
Rebirth of a Tongue Curser

Was not born in jealousy but greedy toward affection made her uneasy. Dwell with a monster they don't know where they come from just adviced to get too close. But one day, she saw her sister talked to one of those things and somehow made her into something else. She is certain. Tinted by those blood only leads to death. Somehow that luck was meant for her sister. Not her. She run away from that place hoping to die with grief. Somehow, she learnt they weren't the only species around thus those things had nit been around since she met a man called Jones. Jones had secrets but he promised to let her know her place and where she belongs. He told her, this place is where humans lived and they are the things they hunt down. Through Jones she learned it's not bad to be envy by so one can overcome their weaknesses. She follow everything he does, stealing, lying, manipulating or disguises for fun. Nevertheless, Jones never teaches her either treason or murder.

KIKI_GERALD · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Catalina:The great witch

200 years ago (Atlante)

She was known to be the ruler of many beast, inventor of many magical things, emerging from the east, stepping into the civilized world with strange power, granting her to be immediately highlighted as the high priest of a rich kingdom that held status of the most powerful person in the country.

Irritating women nor men, killing plans were her tests throughout the day, but she was untouchable. Yet, her rare beauty with black coal eyes, reddished cheek secured many hearts constructing an endless fights,

But she only took love for granted , no matter how many people were offering her various of treasures seeking for her pleasure, unfortunately she only cares about equality as peace for the world.

"I have seen many things that you have not see, those little things you call as success, is not much" she never raised her voice whenever she is speaking. Words she uttered is flowery though sometimes humiliation.

" To create peace you must understand loathe- not love'' she did said that but, no one knew the pieces of her heart that had trashed into pieces only for a the sake of love.

"they said I have no emotions, I cannot understand pains, how I wish to show them how heartless this world can be towards a child like me," They never see her tears, what they saw was ticklish smile of a joyful woman.

"To love is to hate, to live is to be evil, great things never came with happiness. I did not say we must not torn apart everything."

"there are things to be cherished, even so we must prepared. didn't we? " though she never married, Catalina is a mother to children she scouted throughout wars. Knowing be with her bear consequences, she adopt few of those she likes the most. While some she shelter them in the orphanage she organised herself.

A lovely kid he was, never raised his voice while talking to Catalina, never care about things she gave or did not, was one who didn't have ambition.

suddenly wished to become someone powerful, greater enough to defeat the hands that had hugged him through despairs.

"I saw the darkness in your heart my child. Though knowing that I took your little fingers and bind them in my cold hand. Thinking I would stop it myself" Petrus sighed and refused to look at his mother.

"We were in a same boat. Once" Catalina lowered her gaze, to looked at Petrus properly she bend her knees. The young boy was trembling at the sight of his mother sudden gaze. Though they were dim, he was still reflected in it.

"you paddled too far. Into the deepest ocean without my reach. You think you can do it?" she stroked his hair. Petrus lips twitch. He felt humiliated lately he find her joyful smile to be hypocrite. How such woman as powerful as her mantain her position as a dog for the emperor? Just because she is a woman? She can overthrone any nations she favor and made it hers.

Why hesitate? She should uses her manipulative skills for the king not me. It this how she notated I will always walking around her palm?

"believe me this magis is good it's meant for," The stroke move to the top of his head, Catalina patted him looking over his face with a watery eyes.

Petrus push her hand and glare. "Even if I sunk, I won't be alone mother" Catalina grip his arm immediately sinking her nails onto her boy's gentle skin.

Petrus was ready to fight back. He was about to shout at Catalina soon affer will facing her, he stopped.

Petrus collapse did not bear to witness the thing talking to him. He knew his mother was not human. No human could live and never age since the previous two emperor.

It was just a rumor, no one knows simce when she had lived before entering the palace.

If those men seeing what he is seeing today, will they fight to win over her? Or will the fight this hideous monster?

"I love you " Catalina step outside of his chamber leaving the boy crumbled with sweat and tears.

"Petrus, I calculated it in my dreams, of the attempts of you eliminating me. You will harm yourself. Cut the chains and paddle yourself you will live" Her gigles echoed thoughout the hallway.

Feared by nations, rejection was not really an option, for all kinds of evil things she did she was loved, as she she never bored to entertain the poor with a bright smile bothering royals whom wished to conquer the world. On one peaceful evening, the news declaring her death all of sudden had uproaring anger and ruckus for they didn't believed she had died in such pathetic way, burnt to death by flying arrows? None sense!

"she must be kill by some one she cares for!"

"why did the hate her so much?..though she is nobody but she was our queen.. I cannot believe she had left us," those sorrowfull years had come to an end, the existence of Catalina had buried down into ashes as the world had became more civilized, even so her killer is still alive throughout the years laughingArrogantly conveying false story upon such great woman, " a hero had became a villain, the queen had became a traitor..the fairies, becomes a demon.." until one day, he had stopped smiling, but trembling every day, for a cursed his mother had chanted on him,

"you will never defeat me my child.. I will always be there.. In flesh? Nor mist.. Or a breeze..my eyes, stick to you.. I'm becoming two, hmm.. waiting to see you, child.." - her sweet voice could be hear in a close distance whenever he closes his eyes, the proud man, was petrified, regretting staying alive.

Your support is my action to type faster whenever I have storyline inside my head. I will be entertained with share and likes.

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