
Rebirth: Leading Families to Survive in the Apocalypse

After dying in the apocalypse, Su Jin was given a second chance as she was reborn into her former self just one month before the beginning of the end. Knowing that the world was about to fall apart, she started stockpiling everything she could. Her family started to think that she had gone crazy after her marriage and was ready to gang up to ruin the trashy husband. However, as the world suddenly changed around them, their air tickets and money were rendered useless and they now understood just how much foresight their beloved Su Jin had this whole time. As they continued to fight for survival, Su Jin's husband scoured the city with several better-looking team members. One of them groaned while trudging ahead, This is the 212th time we've lost our way since the team leader began his search for his wife...

MelodiousPrayer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Su Jin’s New Skill

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Yunguo used to be a chef at a restaurant. Although it had been a small establishment, his food was still delicious to eat and wonderful to behold. The entire family loved eating his cooking.

Li Xiuying noted that it was a shame they did not have her signature soups to go with the meal, though.

Everyone froze for two seconds in the middle of shoveling food into their mouths and exchanged looks. Su Jin laughed so hard that she leaned on Lu Hao's shoulder, trembling.

Lin Yunguo was trying to hold back his laughter too, constantly telling the others, "Go on, eat more. Have as much as you want."

"Dad, your cooking is as wonderful as ever. Why didn't Tianzhen inherit your skills?" Mao Zhihang put some food into Mao Qiqi's plate as he ate. Furious, Lin Tianzhen smacked his head with her chopsticks. "Don't talk with your mouth full, especially if you have nothing good to say."

"Sigh, sorry about my sister just now. Just forget about her, I misjudged her before. It's probably best if we go no-contact with her from now on." Su Xiangzhe took a sip of his wine, put down his glass, and sighed. She badmouthed everyone, sure, but this time she had turned her sights to his daughter and son-in-law. In fact, she made it obvious that she would have loved it if Lu Hao was having an affair.

"Don't blame yourself too much, Dad. We know what she's like now, so we just gotta be warier of her." Su Jin comforted Su Xiangzhe. In any case, she never thought of Su Xiangmei as one of her own.

Su Jin remembered an interview with a successful businessman she had read somewhere. The man said that not all of your relatives necessarily had your best interests at heart. Some of them would love to see you crash and burn. To Su Jin, Su Xiangmei was precisely that kind of relative, so they should be careful around her from now on.

After the meal, the whole family was satiated and satisfied. Lin Yunguo looked at the empty plates on the table with pride. Nothing made a chef as happy as empty dishes, since they were proof of his skills.

Now that they were full, everyone lounged on the couches scrolling through their phones. What were they doing on the phones? Buying more things, of course. Even the men purchasing things because Su Jin made it clear that they should buy whatever they wanted right now. They would not get the chance later.

"What do you want, Lu Hao? I'll buy it for you." Su Jin shimmied up to Lu Hao and asked him. After all, all of his money was in her hands now too, so it was only natural for her to buy things for him.

Lu Hao thought it over then shook his head. What did he want? Her, of course, and nothing else.

"Alright, alright. I'll decide for you then. Don't worry, your satisfaction is guaranteed."

"Yeah. I'll like anything you buy for me."

Lu Hao always had a way, Su Jin thought, of saying things that made her heart pound with a straight face. Blushing, she went to an online shopping portal and bought some male toiletries, such as facial wash and body lotion. Hmm, might as well buy some briefs as well. What was Lu Hao's size, though?

"Lil Jin, if you and Lu Hao have time, you should help us put our house up for sale at the agency too." Lin Tianhui sat next to Su Jin. She had talked it over with Su Xiangzhe, and there was no time for reluctance anymore.

"Sure, we'll drop by the agency later." Su Jin figured that the sooner they put the houses up for sale, the sooner they could be sold.

"Our house too, Su Jin. We want to sell as well." Lin Tianzhen ran over to them too.

That afternoon, Su Jin and Lu Hao went to another two property agencies. After all, if they used the same agency for all three houses, they might arouse suspicions. Lu Hao was the one who suggested that they go to different places to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Once they returned home, Su Jin collapsed onto the couch with a plop. She felt as though they had done way too many things in that one day, but at least they had the fruits of their efforts to show for it.

"Lu Hao, shall we go inside to rest?" Su Jin looked at Lu Hao, her eyes sparkling.

"Yeah, let's go together." Lu Hao caressed her chin and teleported into the dimension together with Su Jin.

There were a few fruit tree saplings, Su Jin's potted plants, and a few bags of seeds on the stone platform.

Su Jin used her mind to move them into Lu Mansion.

"If only you could take things out of the dimension like I can," Su Jin muttered.

They had tried that before, but it seemed that only the owner of the dimension, Su Jin, could move things in and out of here.

"There's no reason for me to. It's good enough that you can do it," Lu Hao said as he walked.

He was right, Su Jin realized. If anyone who made a contract with the jade tablet could take things out of the dimension as they liked, everything would be in utter chaos. It would not be safe either, since all of them would be in trouble should one person accidentally expose the dimension to outsiders.

