
Bulls eye

Everyone shaked their head inside for huajin who yet again was left in the mercy of Nanling. Jisheng's smile was stretched from Yusheng's bulls eye attack. He whispers to Qingfeng while raising his cup to drink "now..this is what we call true bowmen..or in this case bow woman...I didn't knew she pampered Zhang to this level.."

Qingfeng snorts and snitches showing his discontent "I was also suprised at first...I tell you she is so biased...while she pampers and encourages him...she is like a devil to me...clearly it is Zhang'er who is more naughty than me...

yet in her eyes I am the great villain.. Just watch how she pampers and babies him...I tell you these days Zhang'er is like a tiger with wings...even dares to challenge Pei Jin once in a while...all because she babies him.."

Jisheng's lips twitches from the heavy vinegar smell coming from Qingfeng. While Pei Jin and Chen Yi started to feel headaches as indeed like Qingfeng said Yusheng's pampering Zhang was growing fearful each day. Though they liked their bond strengthening as if blood related siblings but the mess to clean after always gave them headaches.

Not to forget Pei Zhang had become more haughty and fearless from Yusheng's pampering and support that even he had to turn blind eye to his smug looks and little challenges. But who told him to be henpecked, with his beloved taking charge he was on stand by to clean the mess afterwards.

Pei Zhang was over the moon but still maintained his regal position but he was very excited as whenever Yusheng joined such matters it was fun.

Yusheng looks at the man that was kneeling and begging for mercy then with firm voice speaks "Zhang'er is indeed a bit naughty but he is a man of propriety...he has a clean heart and mouth...thus says whatever he feels...his soul is pure and innocent just like a child...though his words are sometimes crude and straight but is never far fetched or weaved willfully...

Though of pure royal blood and having groomed by duke Zhongyong..he still has managed to retain his soul pure...and because of this particular yet special innate nature.. even this lord can't help but pamper him like ones own younger brother...

Do you think that this lord is also being inappropriate in ones guidance...this lord has no ill thoughts regarding whatever happened in herbal tower and feels fulfilled to share and impart ones knowledge to save many lives...but you definetly shouldn't have pointed your finger in his upbringing ..

As a man with added age than his and many experiences...how are you not able to differentiate what can be spoken...do you not know that disaster comes from mouth...Zhang'er words would simply remained as humor and a child's ramblings if you had not tried to become the clever one..and later we as his elders have reprimanded for him being crude...

You point your fingers for Zhang'er being insensible but yourself have now become the most insensible one...what is the use of you being the elder and one who has seen more of in life..one shouldn't forget ones status and the authority they have..

You might be a important minister revered by many in huajin but still it isn't your place to reprimand a prince's upbringing specially who comes from another nation...even if it is your own princes you at most prepare a report and ask for the emperor to serve proper justice...rather than pointing to their upbringing...

Which makes this lord question...are you plain stupid or are you looking down on Zhang'er...if stupid you have no right to wear that hat..and if looking down then you don't need that head...stop crying and answer this lord..for your fate hangs on what you say..."

The royal censor was on verge of dying from the fear just a few days had passed since princess Leiran was taken to chopping block. He now truly regretted for being hasty and poking at the hornets nest.

While Shiyou and prime minister were forced to sit as if roots had sprouted from their butts. They dare not intervene only to be the next target. But inside they were in panic when thinking of possibility that Yusheng might kill the person in fit of anger or even worse asks for answer from huajin. Both of which they didn't want at this moment.

Qingfeng on the other hand whispers to Jisheng "hear that..tch tch this level of babying...innocent soul...heh...devil would cry to his mothers embrace when facing this innocent pure soul...and what childish ramblings...even the most venomous snake would die in anger and shame when lashed by this child's venomous tongue...Jisheng...ah...why life is so unfair...how come all good things belong to one person...ah...

If I were to be in his position...she would have roasted me to my bones...then would have peeled layer by layer with help of Pei Jin..ah...why was I not born as the youngest instead of Zhang..."