
Rebirth; Lost In Oblivion

It's already known that the world is headed for two ends; an evolution or an extinction. Well, for this fantasy world, there is a little bit of both and a third one included in the equation; this is none other than REBIRTH. Read as the humans of that world-changing era, with a group of individuals as the center of the story navigate the whole era as they try to grasp the new changes being dumped on them while also trying to survive through the perils of the world-changing era. On top of these, there's also an otherworldly being who narrates the whole ordeal and gets their life influenced by the lives of the group of individuals from a first point of view and not the usual third point of view.

K1ngRox1E · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Forceful intrusion into a strange world (4)

First ordeal? So that was what this forceful evolution was called?

I had always suspected that for evolution to happen so fast for humans there must be something extreme about to happen.

"What sort of rubbish is this? "

Dae-su Han screamed, lamenting.

The options presented to them weren't much of an option.



∆ DIE "

Across the globe, survivors of the first ordeal reacted in diverse ways.

Only a handful opted not to further complicate matters by going ahead to select a scenario.

In light of the prevailing circumstances, death appeared to be the preferable choice for certain individuals, particularly those whose new morphology bore distinguishing features that set them apart from the rest of humanity.

Those individuals found themselves swiftly cast aside, shunned by the ones who looked normal, who preferred not to be by their side.

In fact, the moment a normal-looking individual caught sight of them, an instinctual reaction kicked in, propelling them to run without a second thought.

So, immediately, a few of the abnormal-looking humans, whose outward appearance had evolved beyond the confines of the typical morphology of the human body and could not contain their outward look, their choice was death.

Even before this first ordeal, individuals who appeared even slightly different were marginalized by society and unjustly treated as if they had sinned simply due to their appearance.

It was a stark reminder of the depth of human shallowness.

Thus, these evolved humans, already plagued by fragile self-esteem worsened by their altered external appearance after the first ordeal, ultimately chose to forgo discovering what these scenarios held in store for them.

Then there were individuals like Chimsy, who appeared relatively normal but had harbored a deep longing for death long before the onset of the first ordeal.

But not all those who wanted to die could easily die.

It wasn't as straightforward as one might think.

In a location teeming with a group of individuals, only one beam of light illuminated the space, signifying that one person could make the decision, with others compelled to follow suit.

In countless instances, this sparked conflicts, as individuals refused to be sidelined while some random person chose on their behalf.

In numerous locales, the discovery of individuals with strange external features immediately ignited the flames of conflict, plunging these places into the throes of war.

They followed their innate instinct to wipe out anything they didn't see as normal or anything they didn't understand.

But here, it was different.

The two were confused and reluctant.

Chimsy was thinking about how this might be an opportunity to eject herself from this fabricated reality while Dae-su Han was on the verge of passing out from the sheer weight of the weird things that weren't ever meant to even happen ever because they were far from normal.

Jackson Lee, the first to spot the option, stepped forward and extended his arm towards the first option, which simply stated, "CHOOSE A SCENARIO."

Just as his palm neared the beam of light, the words vanished, replaced by ten miniature doors arranged in five rows of two columns.

The miniature doors stood open, each offering a glimpse into a unique realm.

The contents concealed behind these ten portals varied, each holding its own mysterious allure.

Hovering above them, the ominous command remained: "CHOOSE A SCENARIO."

Wow! Such an intense moment!

I came to Earth to have a taste of as much cuisine as I could, something that could add variety to my monotonous existence but I was met with such a rare occurrence.

One might think that is a little too dramatic even for a being with a monotonous life like mine.

Who would have thought that something this strange would ever happen?

It was something that had eluded the minds of all but the out-of-the-box thinkers.

And even to these unconventional thinkers, it was simply fiction.

Behind one of the doors lay an endless ocean, its expanse merging seamlessly with an azure sky, stretching further to where the eyes couldn't see.

Behind another door lay darkness so impenetrable, it defied all attempts to see through it.

Whether it was the sheer absence of light or the lurking presence within, it exuded an ominous aura of foreboding and impending doom.

Behind the third door was a winding path that led into a forest of towering trees.

Beneath their canopy, the ground was adorned with a lush tapestry of moss and ferns, their vibrant greens contrasting with the rich, earthy browns of the forest floor.

The path meandered lazily, as if uncertain of its destination, winding deeper into the forest with each twist and turn until it disappeared from view, swallowed by the dense foliage.

Shafts of golden sunlight filtered through the dense canopy above, casting a soft, ethereal glow that danced and shimmered upon the path, lending an otherworldly ambiance to the forest.

Behind the fourth door lay a vast expanse of snow, illuminated by the faint, silvery light reflected from the moon above.

Behind the fifth door stood a ruin, its crumbling remnants barely discernible amidst the scattered stones.

The sun blazed fiercely overhead, its brilliance so intense that it seemed one could be scorched merely by gazing upon the surfaces that absorbed its rays.

Behind the sixth door lay a field, its appearance indistinguishable from any random field found on Earth.

There was nothing remarkable about it, just a simple and unassuming landscape.

Behind the seventh door stood a flat rock that expanded further backward, bathed in an eerie red light that seemed to emanate from its very core.

Beyond the large rock, the atmosphere was cloaked in a haze of ash and smoke, hinting at an inferno raging somewhere beneath the ground.

Behind the eighth door loomed a massive rock, spanning the entire height of the doorway and giving the impression of a towering hill or something even more imposing.

Behind the ninth door lay an empty wasteland, its desolate expanse filled only with swirling dust and the relentless glare of sunlight beaming down from above.

Behind the final door loomed a vast building, its architecture bearing no resemblance to any earthly structure.

Its dimensions were obscured from view, its ends and sides shrouded in mystery beyond the confines of the door.

As I swiftly surveyed the doors, Dae-su Han and Chimsy remained unable to regain their composure.

Before they could gather themselves, Jackson Lee made the choice on their behalf.

In response to Jackson Lee's decision, one of the doors expanded, its form shifting to accommodate his choice, while the others vanished into thin air.

Expanding to match the height and breadth of the beam of light in which it hovered, the chosen door revealed its contents for the first time, allowing us to finally experience what lay within.

Jackson Lee's decision unfolded with such spontaneity that I had no opportunity to alert the two who were struggling to get their act together.

"Why on earth did you choose this ashy, smoke-filled place?"

I asked the giant, who grinned from ear to ear like a child who had just been given candy.

"I could have chosen a better place," I said, frustration simmering within me. " there may have been worse options, but there were still better options."

Heat radiated from behind the door, causing Dae-su Han and Chimsy, the only ones reacting with typical human emotions, to exchange apprehensive glances.

Just then, a timer materialized, hovering ominously in the doorway.

Time before the door closes: 20 secs

Penalty for staying back; death

Dae-su Han trembled uncontrollably, struggling to comprehend the surreal situation unfolding before him.

In response, I took action, seizing both him and Chimsy by the arms and propelling them forward, following in Jackson Lee's determined stride towards the door.