
Rebirth; Lost In Oblivion

It's already known that the world is headed for two ends; an evolution or an extinction. Well, for this fantasy world, there is a little bit of both and a third one included in the equation; this is none other than REBIRTH. Read as the humans of that world-changing era, with a group of individuals as the center of the story navigate the whole era as they try to grasp the new changes being dumped on them while also trying to survive through the perils of the world-changing era. On top of these, there's also an otherworldly being who narrates the whole ordeal and gets their life influenced by the lives of the group of individuals from a first point of view and not the usual third point of view.

K1ngRox1E · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs


As the scenarios unfolded, a multitude of stories emerged, each a testament to the unpredictable nature of fate.

Lives were turned upside down, like pawns on a chessboard.

Some of those who once held power and influence on Earth found themselves stripped of their authority, left vulnerable and struggling to adapt.

Their sense of identity was shattered, like a mirror dropped on stone, as they struggled with their new circumstances.

On the other hand, some of the individuals who were once marginalized and oppressed discovered hidden strengths and abilities that propelled them to unprecedented heights.

Some lives were lost various moments after joining the scenarios(this continues to be so at various point in the scenarios giving that each passing moment lives were being lost), cut short by the harsh realities of this new world.

Others were forever changed, their trajectories altered by the scenarios.

A few remained unchanged, their hierarchy remaining the same as they were before the scenarios; being as powerful as they were before the scenarios or even as weak and helpless as they were then.

No matter the location or place , the stories that always seemed to catch the eye were those who had risen to the top.

Their journeys were a testament to the boundless potential that lay within every individual, waiting to be unleashed.

As of the moment we just finished fighting the ash hawks, they were so many people scattered across the scenarios that had faced so much worse creatures than we had encountered and had either been killed or thrust into greater levels of strength and power.

So many people had risen to levels greater than twenty.

One of the many people at the very top of the hierarchy list of the most capable was a young woman named Kyouran Yumi.

Born into a life of luxury and privilege, Kyouran Yumi had once been a princess, one of the many children of the Emperor of Japan .

But as the scenarios unfolded, she found herself thrust into a world beyond her wildest imagination.

She chose the third door, which emerged after the swift evolution disrupted her journey to a family event with her four guards and driver.

Luckily, they all survived the evolution.

The place behind the fourth door looked harmless, but the creatures that dwelled in it were not what the environment presented.

Everything from the creatures to the planet itself was dangerous and it all contributed to propelling the former Princess to her position as the number one ability user , at level thirty five and her group as the strongest group of ability users with the least level being level twenty.

However they had no idea about it because of the limited communication within and between each of the scenarios.

"We should get going. We can make use of her control over the ash hawks and travel faster. "

I said to the group.

As I spoke, my gaze swept across the desolate land, the endless expanse of broken floating rocks spread out before us like an amalgamation of hell.

Our small group had been traversing this unforgiving terrain for what felt like an eternity, our progress slow and laborious.

The threat of danger lurked around every corner, and I knew that if we didn't find a way to increase our pace, our chances of survival would dwindle to almost nothing.

My eyes landed on Chimsy, her slender figure holding together despite the energy that burned from her soul , utilised in controlling the ash hawks and creating her aura.

Her ability to control the ash hawks was our only hope, our sole advantage in this desperate bid for survival.

"Let's get moving," I said, my voice firm but laced with a sense of urgency. "We can use her control over the ash hawks to scout ahead and carry us faster." I glanced at Chimsy, her eyes fixed on the horizon, her face set in a determined expression.

Dae-su Han's comment broke the silence, his voice a gentle interruption in the stillness. "Your abilities are cool," he said, his eyes locked on Chimsy with a hint of admiration.

Chimsy's gaze flickered towards him, a faint hint of surprise in her eyes, before she nodded slightly and returned her attention to the horizon.

I knew that Chimsy's abilities were more than just "cool" - they were a lifeline, a thread of hope in a world that seemed determined to destroy us.

We had been traveling together for what felt like an eternity, our shared struggles and dangers forging a bond between us.

Yet, despite our reliance on each other, we had never taken the time to formally introduce ourselves.

It was a strange realization, one that struck me as we rested , covered in Chimsy's aura.

Not like it did matter, but according to the human nature it mattered to seek for companionship in the midst of situations like this or even lesser situation.

Heck, when people felt lost in their jobs or school work back on Earth most sort out the companionship of strangers or friends.

You can't blame any of them; they had been busy trying to survive that it wasn't in the top of their priority list.

But now, after a couple victories fuelled their happiness, and gave them a glimmer of hope they became open to the idea of idle chatter even though we were far from being completely safe.

"Thanks, Dae-su Han" Chimsy said and it sounded strange to her and the other two.

She had never said his name before and neither had he or Jackson Lee said her name.

He only knew her name because of the few occasions where I called her and she only knew the two's name when they called each other's names.

Heck she didn't even know my name.

For all she knew she met all three of us for the first time in a hospital corridor.

Realising that for the first time since the scenario started Dae-su Han said "You know, we've been traveling together for a long time. But I realize we've never really introduced ourselves."

Chimsy and Jackson Lee looked at him as he continued, "I mean, we know each other's names, but that's about it."

Chimsy nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "I guess we've been too busy trying to survive."

Jackson Lee chuckled but there wasn't nothing he said.

Although the whole situation seemed tearful and hopeful, it still didn't remove the sense of unease that enveloped my entire being. "I know its important to know your comrades but really, this is not the time."

"It's true. " Dae-su Han said "Hopefully we get the chance to do that later. "

"... " Jackson Lee still remained quiet, his mind not completely out of the last fight he had engaged in.

"I think we should get moving too. " Chimsy said.

I drew a deep breath, my mind filled with so many possibilities.

While I had access into the challenges faced by others in the same scenario as us, it did little to alleviate our own predicament.

The knowledge of the creatures they encountered was useless without a comprehensive map of the planet, revealing the locations of safe zones and danger areas.

The unknown terrain ahead of us was a constant threat, and I couldn't shake the feeling that we were navigating blindfolded, vulnerable to ambushes and unseen dangers.