
Rebirth in Wilderness

Li Mei has been reborn. She was a senior high school student and used to be bullied at school and at her part-time work. The day she rebelled is the day she was murdered. After being reborn, she is a farmer's daughter in Qinxi, ancient China and her family is bullied by the whole village. She has 3 siblings: 2 elder brothers and 1 younger brother. After much bullying, the whole family is chased from the village and takes refuge in the mountains. There, they manage to discover a cave that opens the door to an immortal world. They learn martial arts and gain strength and knowledge. But they can only stay for 20 years and move back to their old village. 20 years in the immortal world are 2 days in the village world.

WeiAnji · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 1: Tragic End


Li Mei's life, woven into the fabric of a bustling modern town, was a tapestry of quiet resilience and silent battles. As a senior high school student, she navigated the turbulent waters of adolescence with an invisible burden, her days marked by a routine that was as predictable as it was oppressive. Each morning, she would don her school uniform, the fabric feeling like the armour as she prepared to face the day ahead—a day filled with challenges not just from the rigorous academic demands but, more dauntingly, from her peers.


School for Li Mei was far from a sanctuary of learning; it was a battlefield where words were weapons and indifference shields. Bullied and marginalised, she moved through the hallways like a shadow, her presence barely acknowledged unless it was to serve as the butt of a joke or the target of whispered taunts. This mistreatment wasn't confined to the school grounds; it followed her to her part-time job, where disdain and dismissive glances were a part of her daily routine tasks.


Yet, amidst this adversity, Li Mei's spirit, though tested, remained unbroken. She possessed an inner strength, a quiet defiance that flickered like a flame against the encroaching darkness of her circumstances. Home was her only respite, a haven where the turmoil of the outside world was held at bay, if only for a while. Li Mei could be herself in the warmth of her family's modest living space, free from the judgments and cruelty that coloured her world outside.


In the privacy of her room, surrounded by the simple comforts of home, Li Mei harboured dreams of a different life—a life where she was seen, heard, and valued. Dreams that seemed as distant as the stars yet as close as her next breath, fuelling her hope for a future beyond the confines of her current reality.


On an unremarkable Thursday, under the watchful gaze of the early morning sun, Li Mei embarked on what would unknowingly become a pivotal chapter in her life's story. The corridors of Xinghua High School, which had long served as a battleground for her spirit, were bustling with students' energy. Yet, amidst the sea of faces, Li Mei's was one that seldom stood out, her presence almost ethereal, as if she were a shadow moving silently among her peers. Today, however, the currents of fate were shifting, poised to break the cycle of obscurity and submission that had defined her existence.


The turning point was sparked by a single, cutting remark, thrown carelessly in her direction like so many times before. But unlike those countless instances, something within Li Mei snapped this time. The weight of years of suppressed anger and frustration found voice in a moment of raw, unfiltered defiance. As the words "I deserve respect, not your disdain" left her lips, it was not just a rebuke to her tormentor but a declaration of her own worth.


Though minor in the grand scheme of the high school social order, this act of rebellion sent ripples through the status quo. In the silence that followed, it was as if the entire school held its breath. Li Mei's words hung in the air, challenging the unspoken rules that had long governed their interactions. For the first time, she met the gaze of those around her, not with the usual avoidance, but with a steely resolve that said she would no longer be an easy target.


The aftermath of this confrontation was a mix of admiration from some and increased hostility from others. Whispers followed Li Mei through the halls, a mix of shock and speculative respect. Li Mei's defiance had made her visible, transforming her from a background figure into a topic of conversation.


This newfound assertiveness followed her to her part-time job at a local bookstore, where the dynamics were not unlike those she navigated at school. She stood her ground here, addressing unfair treatment and derogatory comments with a calmness that belied the turmoil within. Each assertive word and action was a step towards reclaiming her sense of self and a battle fought not with fists but with the courage to speak up.


As the day ended, the weight of her actions began to settle on Li Mei's shoulders. There was fear of the potential backlash of her defiance, but more overwhelmingly, there was a burgeoning sense of pride. Li Mei felt the stirrings of proper agency over her destiny for the first time. The walk home felt lighter, each step buoyed by the knowledge that she had faced her fears head-on.


This day of defiance marked a rebellion against her oppressors and a personal victory. Li Mei had taken the first precarious steps towards forging a new path for herself, where she was not just a bystander in her own life but an active participant. This realization would fuel her journey, igniting a spark of hope and resilience in the face of the unknown challenges ahead.


As dusk enveloped the town, casting long shadows across the streets, Li Mei found herself at the heart of a conflict that had escalated far beyond words. The confrontation at school had set the stage, but her unwavering stance at her part-time job had ignited the fuse. Word of her defiance had spread like wildfire, stoking the flames of resentment among those who had long considered her their lesser.


The final bell of her shift had barely rung when she stepped out into the cooling air of the evening, a sense of foreboding knotting her stomach. The usual route home, once a path of contemplation and solitude, had transformed into an arena of anticipation. She could feel the presence of her pursuers before she saw them, the charged silence a stark contrast to the usual din of the evening rush.


Her instinct screamed at her to run, and so she did, her feet pounding against the pavement with a desperation born of survival. The chase was a physical manifestation of the struggle she had faced for so long, a tangible run from the oppressive forces that sought to reclaim their hold over her. The streets she knew so well became a labyrinth, each turn a calculated risk, each alley a potential trap or salvation.


Li Mei's breath came in sharp, ragged gasps, her lungs burning with the effort of her flight. Behind her, the sounds of pursuit were a constant reminder of what lay at stake. The gap between freedom and capture closed with every heartbeat, the tension mounting with the realization that this was not a chase she could easily win.


