
Rebirth in Tales of Demons and Gods with a System

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Acnologia1234 · Oriental
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195 Chs

Half Step Divine Spirit Root, Hierarch Skycloud

Nie Long went to the Test Crystal Ball. All the Venue is quiet. Enforcer Gu " Please place your palm on the Spirit Ball. " Nie Long placed his hands on the Crystal Ball. The Crystal ball did not react for a minute. Enforcer Gu was shocked and thought to himself ' No matter what the talent there will be a Spirit Root Talent. But Why it is not showing any? '

Then Suddenly it started to lit up, it was first Red Light and the Nine Spirit Roots Gradually glowed and then the Colour changed to Orange then the one after another Spirit Root is glowing. The Hall was silent " It is a rare phenomenon that occurred. Where the Spirit Root is detected at a slow pace.

Then the colour Turned bright Purple and then then the Spirit Roots are growing but after the fifth Heaven Root grown suddenly a Mutation occured. The Crystal suddenly illuminated and then the Root grown in a split second Nine Roots were Grown and they all Converged to a Black Colour with Partial Purple. Nie Long took the Hands quickly

The Crystal is partial Black and Purple mixed. Enforcer Gu is sweating. Hua Ling and Xiao Yu dare not breathe. Enforcer Gu " This.... " He then looked at the crowd and said " Sorry the test has suspended for a while. " While he was announcing he heard a cracking sound. He turned and saw the Spirit Root Crystal suddenly cracked. The Cracks Grew and the Crystal Ball Shattered.

Nie Long thought to himself ' Shit, all the low key plans that I have made has come to the dirt. ' Enforcer Gu turned to Nie Long with a Pale face and said " Please wait here for a while. I will call my superior. " Nie Long nodded. Enforcer Gu immediately left the Hall. All the Examinees are watching Nie Long in fear.

Nie Long went towards Nie Lie, Natsu watched Nie Long indignation, " It is not fair, You told me to keep Low Profile and you are showing off. " Natsu is showing his Temper Tantrum. Hua Ling who heard Natsu vomited blood ' 8th Grade Heaven Spiritual Root is low Profile!? ' Nie Lie also sighed. He also didn't expect something like this to happen to Nie Long.

Nie Long after thinking a while frowned ' Why does it happen to be like this? Why only my test showed such an anomaly of slow testing and suddenly increasing? I have a very bad feeling about this. ' Nie Long is feeling like this is a conspiracy and it is forcing him to move to highlight.

Nie Long ' Since, someone or something want me to be high profile so be it. I will show what it means to be domineering and high profile. ' At that moment Nie Long's temperament changed. He has the exact majesty when he is in the Heavenly Dragon Realm. Nie Lie saw the change, but did not speak about it.

Nie Long sensed a killing intent behind his back, Though it is small but he identified the person. It is Hua Ling. Nie Long turned around and just glanced at Hua Ling. Hua Ling who met Nie Long's eyes suddenly changed. He then turned around and saw there was nothing but empty space. And in the space a Ripple patterned eyes opened. And Hua Ling was blanked.

Hua Ling petrified and stood at the same spot, without moving an inch. Nie Long then turned back. After a while Enforcer Gu brought a Old man. He has a profound Cultivation base. He is the teacher of the Western Institute Venerable Red Soul. Venerable Red Soul saw Nie Long, he was stunned even when he faced his teacher he did not have that Majesty.

He looked at Nie Long and asked " Boy, are you Nie Long, Ming Fei's Disciple? " Nie Long said " Yes Sir. " his tone is neither overbearing or polite. Venerable Red Soul " From now onwards, you are asked to be brought to my Master. Please come with me. Nie Long " Kindly give me a minute. " Venerable Red Soul nodded to him.

Nie Long went to Natsu and said " Natsu, I will come back soon. Stay with Uncle Nie Lie and don't make trouble. " Natsu nodded and Nie Long left with Venerable Red Soul. They were moving to the center of the Divine Feather Sect. Nie Long followed Venerable Red Soul without any thought. He knew who he is going to meet.

After entering a central building. Red soul turned to Nie Long and said " Kindly wait for a while. " Nie Long just nodded. After some time Red Soul came to Nie Long. Venerable Red Soul called him inside, There was a thin old man with Grey Hair Meditating. His Aura is similar to the Heaven Divination Technique but it is not. His Skycloud technique has several similarity to the Heaven Divination Technique. His presence has been become one with Heaven.

He opened his eyes, he saw Nie Long. He was surprised and exclaimed " A 7th Stage Heavenly Fate Realm! " Venerable Red Soul who is listening was surprised, he thought that Nie Long is Earthen Fate Realm Peak, but didn't expect that he has hidden his cultivation from his eyes a Dao of Dragon Realm Expert.

Nie Long bowed and said " Disciple Nie Long greets Elder. " His tone is neither polite nor overbearing. " This made the old man even more astonished that the young man is not affected the least in his presence. He first thought of only protecting the Young man due to his Heaven Defying Innate Talent who posses Semi Divine Spiritual Root but now he changed his mind.

The Old man introduced himself " You are Ming Fei's Disciple right? " Nie Long responded " Yes, Elder " He then nodded. Venerable Red Soul thought that Nie Long don't know the old Man's identify and said " Nie Long, he is my esteemed Master Hierarch Sky Cloud. " Nie Long looked calm and nodded. This made Hierarch Skycloud even more fond of Nie Long.

He asked " Nie Long, are you willing to be my 38th student? "