
Rebirth; Lost In Oblivion

It's already known that the world is headed for two ends; an evolution or an extinction. Well, for this fantasy world, there is a little bit of both and a third one included in the equation; this is none other than REBIRTH. Read as the humans of that world-changing era, with a group of individuals as the center of the story navigate the whole era as they try to grasp the new changes being dumped on them while also trying to survive through the perils of the world-changing era. On top of these, there's also an otherworldly being who narrates the whole ordeal and gets their life influenced by the lives of the group of individuals from a first point of view and not the usual third point of view.

K1ngRox1E · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Forceful intrusion into a strange world (3)

As the strange silence settled over the corridor, the baby's laughter erupted, puncturing the stillness with her innocent joy.

Her tiny hands clapped together as if applauding the unseen actors behind the curtain of mystery, as though she alone understood the strange events unfolding before her.

' Welcome, inhabitants of the earth'

Well, first of all, I'm not an inhabitant of Earth. I'm only a visitor.

And secondly, who the fuck still speaks this way? Inhabitants of Earth?

Did they download lingo from centuries ago because I've only known people to speak like that when they're trying to re-enact a scene from ancient history?

Indeed, it seems these mysterious beings may have overlooked the present nuances of their audience's preferences.

While the baby's delight remained evident, the reaction from the others was one of shock.

But at least they tried.

All around the world, these mysterious beings revealed the information in different languages.

So each individual only saw the words in the language they could understand.

But still, in each language, the words seemed stiff and ancient.

Despite the spectacle of the mysterious beam of light, Jackson Lee remained unaffected, his attention swiftly diverted to the baby nestled in Chimsy's arms.

His demeanor remained unchanged, even if his cognitive faculties had been diminished, his steadfast personality a constant amidst the unfolding events.

Dae-su Han stood dumbfounded, his gaze locked with Chimsy's as they both scanned the surroundings in search of the source of the beams of light.

Their shared bewilderment mirrored in their synchronized efforts to unravel the mystery that unfolded before them.

Maybe this was some insane prank from some folks...

Maybe that was what was happening. Somehow the two of them were thinking of the same thing.

As if in response to their musings, another set of luminous beams materialized before each of them; Dae-su Han, Jackson Lee, and Chimsy—casting an ethereal glow that intensified the intrigue of the moment.

As the smaller beams of light emerged, their defined outlines dispelled any notion of invisible machinery orchestrating their presence.

With visible corners and a tangible presence, it was clear that these beams were not the product of hidden devices, deepening the mystery surrounding their origin for Dae-su Han, and Chimsy.

In a synchronized motion, Dae-su Han, Jackson Lee, and Chimsy turned almost simultaneously, their collective curiosity driving them to search for any possible source responsible for projecting the mysterious beams of light.

Dae-su Han's voice pierced the air with a mixture of disbelief and panic as he exclaimed, "Now, I'm seeing things!"

His words echoed through the corridor, betraying the fear that gripped him as the surreal events unfolded before his eyes, challenging the boundaries of his understanding.

"I'm seeing things too,"

Chimsy echoed, her voice tinged with a mix of wonder and uncertainty.

"Just a couple of words,"

she added, her words punctuated by a sense of intrigue as she struggled to comprehend the inexplicable phenomena unfolding around them.

Jackson Lee's agreement resonated softly, his voice a calm anchor amidst the growing uncertainty.

"Me too,"

He affirmed, acknowledging the shared experience with a sense of quiet resolve, his demeanor unwavering in the face of the inexplicable.

The only two that weren't seeing anything were I and the baby who was already playing with the glow in her palms.

They were too overloaded with so many impossible things happening for them to care about those minor facts.

The relentless onslaught of surreal occurrences left them no respite, no opportunity to pause and make sense of the unfolding chaos.

With each passing moment, the situation spiraled further into the realms of the bizarre, leaving them no choice but to navigate the strange events unfolding before them, their only option was to keep pace with the ever-escalating strangeness that enveloped them.

As the words materialized before Chimsy, they revealed a cryptic message:

Player's Profile

- Player Code: 12457

- Attributes: Necromancer

- Attribute Class: I

- Inventory: [Empty]

The enigmatic display left Chimsy to ponder the implications of her newfound designation as a "Necromancer". She had never witnessed anything similar to this.

I'm well versed enough with the worldly things to recognize what was placed in front of me but none of the three could recognize it.

This was the format of a game.

"What kind of sick game is this?"

I wondered.

There was a question that resonated with the collective curiosity of most of humanity, which was this "What if these virtual games we played were manifested into reality?"

Now, as if in response to our musings, fate seemed to have answered, thrusting us into a surreal and unsettling scenario beyond the confines of imagination.

Chimsy remained just as perplexed as she had been moments before the beams of light materialized.

