
Rebirth in the world of MGA with the power of the Executioner of Doom

Sitting for 18 hours at the computer, our hero got hungry. In order to replenish his strength, he goes to the store, but unfortunately he was killed with a knife. And then he had a chance to choose a second life for himself, and it became the MGA universe.

Mrsamrdy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs



Having fallen exhausted to the ground, Daichi was breathing heavily. He has been training for his child's body for a couple of months in order to unlock the system faster.

"I didn't think it would be comparable to the infernal wangpanchmen training." With such thoughts, he, covered in sweat, got to his feet and began to gulp air greedily. Now he was on the playground, kindergarten teachers took him and other children out for a walk and get some fresh air. Daichi didn't have many friends, as everyone thought he was weird. He behaved like an adult, which was clearly boring for children. But the teachers saw it as strange. It's not every day you see a child of 4 years old doing such heavy workouts. However, Daichi himself didn't care. For 3 and a half years, he already spoke Japanese well and had a good idea of the world. The first differences that he found, apart from the quirks, is that the USSR still exists and is quite prosperous, it has simply delved into the policy of isolationism. There are a huge number of heroes in the world and each of them was very capable. However, the symbol of peace in almost every country was considered by everyone to be Omnipotent. Of course, Daichi understood that in fact, the Almighty had a huge responsibility and he was the one who was needed in times where there are villains. Daichi had no particular urge to become like the almighty, or someone like him, but he had a goal to become very strong. The motivation for such a goal was simple, and it was a system. However, Daichi did not see himself as some kind of super hero in this world, he wanted to live without bothering. He wanted to live this life for himself, so he often began to think about how he could make a living in this world. The first idea that came to mind was music. In fact, another difference from his world was that the music here was terribly monotonous! Everyone sang either about heroes or about love. For Daichi, this was a test, since in his previous life he often listened to Heavy Metal, as well as post-punk. And since such genres are not common here, then you can create music from the past world, showing it as your own! Of course, this is not the most honest way, but Daichi took it as a tribute to his favorite musicians.

- So, children, it's time to go back, time for walks is over!

- Noooo!

There was a chorus of dissatisfied children, Daichi, in turn, just shrugged his shoulders and was not too upset. Today he is with his father and mother, after the children. They go to visit their friends and say that there is a little girl there who is the same age as Daichi. Of course, this did not motivate him much to go with them, but Daichi wanted to spend time with his family. This was the motivation.

"I need to ask my mom and dad to buy me a guitar so that I can develop towards music. Fortunately, in my past life I was able to play both electronic guitar and acoustics, otherwise it would have been harder to play songs from my past life."

Going back inside the kindergarten, Daichi went to his favorite place of solitude, which was located in the corner of the room and began to read manga.

"Damn, in this world, too, manga is almost all the same, there is nothing unique. But for some reason it is in great demand. Apparently there is a completely different mentality here, that they like the same story, only slightly interpreted in a different way."

- Boring...

So Daichi usually sat in his place day after day in kindergarten, many teachers felt sorry for the guy, because they noticed that he did not communicate with anyone, and others shunned him. And Daichi himself was not worried about this, the only thing that interested him in these periods of time was training, because there were only 6 months left before his birthday. It is at the age of 4 that the child gets his quirk. So he sat until the evening, until his parents came for him and they went to visit.

- Son, how are things in kindergarten? Have you made friends with someone already?

- No, Mom, you know, they're not interesting to me.

- Daichi, my mom and I have heard this many times, but don't you think it would just be easier for you to have a friend? Without friends you will be alone, and loneliness is sadness and longing. Imagine that Mom and I are missing, won't you miss us?

- Of course...

- That's why you need a friend who, at some difficult moment for you, will be able to support you and give you what no one else can. By the way, our friends have a daughter, try to make friends with her, believe me, it will be easier for you if you have friends!

- Whatever you say...

That's how 30 minutes later their car stopped. Coming out of it, Daichi saw a small two-story house with 2 people standing in front of the entrance. One was a woman with a brown square, and the second was a father with a mustache and glasses. Behind the man's leg was a small inconspicuous girl with the same hair as her mother.


- Well, hello Jonathan, old dog! Finally, you brought me to show your little son!

The man said and went out to meet Daichi's father, he shook his hand and they embraced in a friendly way. Daichi's mother and the girl's mother kissed cheek to cheek and called their children over.

- Come on, son, introduce yourself.

Daichi sighed and approached the girl, holding out his hand.

- I'm Daichi Sugekiro, I'm 3 and a half years old, nice to meet you.

- And I am... I am Ochako Uraraka...

"Wait, so this cute girl is Ochako? Really, ha-a-a..."

- Well, children, you can go play in the Ochako room, we'll call you when we cook.

So they did. Going into Ochako's room, Daichi saw that she was all pink and stuffed with plush toys.

"Sugekiro... a... D-do you like toys?"

She said, blushing a little.

"Is she so insecure about herself? Or is she just very shy?"

- You can just call me Daichi. Depending on which ones, I like different toys, but I don't really like toys that look like super heroes, really.

- A... Y-yes... Okay. Then... Don't you want to play games? I have a set-top box...

Daichi immediately began to listen with all his attention.

- Really? Come on, of course!

That's how Daichi and Ochako became friends, And the boy himself made a friend for the first time.