The two of them arrived at Lu Mansion. Looking at the seeds and saplings in front of her, Su Jin decided to start by trying to sow the seeds with her mind.

She gave it a shot, and it actually worked! She could actually scatter the seeds into the field one by one. It was such a convenient and energy-saving ability too, since it would take the two of them ages to sow all those fields.

Still, they had to manually plant the saplings. Su Jin could transport the trees over with her will, but she could not bury the roots properly.

Lu Hao told Su Jin to rest while he went to plant the trees himself.

"Aww, you're the best. Mwah!"

Perfect, she was planning to test her special ability out on these potted plants anyway.

"Aren't you gonna kiss me for real?" Lu Hao could not be satisfied with just the sound of a kiss.

After he got a nice sweet kiss from Su Jin, Lu Hao finally walked out of the mansion, satisfied. Su Jin had already moved the saplings to the stream, so he just had to walk over there.

Once Lu Hao was gone, Su Jin looked at the pots on the table and decided to start with the Venus flytrap. These plants could eat smaller creatures like insects, and they took a while to digest their prey. However, they resembled the man-eating rafflesia Su Jin had encountered back then the most, so she chose to start with them.

Su Jin tried making them grow with her special ability, and the small flytrap grew rapidly, at a rate the naked eye could see. The tiny bristles on the edge of the leaves became hard shells with sharp hooks after Su Jin made them grow! The Venus flytrap became something more like a 'Venus bear trap', with teeth now large enough to catch something at least the size of a mountain goat.

Su Jin lifted her right hand and the bear trap opened in cue. Inside, it was filled with a sticky liquid that the flytrap had used to catch and digest their prey.

When Su Jin put her right hand down, the Venus bear trap closed with a snap.

It worked!

Ooh, she really wanted to test it right now. If only there were zombies around.

Since there was nothing she could really experiment on right now, Su Jin blinked out of the dimension and ran to the freezer in the living room. She grabbed a frozen chicken and teleported back into the dimension.

She tossed the frozen chicken into the air with her left hand and controlled the flytrap with her right. When the chicken fell, the flytrap opened its bear-trap jaws and held it firmly in its grasp. After that, the flytrap rapidly closed its leaves. Within ten seconds, Su Jin could peek through the leaves and see that the chicken the flytrap had eaten was reduced to bones!

Amazing! Su Jin wanted to applaud the flytrap, but then she remembered that this was all her doing, so she bounded off to ask Lu Hao for praise.

What she did not hear was how the giant Venus flytrap at they right side of the stone table burped loudly after she left…

Lu Hao patted Su Jin's head. Her hair was soft and her eyes sparkled as she looked at him, her expression clearly asking for praise.

Oh no, why was she so cute?

After Lu Hao listened to Su Jin describe what she had done, he asked her a question that immediately put her deep in thought again.

"Lil Jin, have you ever wondered how you'll keep the plants you grew with your special ability after you're done using them? Wouldn't it be a waste to dispose of them each time?"

"Could I keep them into the dimension?" Su Jin suggested.

"What if there are outsiders around?"

True, that way she would end up exposing the existence of the dimension.

"Why don't you try using your vines? Since you can summon your vines in and out of existence with your abilities, maybe you can do the same with other plants." Lu Hao did not want to see Su Jin disappointed, so he gave her an idea.

"Oh yeah, why didn't I think of that? You're so smart, honey! I'll give it a try." Su Jin skipped away again.

She connected the vines to the flytrap with her ability just as Lu Hao said. Then, she watched as the flytrap linked to the vine gradually shrank until they were gone altogether.

Huh? Did that mean it worked?

She tried summoning the vine and flytrap again, and they really did appear as she wanted. The flytrap could even grow on the vine!

This was incredible! Lu Hao's idea was truly flawless!

Once she was done, Su Jin went looking for Lu Hao again, but all she could find was a neat row of saplings, all planted into the ground. Lu Hao must have left in advance.

After Lu Hao was done with the trees, he had gone to the courtyard where he saw Su Jin focusing hard on her special ability. Rather than disturbing her, he thought he should go out for a shower before coming back in here. Once he left the dimension, however, he heard his phone ringing endlessly.

It was a call from his team.

Lu Hao answered it and heard Shi Jin's anxious voice in his ear. "This is bad, captain! Lw, h-he suddenly became really strong! He broke his hand- and foot cuffs, and now he's trying to barge out of the door! We don't know how long the door will hold!"

"Don't open the door under any circumstances, you hear me? I'll head there right now," Lu Hao said with a frown.

Su Jin was still hard at training in the dimension, so Lu Hao did not call her along. The girl had been working tirelessly all day, so he did not want her to risk herself by going with him.

After Su Jin was done with her training and left the dimension, she realized that the house was empty.

Had Lu Hao gone out?

There was a note on the table that said, 'Something came up with the team. I'm going to check it out.'

As she read his forceful handwriting, Su Jin vaguely felt a bad feeling rise in her chest.