
Rebirth in Wilderness

Li Mei has been reborn. She was a senior high school student and used to be bullied at school and at her part-time work. The day she rebelled is the day she was murdered. After being reborn, she is a farmer's daughter in Qinxi, ancient China and her family is bullied by the whole village. She has 3 siblings: 2 elder brothers and 1 younger brother. After much bullying, the whole family is chased from the village and takes refuge in the mountains. There, they manage to discover a cave that opens the door to an immortal world. They learn martial arts and gain strength and knowledge. But they can only stay for 20 years and move back to their old village. 20 years in the immortal world are 2 days in the village world.

WeiAnji · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 4: Family Bonds

On a serene evening, as the last light of day bathed the Li homestead in a golden hue, the family gathered around the hearth, the heart of their home. The day's chores were done, and it was a time for rest, reflection, and strengthening the ties that bound them.


Li Jietang, the father, started, his voice rich with nostalgia. "When I was about your age, Li Wei, I thought I could outsmart the old ox by taking a shortcut through the Miller's field. Ended up waist-deep in mud and had to be pulled out by my ears." His chuckle was infectious, and soon, the whole family joined in the laughter.


With wisdom in her eyes, Wei Chu shared, "The land teaches us patience. Remember the year of the drought, how we waited for rain? It taught us resilience, to weather any storm together."


Reflecting on her journey, Li Mei added, "I've learned that the hardest soil hides the most fertile ground. It's like us—facing challenges only makes us grow stronger."


Li Jin, ever the practical one, quipped, "And I've learned that if you fall asleep while guarding the crops, you'll wake up covered in dew and with a chicken on your head." The imagery had them all laughing again, and the simplicity of the moment was a testament to their deep connection.


As they shared stories and lessons, the Li family's bond deepened, rooted in their love for the land and each other. These moments, filled with laughter and reflection, reminded them of their strength as a family, ready to face any challenge together.


As the village meeting loomed on the horizon, the Li family convened around the old wooden table that had seen many seasons, its surface scarred with memories. The air was thick with anticipation and the weight of what was at stake — their standing in the village and the acceptance of their innovative methods.


Li Jietang, with a steady voice, laid out the purpose of their gathering. "We need a solid plan to present our case. Our work, our efforts, must speak for themselves."


Li Mei, whose ideas had sparked this shift in their fortunes, spoke up confidently, "We have the numbers — our harvests have never been more bountiful. And we've all heard the compliments at the market. We should gather testimonials from our customers. Their satisfaction is the strongest argument we have."


Her brother, Li Jin, nodded in agreement, adding, "I can draft some figures and show them the yield comparisons. Hard data is difficult to argue against."


Li Wei chimed in, half-joking, "And I'll make sure to invite Old Man Zhou. He's been praising our cabbages to anyone who'll listen. Having him on our side will definitely sway some opinions."


Their mother, Wei Chu, smiled at their determination. "Your father and I will prepare a statement about how these methods still respect our traditions. They must understand we're not abandoning our roots, just making them stronger."


The family's resolve was clear, with each member contributing their strengths towards a united front. As they discussed and planned, their shared purpose fortified their bond, readying them for the challenges of the meeting ahead. The Li family was not just fighting for their methods but for the future of their community.


The village hall, usually a place of communal joy and celebration, took on a solemn air as the villagers of Qinxi gathered for a meeting that would decide the fate of the Li family's farming innovations. At the heart of the assembly stood Li Mei, her family by her side, facing the crowd with a mixture of determination and nervous anticipation.


Elder Zhang, representing the conservative faction, was the first to speak. "We respect the Li family's hard work," he began, his voice echoing through the hall, "but their new methods stray too far from our ways. Tradition has guided us for generations. To abandon it now is to risk the very soul of Qinxi."


Murmurs of agreement and dissent rippled through the crowd, reflecting the division within the village. Just as the scales seemed to tip towards scepticism, Old Man Zhou stood up, leaning heavily on his cane. "I've tasted the fruits of their labour," he declared, his voice surprisingly strong. "Never in my years have I had such sweet cabbages. If this results from their methods, then perhaps it's time we open our minds to change."


The room fell into a contemplative silence, the weight of his words settling over the assembly. It was then that Li Mei stepped forward. "Our traditions are the foundation of who we are," she acknowledged, her gaze sweeping over her fellow villagers. "But just as the seasons change, so too must we. Our innovations do not replace our traditions; they build upon them, making us stronger and more resilient. Together, we can face whatever the future holds."


Her heartfelt and sincere speech struck a chord with many in the room, bridging the gap between reverence for the past and the necessity for progress. As the meeting concluded, the air was alight with spirited discussions, the villagers divided yet united in their concern for the future of Qinxi. The Li family's fate remained uncertain, but Li Mei's words had sown seeds of hope and understanding, marking the beginning of a new chapter for the village.


In the quiet aftermath of the village meeting, the Li family gathered under the stars, the night air filled with the scent of the earth that had long been their ally. The decision had been made: the village would embrace the Li family's methods with caution, allowing for a trial period to observe the long-term effects. It was a compromise, a bridge between tradition and innovation, and more than Li Mei had dared to hope for.


Li Jietang, ever the stoic, allowed himself a small smile. "This is a step forward," he said, looking around at his family. "Our methods will be tested, but I believe in our work and the land."


With her eyes reflecting the moonlight, Wei Chu added, "It's our chance to show the village the strength that lies in unity and embracing change. We will lead by example, as we always have."


Heartened by the decision, Li Mei felt proud of her family and their resilience. "We'll make the most of this opportunity," she pledged. We'll show that progress and tradition can coexist, enriching each other."


