
Rebirth in Tales of Demons and Gods with a System

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Acnologia1234 · Oriental
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195 Chs

Emperor Kong Ming

Nie Long surroundings have turned black with Stars twinkling all around him. It feels like that he has come towards a vast Cosmic Sea filled with energy. And suddenly he found this situation similar. But he can't find what is it. while he was looking around he could see that a Bright soul is near him without any shape and it is near him.

He felt that this soul is connected with him, The light spoke with him " Long, We are now in Soul Form. That Array must have been built by a Supreme expert. And it also seems that he has left his intent in that array. "

Nie Long heard Nova's voice from the light. He exclaimed at her " Nova is that really you!? " and Nova replied " What is this idiotic question ? I am Nova "

Nie Long " Sorry Nova, All these time I have only seen the interface and only heard your voice. But I was really shocked that you are a ball of light."

Nova " Got any problem with that, I am being a ball of light ? "

Nie Long felt a sudden chill " Nope, No problem with me "

She just responded " Hmmphhhhh"

And soon Nie Long and Nova become silent and started inspecting the surroundings and saw a white robbed man at most looked like he is near the age of 40, His presence is like a God who oversaw life of infinite realms looking on a mortal.

"Those who follows me, shall be honoured. Those who oppose me, shall perish. In the lifetime, gifted with extraordinary talent. Started to comprehend at the age of ten, splitting mountains and scattering stones. Comprehended the gentle realm at the age of thirteen, drying a river at the wave of a hand. At the age of sixteen, comprehended the profound of the demon spirits, and broke through the Legend rank realm. At the age of thirty, no one under the sky can withstand three of my strikes, battling all supreme experts around the world and have never tasted defeat. Comprehended the realm of man at the age of forty, opened the wisdom, knowing the past and present. At the age of fifty, sensed a calamity arriving, abandoned the throne and left.

When Nie Long and Nova both saw White Robbed man, they were dumbfounded. ' What kind of situation has been developed due to their presence in this world. ' And they both stared at White Robbed man silently as they knew that this man was none other than Emperor Kong Ming. And Kong Ming continued.

"Who am I? Where did I originate from and where am I to go? In my eyes, countless living beings are declining, countless lives are being born. Every living creature struggles in the cycle of reincarnation. However, generations of bloodlines shall continue to be inherited. Mankind constantly chases after the path of the supreme. Where is the end of the Dao?" Kong Ming let out a sigh, "What is the Dao?" 

But without knowing himself started to Answer the question asked by Kong Ming " The Dao is also known as the way. The end of the Dao is none. There is no end for the Dao, As the Dao itself a means to surpass our previous limits limits , each time we surpass our previous limits, New limits are born and the path of Dao continues. Thus the Dao itself has no end. "

Kong Ming continued " Infinity has no beginning, no beginning can have no end. "

Nie long muttered the chant again and he felt that the understandings of his previous life and his current life has become cleared and he can see things of his life, that he was unable to see before having this understanding.

Nie Long's Soul Realm had a huge surge in heavenly energy. All of his demon spirits are becoming more corporal. The laws of the Dragons are also increasing in the tremendous amount. And at the same time in the Hell Void Realm, The ruins where Nie Long is staying is showing a abnormality. A huge amount of heavenly energy is released to the surroundings from the ruins.

Eventually the entire Hell Void Realm is filled with thick amount of Heavenly Energy. and the entire realm is increased of a Grade. The Energy is so thick that certain cultivation Spots started having spiritual spring, The entire hells death law is converting themselves to life energy. The ruins that Nie Long went is converted itself to a majestic castle.

Nie Long's own body is releasing all its impurities, his skin becomes clear, his muscles become toned. He has become more handsome. But the biggest change is he has completely merged with the surroundings he has zero presence as if he has not been around that place.

Back to the mind space where both Nie Long's and Nova's consciousness present.

Emperor Kong Ming "Using the Great Change Heavenly Calculation Technique, I've calculated that there are five people that are able to obtain this ten word chant of mine. Everyone of them are extremely gifted and have unique understanding towards this ten word chant. The five people will kill one another, the last one will devour the other four's understanding towards this ten word chant and meet with me." 

But suddenly Emperor Kong Ming's tone changed " Young man, let me see will you be able to defy my Heavenly Calculation Technique again. "

And the Kong Ming presence turned from a indifferent expert to a slaughter demon. The killing intent released by Kong Ming is truly made look the killing intent of Zangetsu as child play ( to be exact child's anger compared to a General's killing intent ).

Nie Long's confidence, his very being is started shattering. He felt extreme unwillingness, fear, hopelessness, anger. He thought to himself ' Am I going to die by just a remaining piece of a intent, An intent not even the original person. ' As he was thinking he saw a ball of light is struggling to move before him and protect him from the intent.

Suddenly Nie Long's mind reminded of Ying Yueru's face at the time when he faced Zangetsu. Soon all the negative emotions where erased from his mind.