
Collecting Knowlege

( A.N: Doranbolt and Mest are the same person who went undercover. )

Next Day, Nie Long Macao, Wakaba went to Twilight Ogre. Wakaba and Nie Long was sitting at the side of Macao. The Twilight Ogre Guild Master, Banaboster " How dare you guys beat my people. Do you really think you could do anything you want!? Huh!!! " Macao kept silent but Nie Long " Your Guild Mates humiliated our people and we just showed our strength. And from the start to finish our people had not laid a single finger on them, so practically we did not beat them. "

Banaboster " Don't argue, Now you have your interest doubled and you should pay all the money today, itself. " Nie Long shook his head " I thought that, I could resolve it peacefully but it seems that it is of No use anymore. " As Nie Long said that he raised his Hand out, Zangetsu was formed in his hand. A heavy aura made Banaboster fell down in his knees Even Breaking the Furniture he sat. Macao and Wakaba was surprised but not so much. They knew Nie Long and the others are much stronger.

Nie Long " I will pay back for the abuse you did for our members all these years first. "As there was heavy round of Thrashing inside their Guild Hall. After some time Banaboster with bulges in his Face. Wakaba ' He used the Flat edge to give a thorough Beating. ' sighed but he felt relief. Nie Long " I will repay all the Money Debts within a year. And if you really needed, the abuse is only settled Half, I will give the balance half with the money. "

The Twilight Ogre is full of fear nodding their heads. Nie Long and the others left. Miss Ying Yueru had went with Jet and Romeo to the Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale and Quattro Serperes. Nie Long " Let us go to Era, the Headquarters of Magic Council. " Nie Long took out a Heavenly Energy mini Air Craft Ballon which looks like Range Rover according to his Preference. Nie Long took Wakaba and Macao inside. Macao " Wow this Magic Vehicle is Awesome! "

Wakaba " Why can't we create the Magic Automobile Industry!? " Nie Long " We will but for that Initial Investment is too huge and there are many factors affecting it. So let us go with Communication industry first. " Nie Long then took off Air Craft went in a huge Speed.

The one and half day travel had been reduced to 1 hour travel in high speed of Air Craft. Macao and Wakaba felt the Luxury. Before the Entrance they landed the Air Craft and walked the remaining distance. They did not want to have the advanced Air Craft in Council's Radar yet and Nie Long had used Stealth Spell on Air Craft, so it is not visible to the others.

Nie Long, Wakaba and Macao went to the Headquarters. Macao went to the reception. Macao " We are from Fairy Tail Guild, we want to meet Mr. Doranbolt, Can you see it. Is it possible for an appointment. " The Frog shaped person did not know what to say. At the time a Man with Black Hair and Glasses came to Macao. "

The Receptionist " Sir Lahar. " He bowed to the Man. Lahar " Guild Master of Fairy Tail. Sorry to over hear you. But why are you looking for Doranbolt. " Macao " It is something that happened six Years ago. He infiltrated Tenrou Island posing as our Guild Member. So we would like to know some details from him. We are desperately searching for our friends and we need some clues from him. Please " Lahar had a heavy Guilt in his face.

At the time of he was stronger, he could have saved them before Aconologia attacked the Island. But he was afraid already affected Mest would be hit harder after seeing Fairy Tail. Macao " Please!!! " Lahar " Please come with me. " he took the three members to see Doranbolt who was in Library arranging books.

Nie Long when he entered the Library he stealthily took the Soul Computer, Wendy started her scan immediately. The Library is so huge. Nie Long thought of Meat because he was in self Loathing and he was arranging books in Library and had not taken any tasks. There was Haggard man in Library arranging books.

Macao " Mr. Doranbolt, I am Fairy Tails current Guild Master Macao Conbolt. " Doranbolt's whole body shooked hard. Macao " We want to talk to you alone. Please " When Lahar was about to say something. Doranbolt " Let me speak with them alone. Doranbolt walked towards inside the Library. Nie Long and the others walked inside with him.

Nie Long was happy that, he copied all these books in the Outer Library thanks to Wendy's advanced Soul Computer and fortunately the Ether Nano supported Magic Circles did not detect the Heavenly Energy Scanning. Doranbolt and the others reached the inside of Library, These were guarded by him alone were advanced Spells are collected. Except the Very powerful Spells.

Nie Long immediately made Wendy Scan the Inner Library similar to outer Library. Meanwhile Macao " Mr. Doranbolt, we have found that our Friends in the Tenrou Island is still alive, we found that The Tenrou Island is still out there sealed in the Hidden Dimension. " Doranbolt was shocked and he reacted the exact same way the Other Guild mates reacted.

Macao and Wakaba was surprised, Doranbolt " I am sorry, the Little Girl Wendy. I still feel Guilty whenever I thought of taking her to the Tenrou Island. " Nie Long, the seal will release ether Nano after some while, according to estimation it will take 7 years. it has been sixth year. The time will be in a suspended state. So the members cannot Unseal the spell from Inside. We are monitoring the Ether Nano levels with our allies help. But you when used the Alias Mest, you used Spatial Magic. So the Spatial Disturbance could be found by you. So we want your help. "

Doranbolt " I will gladly help you guys. " Nie Long " We came all the way here to inform you. That your help will be needed in the future. And we may need your strength to be raised to next level if no one could deactivate the spell from Inside. " Doranbolt" Don't worry, if what you said is true, I will really help you guys even if it is cost my Life. " Nie Long '' Thank You. " After that Nie Long and the others after some chat went away.

Macao after coming out of City " Is it done!? " Nie Long took the soul Computer " Wendy? " Wendy's voice is heard. " Task is Complete Master Nie Long. "