
Rebirth of a Tyrant: The student's vengeance

In "Rebirth of a Tyrant: The student's vengeance," the lives of two vastly different women, Amelia Brown and Serena Blackwood, collide in a twist of fate that defies comprehension. Amelia Brown is a timid high school student, perpetually overshadowed by the cruelty of her siblings and classmates. Bullied and abused, Amelia struggles to find solace in a world that seems determined to crush her spirit. But when tragedy strikes and she is killed by those she trusted. Serena Blackwood, on the other hand, is a force to be reckoned within the business world. As the head of a powerful corporation, she rules with an iron fist, crushing anyone who dares to challenge her authority. But beneath her cold exterior lies a secret vulnerability, a darkness that threatens to consume her from within. As Serena strives to come to terms with her altered existence, she finds herself entangled in a labyrinth of power struggles and deceit. With peril lurking at every turn, she must tread carefully, lest she fall victim to the machinations of her enemies. Yet, as hidden truths come to light and loyalties are put to the test, Serena discovers that her destiny is intertwined with that of others in ways she never anticipated.

NoisyGhost_99 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

The Cruelty Within

Chapter 1

Amelia sat at the dinner table, her siblings surrounding her like vultures ready to pounce. Olivia's voice cut through the air like a sharp knife, "Amelia, you're such a pathetic loser. Do us all a favour and disappear."

 Amelia winced; her heart heavy with the weight of her sister's words. Charlotte's wicked giggle echoed in the room, "You know, Amelia, everyone at school thinks you're a freak. No wonder no one wants to be friends with you."

 Tears threatened to spill from Amelia's eyes, but she bit her lip, refusing to show weakness. Suddenly, Thomas's hand slammed down on the table, causing dishes to clatter. "You're worthless, sis," he growled, his eyes glinting with malice.

 Amelia trembled, her body aching from the bruises hidden beneath her clothes. The laughter around her mocked her pain, suffocating her spirit. With a whispered prayer for strength, Amelia pushed back her chair and fled the room, the sounds of her siblings' cruel laughter echoing in her ears.

Alone in her room, she curled into herself, the sound of her stifled sobs blending with the gentle hum of the night outside, a stark contrast to the chaos within.

 As the tears continued to fall silently, Amelia tried to find solace in her thoughts, swirled like a tempest in her mind. She hugged her knees to her chest, seeking solace in the darkness that enveloped her. The echoes of her siblings' taunts reverberated in her ears, each word carving deeper into her wounded heart.

 "I'm worthless," she whispered to herself, the weight of those words heavy on her fragile shoulders. How could they be right about her? Amelia fought against the suffocating despair threatening to consume her, clinging desperately to the flickering flame of hope buried deep within her soul.

 But as she sat there, alone with her thoughts, doubts crept in like tendrils of darkness. What if they were right? What if she was truly as worthless as they claimed? The tears she had fought so hard to hold back now flowed freely down her cheeks, tracing paths of pain and sorrow.