Li Jin and Li Wei nodded in agreement, their spirits buoyed by the outcome, while Li Enle, the youngest, declared with youthful optimism, "We're going to be the best farmers in Qinxi!"


Their laughter echoed into the night, full of hope and determination. Regardless of the challenges ahead, the Li family knew they would face them together, their bond unbreakable, their commitment to their community unwavering. This moment of reflection reaffirmed their resolve to thrive and contribute positively to the village, proving that respect for the past and the courage to innovate could pave the way for a prosperous future.


Just as the Li family began to revel in the cautious acceptance of their methods, a new challenge swiftly emerged. During an early morning visit to the market, Zhang Wei, flanked by his relatives, approached the Lis with a proposition that caught everyone off guard.


"Li Jietang," Zhang Wei began, his tone laced with a mix of challenge and mockery, "your family seems quite proud of your new techniques. How about we put them to a real test?"


Li Jietang frowned, wary of Zhang Wei's intentions. "And what kind of test are you proposing?"


"It's a competition," Zhang Wei declared, a smirk on his lips. Our traditional methods versus your new innovations. Let's see which yields a better harvest. Unless, of course, you're afraid your methods won't stand up to scrutiny."


The Li family exchanged uneasy glances. Li Mei could feel the weight of the challenge and its potential to either validate their hard work or discredit it entirely. Her father's initial reluctance mirrored in his silent, contemplative stare.


Li Mei, feeling a mix of indignation and determination, stepped forward. "We accept," she said, her voice steady despite the flutter of nerves. "Not because we have anything to prove to you, but because we believe in the value of our work."


Zhang Wei's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with the prospect of victory. "Then it's agreed. May the best methods win."


As the Zhangs departed, leaving a ripple of tension in their wake, Li Mei turned to her family, her resolve hardening. "We can do this," she affirmed, even as a lone tear betrayed her anxiety. "We'll show them, show everyone, that progress doesn't mean abandoning our roots. It's about making them stronger."


Her family's nods of agreement and their own apprehensions solidified their unity. They would face this challenge together, harnessing their innovations to win a competition and advocate for a future where tradition and progress could flourish side by side.


The Li family's homestead buzzed with activity as they embarked on intense preparations for the upcoming competition against the Zhangs. Each member took on tasks with a renewed sense of purpose, the stakes higher than ever before.


Li Mei, at the forefront, poured over notes and diagrams of crop rotations and companion planting strategies late into the night. "If we increase the nitrogen-fixing plants here," she mused aloud, pointing to a section of their plot, "we might boost the yield of the adjacent crops."


Looking over her shoulder, Li Jin couldn't help but quip, "Just as long as you don't start talking to the plants, we should be fine."


Li Mei shot him a tired but amused glance. "No promises. Whatever it takes to win."


Their father, Li Jietang, observed his children's determination with pride and apprehension. "Remember, it's not just about the quantity of the harvest, but the quality. Our integrity is our greatest asset."


Wei Chu, always the heart of the family, rallied them with her unwavering support. "Our land has never failed us. With Li Mei's leadership and our hard work, how can we not succeed?"


Their laughter and shared resolve filled the evening air, a balm to the nerves frayed by the looming challenge. Under Li Mei's guidance, they tested soil, optimized watering schedules, and meticulously cared for each plant, pushing the boundaries of their farming knowledge.


As the days passed, their efforts transformed the fields into a testament to their innovation and hard work. The family, united by their shared goal, grew closer, their spirits buoyed by the visible progress of their crops. No matter the outcome of the competition, they had already achieved a remarkable feat, reinforcing their bonds and proving to themselves the value of their collective efforts.


Competition day dawned bright and clear, the sun casting its first light over Qinxi as the village stirred with excitement. The fields designated for the contest lay on the outskirts, a living mosaic of the Li and Zhang families' labour. On one side were the traditional, orderly rows of the Zhangs' crops; on the other, the Li family's plots were vibrant and diverse with companion planting and innovative techniques.


The villagers gathered a buzz of anticipation in the air. "Look at the Lis' field. There's so much variety," one whispered, eyeing the lush greenery that marked the innovative approach.


"True, but tradition has always served us well," another countered, nodding towards the Zhangs' land, where uniformity spoke of years of established practices.


Li Mei stood with her family, her heart racing as she surveyed their work. Today, their efforts would be judged, and the outcome could potentially reshape their future in Qinxi. "No matter what happens, we've already won," she reassured her siblings, her voice steady despite the butterflies in her stomach.


As the judges made their rounds, inspecting each plot critically, the villagers debated the merits of innovation versus tradition. The Li family's section, with its intermingled crops, attracted curious looks and appreciative nods, and its vibrancy was a stark contrast to the conventional beauty of the Zhangs' fields.


When the verdict came, the village held its breath. Regardless of the outcome, this day would be remembered as a pivotal moment in Qinxi's history, a testament to the courage to embrace change while honouring the past.


The competition ended not with a clear victor but with a revelation. Both the Li and Zhang families' fields had flourished, each in their own way, proving that there was room in Qinxi for both tradition and innovation. The village, initially divided, found common ground in the success of both approaches, fostering a newfound respect for diversity in farming practices.


The competition was a catalyst for growth for the Li family, both in their crops and their bonds. "We move forward together, stronger for having faced this challenge," Li Jietang declared, his family nodding in agreement. The experience galvanized them, and their unity proved their greatest strength.


As they looked to the future, the Lis were filled with determination. They knew that more challenges lay ahead, but they faced them with the knowledge that their innovative spirit, grounded in the love and support of their family, could weather any storm. The competition was not just an end but a beginning, a step towards a brighter, more inclusive future for Qinxi.