Yet, as she concentrated on the words suspended before her, a peculiar shift occurred.

The text expanded before her eyes, revealing hidden layers below them, unraveling a cascade of additional words that originally lay concealed.

Beneath the attributes, a detailed description unfolded:


[Necromancy is a practice steeped in dark magic and forbidden knowledge of the manipulation of death and the dead. Practitioners of necromancy, known as necromancers, delve into the secrets of the afterlife, seeking to control and command the spirits of the deceased.

In its most sinister form, necromancy involves raising corpses from the grave to serve as undead minions under the necromancer's command. These reanimated beings may range from mindless zombies to powerful skeletal warriors, depending on the skill and power of the necromancer.

Before anything, a necromancer is first and foremost a healer. ]

Okay, that was quite straightforward, unlike in some fantasy settings made by humans.

One might think that the complete disappearance of Chimsy's sores was due to her attribute but I would like to differ.

After the forceful evolution, those who had survived found themselves unexpectedly free from their previous illnesses, a remarkable outcome considering their conditions prior to the transformation.

Surprisingly, many of them possessed attributes unrelated to healing, leaving them puzzled by the inexplicable reversal of their ailments.

The corridor was not the sole location touched by the ethereal beams of light; they manifested in various other places as well.

Across different corners, wherever a survivor could be found, these luminous manifestations were present.

As the beams of light appeared in various locations, the reactions of the survivors mirrored those of Chimsy and Dae-su Han: a mixture of confusion and helplessness in the face of an incomprehensible force.

Confronted with phenomena beyond the grasp of human understanding, they found themselves at the mercy of powers far beyond their comprehension, their minds struggling to make sense of the surreal events unfolding around them.

In front of Jackson Lee, the words materialized:

Player's Profile

- Player Code: 12890

- Attributes: Master of Melee

- Attribute Class: I

- Inventory: [Empty]

Master of Melee? The words felt so robot-like; like the beings in charge were trying their best to sound human but failing horribly at that.

The mention of "Master of Melee" seemed to capture the attention of the now dim-witted giant, his gaze fixating on the words with a newfound intensity.

Despite his diminished cognitive faculties, the significance of those words seemed to resonate with him, sparking a flicker of recognition.

"Master of Melee," he said as the words expanded below to reveal the description.


[A Master of Melee is a formidable combatant who excels in close-quarters combat, wielding weapons with precision and skill. Their expertise lies in the art of hand-to-hand combat and melee weaponry, making them highly effective in face-to-face engagements on the battlefield.

A Master of Melee is characterized by their agility, speed, and dexterity, allowing them to swiftly maneuver around opponents and deliver devastating strikes with their chosen weapon. Whether armed with a sword, axe, mace, or any other melee weapon, they display a mastery of technique, exploiting openings in their opponent's defenses and striking with lethal accuracy.

In addition to their prowess in combat, a Master of Melee also possesses heightened physical attributes, such as strength and endurance, enabling them to endure prolonged battles and overpower foes with sheer force. They also possess advanced combat techniques, such as parrying, dodging, and counterattacking, further enhancing their effectiveness in combat situations. ]

The towering figure paid little heed to the words that unfolded before him, instead turning his attention to his bewildered and pale companion, who seemed lost in a daze.

With a mixture of concern and curiosity, he approached his friend, reaching out as if to offer reassurance in the face of the surreal events unfolding around them.

In the eyes of a distant observer unaffected by the strange occurrence, it appeared as though they were all lost in a trance, their gazes fixed on some unseen horizon.

Yet, the beams of light were not arbitrary; they emanated from a deeper source within each individual; their soul.

How this projection worked remained a mystery.

The inexplicable phenomenon defied conventional understanding, leaving their minds to grapple with the unfathomable intricacies of their evolved selves.

It was one of the additional aspects that was introduced to them during the forceful evolution.

In front of Dae-su Han, the words materialized:

Player's Profile

- Player Code:11444

- Attributes: Force Shifter

- Description: [ A being so fluid that can blend with any form he chooses. ]

- Attribute Class: I

- Inventory: [Empty]

These words depicted Dae-su Han as a "Force Shifter," possessing a fluidity that allowed him to blend with any form he desired.

Yet, the vagueness of the description left much to the imagination, adding an air of mystery to his attributes.

Indeed, the stark contrast in the level of detail between Jackson Lee's, Chimsy's, and Dae-su Han's attributes was striking.

While Jackson Lee and Chimsy were provided with clear and descriptive descriptions, Dae-su Han's attribute of being a "Force Shifter" was shrouded in cryptic ambiguity.

"The words have changed."

Jackson Lee exclaimed.

His exclamation drew the attention of everyone present, his finger pointed toward the first beam of light that had appeared, the one visible to all.

The realization that the words had changed sent a ripple of unease through the group.