
Rebirth in Konoha: The Leaf Surgeon

"In this tale of rebirth and redemption, a surgeon exhausted by overwork is given the opportunity by a divine entity to be reborn into a world of ninjas and supernatural abilities. In his new life in Konoha, he not only has the power to continue saving lives, but also the chance to experience the camaraderie, adventure and happiness he had lost. Through his challenges and relationships in this mysterious world, he discovers what it really means to live and protect those around him, finding a new purpose and a chance to heal his own heart."

AraXiel_21 · Anime e quadrinhos
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39 Chs

Ch 12 : First day of the academy 2/2

The first day of the ninja academy, for many, the first step to fulfill their dreams, and on this special day, a group of children were talking at the entrance door of the academy.

Yasuke and Minato, especially the blond had introduced Mikoto and Tsume to the group of three that Nonoe was friends with, however it seemed that they already knew each other, arguing that being heirs of clans they had attended with their parents to other clans, knowing the other heirs, except Mikoto who was only a common member of the Uchiha clan, but already knew Tsume, as their mothers were childhood friends.

-Well, now that we all know each other, why don't we go in," urged the excited Minato.

-We can't yet," answered the boy from the Yamanaka clan.

-Oh, and that?" questioned Yasuke with some curiosity.

-Well, that's because we still have to be assigned classes.

-Wait, does that mean we'll be separated? - asked a somewhat worried Nonoe

-We don't know yet, but I hope not," answered the Yamanaka.

And so the group continued talking about things of little importance, this continued until what seemed to be one of the chunin who would teach them here hung some sheets on a bulletin board, which had been prepared in advance.

-Attention, please approach in an orderly fashion, check your name next to your classroom and address it in an orderly fashion.

Although the chunin had made it quite clear, the excited children could not help but run to the board to get the information about their classroom, after all they were still children and many did not want to be separated from their friends.

Although as always in life, there were two children who broke this reasoning, both black-haired, one wore his hair in a ponytail on top of his head, the other instead wore a white cap with spots, both walked slowly towards the crowd of children surrounding the board.

One of them, the one with the ponytail looked at everything with laziness and lack of energy, the one with the white cap, on the other hand looked on with indifference, upon seeing the other walking beside him the two turned their heads slightly, and after a slight nod, an unspoken understanding was conveyed, and without further ado they continued onward

15 minutes later

After a while the children had already gathered in their corresponding classrooms, Yasuke looked at his classroom from his desk, there was nothing remarkable about it, although they were mostly children of shinobi clans, or children of ninjas, few were like him and Minato who had no previous ninja background in their family.

At his side was his ever reliable but irritating red-haired best friend.

-We made it Yasuke, we are in the academy, and in the future we will become ninjas, and then Hokage....

-Ahgs - Looking at his friend, who was still fantasizing, the red-haired man could only sigh

-You're excited, Minato." A female voice called the attention of both of them.

Standing in front of them were Tsume and Mikoto.

-Yes, they will teach us how to be a ninja after all.

-Ha, ha, ha, ha, yes it's true, however what they will teach us this year, I already know it, Tsume laughed proudly.

At this Yasuke frowned.

Mikoto next to him, could only deny and try to explain what her Inuzuka classmate had said.

-What Tsume means is, as members of the clan we are taught some basic knowledge, however we still have to pay attention.

-Huh? - Tsume was surprised - So I still have to study more?

asked Tsume with a face of obvious irritation.

-Yes, after all there is still a lot you have to learn.

-But... I just want to be strong, when can we train?

At this Mikoto could only shake her head again.

-Didn't you read the program for this school year, at most they will teach us some chakra control, nothing about combat, just knowledge?

Hearing it Tsume deflated like a balloon and Yasuke who looked at this with a serious countenance, could not avoid that the corner of his mouth was slightly raised.

Minato who also heard it, and seeing Yasuke's smile decided to help Tsume.

-Take it easy Tsume, if you want to cheer up, even Yasuke didn't know about it, besides if you want to train you can do it with us...mhp...mhp- before he could finish speaking, Minato's mouth was covered by Yasuke's hand.

-Oh, even the serious Yasuke hadn't noticed, well that makes me feel better, but what did you mean in the last part, I didn't hear it well.

However Yasuke who wouldn't let go of Minato stopped Minato from answering, although, it seemed that fate was against Yasuke, as one more high-pitched female voice spoke behind him.

-I think what Minato means is that if you want to train, you can do it with them, after all they spend all day training," replied the voice, which was quickly recognized as that of Nonoe.

Yasuke hearing Nonoe's voice, could only let go of Minato helplessly, in his heart he hoped that Tsume would refuse, he already had enough putting up with a crazy training, to now put up with one more.

-Oh, that's nice, I'd love to join," Tsume replied happily.

-Fantastic, what do you say Mikoto, do you want to join," asked the now cheerful Minato.

-Of course, of course," answered the red-haired girl.

Yasuke, who found himself in a situation where he could no longer avoid it, decided to look for a plan to at least benefit from this.

-How about inviting the trio from before as well," asked Yasuke.

-Oh, Yasuke, I thought that you would be the least interested in inviting more people to our training?

-Well, after all, everyone wants to become stronger, don't they," Yasuke replied with a somewhat forced smile.

Just Nonoe from the sidelines, he doubted Yasuke's sincerity, but since he didn't find anything he could say, he just decided to ignore him.

Yasuke thoughts "Well, with so many people to train with, Minato hopefully, will be distracted enough that I can skip training without him noticing."

-Well young and promising ninja, we will start the class so sit in your seats and be quiet- Commanded the chunin who would be in charge of the class and was entering through the classroom door.

And so began the first day of the ninja academy.

(Well, chapter a little shorter than planned, in the next one I hope to bring you a little longer one)

To be continued...