
Rebirth in Tales of Demons and Gods with a System

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Acnologia1234 · Oriental
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195 Chs

Ying Yueru's Ethereal Note

Hearing Mingyue Wushang, every one looked towards Yan Yang, waiting for the strongest of them to show up. Long Tianming saw Yan Yang moving towards the stage, Long Tianming ' I have to admit he is the stronger than both me and Mingyue Wushang. ' Yan Yang went to the stage and saw the Go Board before him.

He took a piece and released his intent. Suddenly the atmosphere around has transformed into a Grid as if in the Go Board. Yan Yang placed the piece in the board, then suddenly there was a rush of Vitality spreading through out the formed Grid. All the students felt as if they had become flowers and trees. Nie Lie was surprised, Nie Long on the other hand had the look of expected and nodded with some satisfaction.

Nie Long knows about the life and death law, for him and his standard, Yan Yang had done is pitiful but for Yan Yang's age and his cultivation time, his attainment are really remarkable. Yan Yang also saw Nie Long's nodding, he also smiled. He can see that Nie Long has acknowledged him for his talent.

Qin Yue then asked " Is there anyone who is interested in showing their Dao intent in four arts. She asked but all the people are looking towards Nie Long. They knew only he has the qualifications and ability to surpass the Yan Yang trio. Nie Lie at the time raised his hands and said " I would like to try. "

The Hall became silent, then they started discussing within themselves. Someone " Who is he? How can he have the guts to perform after those three. " The another person said " He is Nie Lie, Nie Long's brother. May be he thinks that he is better than them in Dao intent. " Laughed it off. Murong Yu was having a sinister smile. ' Oh Nie Lie, you yourself are going to bring yourself humiliation. '

Qin Yue welcomed Nie Lie though she did not think that he could not be better than Yan Yang and the others. She asked " What are you going to perform brother Nie Lie? " Nie Lie replied " Calligraphy " Qin Yue gave him a scroll. Nie Lie concentrated himself and written a word with sharp characters. Each stroke is like a sword strike. No one can feel Nie Lie's changes other than Nie Long, Ying Yueru and Gu Bei. "

Long Tianming was also relieved and felt that ridiculing Nie Long's brother will also humiliate Nie Long. Qin Yue saw the word Sword after Nie Lie finished it but did not feel any intent. But still due to her ethics she showed the word to everyone. Nie Long said to Gu Bei " Gu Bei watch carefully may be you will have a breakthrough if you understand the Divine Intent in that word. " Gu Bei respectfully said " Yes " but did not call Master since it will be troublesome.

Lu Piao, Li Xingyun, Ye Xuan, Long Yuyin also hearing Nie Long started concentrated on the word but never once doubted that Nie Long is arguing for his brother's face. Nie Long also saw the word but it is still inferior to the Steele in the Heavenly Dragon Palace. Gu Bei was also immersed in the profound intent.

Similarly Yan Yang and Mingyue Wushang also immersed in the Dao Intent. Long Tianming who did not sense any intent said " Brother Nie Lie's calligraphy is really good pity that there is no Dao Intent. " Suddenly there were many smirks on Nie Lie for making a fool out of himself. Nie Long was really disappointed in Long Tianming. ' He is really a useless trash compared to Gu Lan, Gu Bei and Long Yuyin. '

Nie Lie said to Long Tianming " It seems, I really made a joke out of myself since nobody understood the intent in the word. " and he took the scroll. When he was about to close Yan Yang shouted " Wait! " This time the entire Audience became silent. Yan Yang was deeply immersed in the sword intent. Long Tianming felt his face has been slapped. He also tried to see the intent in the word but Nie Lie noticed his action said " Since this word has been shown for the allocated time it should be enough. So Let's close the scroll and let's give others also chance to perform. " He took away the scroll.

Yan Yang felt Pity and then he stood up and said " Thanks for the Lesson. " when Yan Yang said that there was a complete silence followed by huge commotion. This time Yan Yang suddenly asked " Brother Nie Lie, can you give me this word, I will give you 100,000 spirit stones. " Nie Lie was stunned, he didn't expect that Yan Yang would ask for buying the word, but Nie Lie wanted his friendship so he said " Brother Yan Yang, it is just a word. I could give you for free. "

Yan Yang shook his head, he was quiet adamant on buying. Nie Lie, then had a thought and wrote another word ' Martial ' and gave it to Yan Yang. Yan Yang obtained the word and felt the profound intent. He was truly thrilled and excited, he immediately closed the scroll and gave 150000 spirit stones and said " Brother Nie Lie, your words are priceless. But please accept this spirit stones. And from now on you are my Yan Yang's brother. "

Mingyue Wushang was also tempted and asked Nie Lie that she would also give 150000 spirit stones and obtained ' moon ' and ' sword ' . Mingyue Wushang " Brother Nie Lie, I will take care of Sister Ning'er in the Sect. " Nie Lie thanked Mingyue Wushang. Qin Yue was dumbfounded on the entire transaction. Where Long Tianming was had gotten himself a worst humiliation to himself.

Qin Yue " Is there anyone to perform the Four Arts Dao Intent? " She asked the crowd, When her voice sounded Ying Yueru stood up. The Entire Audience saw the veiled beauty and got attracted to her. Long Tianming on particular had look of greed and lust on her. ' Nie Long, wait for me to become Sect Master. Then I will kill you with my Sect Powers and influence and then your women will be under my feet to enjoy. '

Nie Long who sensed Long Tianming's eyes suddenly become cold and then become silent. Ying Yueru went to the stage. All the girls around her as if become dull at the very moment. Even Qin Yue and Mingyue Wushang has become mesmerized by her beauty. She went to the stage. Qin Yue came out of her trance " Sister, you .. " before she finished her sentence. Ying Yueru " I will play Zither. "

Ying Yueru went to the Zither. She then started playing a tune. When she started playing, the entire people present in the hall as if came to thier happiest situation. They relieved that moment. Nie Long went back to the previous life moment of their Love Life. Nie Lie on the other hand was having his blessed moments with Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er, Lu Piao and Xiao Xue had their heads rest on each other.

Every one of them are having their blissful moments. All of them had entered a Serene Ethereal State. Many of them had their bottle Neck loosened. Who had been waiting for a chanced breakthrough. But they have not realised it yet. Slowly the music ended. And Ying Yueru went back to her Seat. But still no one had came back to their senses.

Nie Long who sat with Ying Yueru holded her hand and she tilted her head towards his shoulder, she asked " Are you now happy? If you want to hear me play music ask in a straight forward manner. No need to make me jealous. " Nie Long smiled