctors thanked each other while hugging each other.

"Edwards..." Choon-hee said once again.

"Yes. Yes. My dear, I am here. How are you feeling? Do you want something?." Edwards asked, but the woman smiled a little.

"I'm alive? Is our baby okay?" The second question escaped Choon-hee's lips, his wife remembering everything that happened.

"Yes.. yes... Our children are fine, and you are still alive. You are safe, my dear!" Edwards started crying again, but he held his wife's hand this time. Choon-hee's eyes moved to glance at her husband. They moved just to make sure that his face was still the same. Edwards stared, and his wife did the same.

Dripping uncontrollably, Choon-hee also burst into tears when she saw her husband, who was visible in front of her eyes. "I feel trapped in an empty room for a very long time..." her voice came again, so hoarse but well-heard.

"You're all right. You're all right, my dear." After Edwards said that, Choon-hee couldn't help but stare at her husband for a long time. To be more precise, she looked like she couldn't believe what was happening. She felt that the world before her was strange, but that was the reality.

"Miss Choon-hee will do some other treatments. We will try to make things better after that." One of the doctors, who had returned to normal after the shock, now started to get up and check on Choon-hee's condition.

Edwards and Brandon, who saw that, could only be silent and stood not far from them. Choon-hee fell back asleep, her body still weak, and she couldn't really move much longer.

"Are there any side effects? from his too-fast consciousness?" One question from Edwards made several doctors immediately stop their hand movements.

"Actually, Miss Choon-hee's internal organs are not working properly. You see her heart right now?" One of the cardiologists hit the transparent screen in front of them, revealing some of Choon-hee's internal organs, and the Doctor pointed at the heart.

"Yeah..." Edwards said again.

"Sudden realization made her heart work very fast. It made things a bit uneasy, just in case Miss Choon-hee's condition wasn't bad. It looks like we have to make a lot of bloodstock, and one of the heart organs is still healthy." The Doctor's words made Edwards pause for a moment.

"Directly contact the best heart hospital. I ask for the healthiest heart that is suitable for my wife. I will pay any price." That was all Edwards said, and the others immediately nodded in understanding.

Several nurses were already busy calling several heart hospitals and asking what Edwards had said. Meanwhile, Edwards and Brandon chose to get away from the busyness of the doctors who were dealing with Choon-hee.

"Are you happy?" Brandon asked. They sat a little in the corner of the room.

"I don't know. I still can't feel my own consciousness. I feel like I'm at the most difficult point, I'm afraid.. yes... I'm afraid. I'm afraid this is all just a pseudo dream that will wake me up, then I realize. ever come back." Edwards said Honestly, one of the maids brought them cold drinks. The maid knew enough that Edwards needed a cold drink to get his brain back to working correctly.

"Those who leave won't come back, But they will come back if they don't really leave. Believe me. God is helping us." Brandon said again.

"Is God really helping us? Or... God is actually angry. Why are we interfering with will? Resurrecting a dead person, isn't this the same as we are fighting God? I'm afraid. There is bad karma for everything I do." once again, Edwards told the truth. He drank the cold water to the end. It felt like the world was in hell. Why couldn't Edwards be pleased? He should be smiling so big because his wife is back.

But.. there is one reason that is stuck in the bottom of his heart, which feels heavy. Why?

"God helps us. Just believe in it. Don't overthink unnecessary things. Why do you have to question so many things? Are you not happy your wife is back? You should only think about her safety, don't think about anything else." Brandon patted his son lightly on the shoulder. Then he chose to leave.

Edwards was silent for a moment. He closed his eyes and prayed silently. He hoped, if God would allow his wife to return, then never retake his wife, before God called Edwards. he couldn't afford to lose a second time.