
Striking them Out

"Wan Chao, quickly put down the phone."

"Wan Chao, how dare you!"

"Don't call!"

"Don't call the police!"

All voices echoed at the same time, the class teacher, Teacher Zhu, the other three girls, and Liu Li's mother all rushed towards Wan Chao at the same time.

Before they could reach her, she smirked and slammed the phone shut, then ducked out of the way and ran behind Teacher An Lian again.

In this place, only Teacher An Lian could be relied on.

When An Lian saw Wan Chao took the initiative to approach him for protection, he was stunned for a moment. A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he even protected her completely, not letting anyone near her.

Liu Li's mother held the phone with one hand and patted her chest with the other. It seemed that Wan Chao, the little sl*t was speaking the truth. She was determined to let the police come, if they did appear, her daughter's reputation would be ruined, and her life would also be ruined.

The other three girls' hearts were once again raised high, worried that the police would come. For a moment, they were both afraid and resentful of Wan Chao.

The homeroom teacher, Teacher Zhu, was also a bit perturbed. If the class she was in really had a police meeting, her performance would definitely be affected, and she might even be punished.

"Wan Chao, if you have any requests, please speak your mind. If what you say is true, the school will naturally give you justice." Teacher Zhu said earnestly.

Wan Chao stood out again, her actions just now should have shocked some people, no one would be so stupid as to rashly attack her again, she raised her chin, and coldly said: "What I said is the truth, the matter about Liu Li stealing my money, all our classmates witness it, these three girls can also testify, every time they would be in front of me." She pointed at the three girls beside Liu Li.

When the three girls heard her words, they subconsciously wanted to deny, but one of them reacted quickly and pulled the two girls beside her. They shut their mouths tightly and continued listening to her words.

"If they are not willing to testify, then let the police come. The police will find out the truth when they investigate. My request is simple, return all the money that you took from me. That money was earned by my mother through hard work. Also, Liu Li has to apologize to me in public."

She changed the subject and looked at the teacher in charge of the class. "Teacher Zhu, my request is not too excessive, right?"

Teacher Zhu thought for a moment, then nodded. "Not too far."

Indeed, if what Wan Chao said was true, that she had been bullied for a year and forced to clean by Liu Li, do her homework, and answer her exam papers, then paying back the money in arrears and apologizing would not be excessive at all, or it can even be considered a little light.

Unfortunately, some people did not think this way, such as Liu Li's Ma and her daughter.

Liu Li could not accept the public apology. If she did so, then the prestige she had built up in class and even school would be gone.

"Wan Chao, don't go overboard, I won't admit what you said! And how did you beat me up like this today? Today you hit me, that's what everyone saw. "

Liu Li's Ma immediately expressed her support for her daughter. "Who can testify that my daughter stole your money? You? Or you? " She looked at the other three girls. When the other three girls met the gaze of Liu Li's mother, they immediately took a step back and lowered their heads.

"Also, it won't be that easy for me to let you go when you beat up my daughter like this today. Your parents must come and compensate us. If you don't pay 10,000 yuan, you can forget about leaving today." She opened her mouth even wider and roared directly.

Wan Chao was not anxious when she heard this. She only gave a disdainful snort. She wanted her to pay her ten thousand yuan. What a delusion!

"Since you won't admit it, then call the police and let them find out the truth. When that happens, that won't be my requirement then, who beat me, who threatened me, who took my things, who copied my papers, who were the accomplices, I won't let any of you go. I will make all of you pay for what you owe, and if you apologize, don't even think about running away!"

"As for today's incident, anyone with eyesight would be able to see clearly, who was the one who was seriously injured between Liu Li and I? "It's easy to figure out who did it first. If you want to lose money, that's good. When the time comes, ask the doctor to examine my wounds and see how much money I need to recover. I wonder if twenty thousand yuan is enough?"

Wan Chao looked at Liu Li with disdain. Even if Liu Li was arrogant, she was still only a sixteen to seventeen year old girl. And she, Wan Chao, was already thirty-six years old.

Actually, her goal from beginning to end was only one person, and that was Liu Li. Because Liu Li was the one who bullied her the most, and was also the leader of all the bad things, she wanted to step on Liu Li, first to get revenge, second, to kill chickens to warn the monkeys and intimidate the others. Thirdly, she still need to stay at school for nearly two years, so she didn't really want to offend everyone at once.

Although she wasn't afraid of offending these people, she wanted to save herself some trouble so that her remaining time wouldn't be too difficult.

Therefore, what she said was just a threat to the other three girls. She didn't believe that they would be so noble as to ruin their reputation for a sc*mbag like Liu Li versus their own interests.

As expected, after hearing what Wan Chao said, the three girls' faces became flustered. All of them were selfish, not to mention these girls.

Teacher Zhu did not want to blow up the matter, she understood the meaning behind the words of Wan Chao. Although she was surprised that Wan Chu'er had become so powerful, she did not have the time to ponder about it, because Teacher An Lian, who had been standing by her side, had spoken.

"Our school is a place for teaching and educating, it is definitely not a place for hiding filth and impurities. I suggest calling the police and letting the police handle this matter, whoever pays the money will be dealt with, whoever is dealt with will be dealt with, those who bully their classmates will be expelled!" His tone was filled with anger.

"Yes, we are a school for educators. Teachers usually teach you to be honest." He then turned to the other three girls and asked.

"Zhang Xiaoyu, tell me, what exactly is going on? "Teacher hopes that you can honestly speak the truth and give our fellow student Wan Chao justice."

The implication of this was very strong. She directly said that she would give Wan Chao justice, and not Liu Li. It obviously mean that she believed Wan Chao's words even more.

Zhang Xiaoyu was one of the more astute girls in the group. She bit her lips and said, "Teacher, what Wan Chao said is true, Liu Li would ask for 5 yuan from Wan Chao every day. Every time the exam is held, Liu Li's exam papers and results are always from Wan Chao, but because Liu Li is too …" So we didn't dare... I just did some things that I'm sorry about. "

She didn't dare finish her sentence, but the meaning behind her words was very strong.

"Zhang Xiaoyu!" What nonsense are you spouting! " Liu Li shouted.

With a straight face, Miss Zhu said, "Student Liu Li, please don't make such a ruckus."

Seeing that Zhang Xiaoyu had turned the tables, the other two girls immediately apologized, "Wan Chao, we're sorry, we won't bully you with Liu Li anymore."

Wan Chao nodded and said, "Okay, I accept your apology."

This caused Zhang Xiaoyu and the other two to feel relieved, but at the same time, it was also a bit awkward. They didn't understand why Wan Chao would stop being bullied and be manipulated by others in a single class.

Seeing Wan Chao's attitude, Teacher Zhu's tensed nerves relaxed a little, as long as it was easy to talk to her.

"Student Liu Li, teacher would never have thought that you were such a student. Bullying your classmates, even seizing their grades, and even stealing their money. You have truly disappointed your teacher." Teacher Zhu said to Liu Li with a serious expression, "Teacher hopes that you can return the money you took from student Wan Chao and apologize in public."