
Monthly Test news

The next day, Bai Zhexi took the key and went to the rented small yard to clean it according to Wan Chao's instructions. Her daughter had already made the first step, so she had to finish what needed to bwe done next.

As usual, Wan Chao ran for half an hour before heading to the classroom to start her day of studies.

After class, the form teacher said, "Next week, Friday, Saturday, and two days, the monthly test will be held. This monthly test is also the first monthly test of our semester, so I hope everyone will pay attention to this exam and show your true strength."

"The results of the monthly test will be ranked throughout the entire year. I hope that everyone will have a good result in order to bring glory to themselves and to our twelfth grade's Class 4."

After hearing the news of the monthly test, Wan Chao was a little stunned. She forgot that there was still the monthly test.

Carefully thinking back to the first monthly test in her second year of high school, Wan Chao recalled some bad memories.

When they were in their second year of senior high school, they had their liberal arts subjects divided, and the first year of senior high's class had been reorganized. The results of the monthly test would affect the position the teachers held in their hearts.

Those who were ahead of the results would naturally become the favorite of the teachers, and the teachers would pay more attention to them. As for those who took the examination in the back or even in the middle, they would basically be ignored by the teachers.

Wan Chao recalled that after the end of the first monthly test in her previous life, the class teacher had even arranged a seat according to the results of the monthly test.

And in the last row sat two hooligans. Seeing that she was always bullied by Liu Li, they just thought she was a coward, so they also took advantage of her.

Fortunately, she didn't listen to Zhuo Yao. No matter how weak and ignorant she was, she knew the seriousness of the situation. She wasn't a match for the two hoodlums, so after threatening them for a while, she resolutely went to find the class teacher and changed her seat.

She was going to go all out in this monthly test to show everyone her true strength, which would make Bai Zhexi happy.

After her tablemate heard the news of the monthly test, she would occasionally look at Wan Chao out of the corner of her eyes. However, Wan Chao's calm expression didn't change at all.

She wanted to see if she, Wan Chao, was truly capable, or if she was just bluffing.

Many other students in the classroom also thought the same.

Liu Li looked at Wan Chao from behind, as if she remembered something, and her eyes dimmed. Then, she suddenly felt relieved and displayed an indifferent expression.

After class, Wan Chao went to Teacher Zhu to understand the scope of next month's exam.

Seeing that she valued the monthly test, Teacher Zhu seriously told her that she also wanted to see how strong she was through this month's exam. Was Liu Li's previous results really hers? Or something else.

After learning about the scope of the monthly test, Wan Chao made a new short-term study plan.

When she arrived home at noon, she found out that Bai Zhexi had also hurried back to cook.

The more Bai Zhexi looked at the house, the more satisfied she became. While she was cooking, she discussed the matter with Wan Chao.

"Chao'er, I think that the courtyard is very nice, it is close to the market, and in the future, it will be very convenient to buy vegetables and send them to the market.

"I think that the house there is enough for us two to live in, we can use the courtyard and the south room to make pickles.

"Why don't we just move in there and rent out the houses there. The houses here are very popular, so we can rent out seventy or eighty yuan a month. If we're lucky, we can rent out around a hundred yuan a month. This way, we can make up for the rent in the small courtyard."

From the looks of it, Bai Zhexi still felt sorry for the thousand yuan rent. Wan Chao felt that it didn't matter where she lived as long as she was with Bai Zhexi.

She agreed readily. "Well, it's up to you," she said.

When Bai Zhexi saw how smooth it was, she became happy for a moment and said to Wan Chao, "Mom will buy two catties of meat for you this afternoon. I'll make you some Red Braised Meat."

"Sure." Seeing that Bai Zhexi was happy, Wan Chao felt that this idea was good even more.

In the evening, after she had performed a set of boxing and twenty push-ups, she continued to study until one in the morning. The next day she woke up at five in the morning to study.

It was Sunday again. After Wan Chao finished her breakfast, she went to An Lian's house early to learn self-defense skills. Bai Zhexi stayed at home to pack up their things.

When Wan Chao returns home later, the mother and daughter will set out to move.

Arriving at An Lian's house, An Lian was warming up as before, waiting for the arrival of Wan Chao.

Wan Chao nodded to An Lian and greeted him.

This time, she didn't bring anything. Originally, she wanted to give An Lian some more soy sauce, but Bai Zhexi stammered out that he didn't need it. There was still a lot left for him.

She then understood that it must have been when she was still in school that An Lian had gone to visit Bai Zhexi.

An Lian saw that Wan Chao was a little bit reserved, but seeing that there was nothing abnormal with her, he slowly calmed down. Without wasting any time, he directly asked Wan Chao to perform a warm up martial arts technique and exercise her muscles and bones.

Wan Chao stood obediently in the yard, practicing her martial arts. An Lian, who was watching from the side, kept nodding his head. It seemed that Wan Chao had practiced quite a lot in the past.

After finishing a set of punches, An Lian told Wan Chao to press her leg down and kick it, and so on, and continued warming up.

After that, he started to examine the self-defense skill that he had taught Wan Chao last time. The two practiced together.

An Lian said, "You have mastered this move pretty well, but you have to be careful and use it flexibly. Otherwise, if you meet a real battle, the enemy will not obediently stand there and take a beating, and their strength will continue to increase."

"Thank you, Teacher An. I will take note." Wan Chao knew that An Lian was right.

After that, An Lian demonstrated some examples of flexible applications. Wan Chao carefully watched from the side, and when she saw a wonderful technique, she began to dance and imitate it.

An Lian explained in more detail about Wan Chao's comprehension ability.

Time flew by quickly. Two hours later, Wan Chao wiped the sweat off her forehead, looked at the time, and decided to go back.

Seeing that she was about to leave, An Lian hesitated before saying, "Wan Chao, wait for me. I'll go with you. Umm.. aren't you going to move today? I'll go help."

It seemed like An Lian had gone to find Bai Zhexi yesterday. Wan Chao remained calm and nodded. "Thank you, Teacher An."

"No need to thank me, no need to thank me." He had an honest, mellow look on his face.

If he was willing to go, then so be it. An Lian was after Bai Zhexi, so she would leave this matter to her. She would not interfere unless Bai Zhexi needed her to.

The two of them walked towards the courtyard of the glassworks without a word.