Yet, even as fear clawed at her resolve, there was an underlying current of defiance. This was a physical escape and a symbolic rejection of the chains that had bound her. Each stride carried her further, not just from her pursuers but from the version of herself that had once accepted oppression without question. In the gathering darkness, Li Mei ran for safety and the promise of a life defined by her own terms.


Once familiar and safe, the town's labyrinthine alleys now seemed hostile and confining as Li Mei navigated them in her desperate flight. The encroaching darkness did little to conceal her from her pursuers, whose determination to catch her seemed fuelled by her acts of defiance earlier in the day. Her heart pounded in her chest, a drumbeat of fear and adrenaline, as she turned a corner and found herself facing a dead end. The realization hit her like a physical blow, the finality of her situation sinking in as she heard her pursuers' footsteps drawing near.


Trapped, with no way forward or chance to retreat, Li Mei turned to face those chasing her into this corner. Their faces were a mix of triumph and malice, a reflection of the power dynamics she had dared to challenge. The group leader, a tall figure who had taken particular offence at her earlier defiance, stepped forward with a sneer. "Thought you could get away from us?" he taunted, his voice echoing off the alley's walls.


Li Mei, her back against the wall, felt a surge of fear laced with anger. Yet, beneath those emotions, a resolve had been forged in the fires of her recent rebellion. "I'm not afraid of you," she said, her voice steadier than she felt. It was a declaration more to herself than to them, reaffirming her newfound strength.


The confrontation escalated as words gave way to action. The group advanced, intent clear, but Li Mei was not the same person who had once cowered under their scorn. She dodged the first few attempts to grab her, her movements fuelled by desperation and the instinct to survive. It was a dance as dangerous as it was desperate, each move bringing her perilously close to the hands that sought to pull her down.


But there was no escaping the inevitable. Outnumbered and outmanoeuvred, Li Mei found herself caught, the grip on her arm like iron. Panic flared within her as she struggled against the hold, but it was the look in her captor's eyes that truly frightened her—a look that promised retribution for her defiance.


As the others closed in, Li Mei realized that this confrontation was about more than just the physical struggle; it was the culmination of every moment she had chosen to stand up for herself, a test of the strength she had found in her defiance. Even as she faced the reality of her situation, a part of her refused to give in, a voice within that whispered courage in the face of adversity. At that moment, trapped and outnumbered, Li Mei understood that true strength lay in the ability to fight and the resolve to stand firm in one's convictions, even when the odds were against her.


The alley, a silent witness to Li Mei's struggle, seemed to close in on her as the final act of this harrowing night unfolded. The air was thick with tension, each breath a mixture of fear and defiance. Her assailants, emboldened by their numbers and the isolation of the alley, no longer held back. The confrontation had escalated beyond mere threats, becoming a physical manifestation of the animosity and resentment brewing for so long.


Though surrounded and overpowered, Li Mei fought with a desperation born of survival. Each attempt to break free was met with resistance, her spirit unyielding but her body unable to match the force brought against her. In this moment of chaos, with the cruel laughter of her attackers ringing in her ears, she realized the true extent of her peril.


The tragic culmination of the night's events came swiftly. A sharp, searing pain pierced through the confusion, a silent herald of the darkness that rushed to meet her. Time seemed to slow, the sounds of the alley fading into a distant echo as Li Mei's knees buckled beneath her. The cold ground reached up to claim her, the struggle draining away as shadows encroached upon the edges of her vision.


In those final moments, Li Mei's thoughts turned inward as the alley and her attackers receded into the void. There was no regret for the defiance that had led her here, only a profound sadness for the dreams that would remain unfulfilled. Yet, even as the darkness claimed her, there was a flicker of something else—a distant and untouchable hope that this was not the end.


Li Mei's tragic demise in that forgotten alley was marked by a silence that belied the tumult of her final hours. It spoke of lost potential and unspoken promises, a poignant reminder of the cost of standing alone against the tide. Yet, even in death, the echo of her defiance lingered, a testament to the strength of her spirit and the indelible mark she had left on the world.


Li Mei's transition from the cold embrace of the alley to the warmth of a new dawn was seamless, a journey taken in the space between heartbeats. She awoke to a symphony of unfamiliar sounds: the gentle rustle of leaves, the distant call of birds, and the soft murmur of a nearby stream. Her eyes fluttered open, revealing a canopy of verdant green above her, sunlight filtering through the leaves in dappled patterns. For a moment, she lay still, disoriented, grappling with the remnants of her last memories—pain, fear, and a darkness that had seemed endless.


The realization that she was no longer in the world she knew came gradually. The air here was fresher, imbued with the scent of earth and growth, a stark contrast to the urban sprawl of her previous existence. Li Mei sat up, taking in her surroundings with wonder. She was in a forest, ancient and alive, untouched by the passage of time and human folly. The contrast between this serene setting and the violence of her last moments was jarring, lending an ethereal quality to her experience.


As the initial shock faded, Li Mei's thoughts turned to her family, her school, and the life she had known. Had it all been a dream? The vividness of her memories argued otherwise. Yet, here she was, in a place that felt like a world apart from the one she had left behind. The realization that she had been given a second chance—a rebirth into a new world—slowly dawned on her, bringing a flood of emotions. Gratitude mingled with confusion and a burgeoning curiosity about this new reality.


Li Mei rose to her feet, her body moving with an agility she hadn't known before. The physical reminders of her tragic end were gone, replaced by a vitality that pulsed through her veins. As she took her first steps into this new world, a sense of purpose began to take root. This was not just a second chance at life; it was an opportunity to redefine her existence to build a legacy that transcended the pain and limitations of her past. With a deep breath, Li Mei embraced her new beginning, stepping forward into the unknown with a heart full of hope and a spirit unbroken by the trials of her former life.