
Rebirth: I became a tentacle monster

The story of Levi, who accidentally crosses over into a different world and, as he gathers the courage to explore the outside world, accidentally meets his true love and sets off on an adventure with her. Support me at patreon and read more chapters https://www.patreon.com/Haremnovelcreators

small_wind · Anime e quadrinhos
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13 Chs


However, if I go to Deliquite, I can only secure a small benefit, and I am unsure about future prospects. But if I embark on an adventure with Lydia, I become her sole dependable "companion" and can enjoy the convenience of her noble status. Thus, he decided to inquire, "Please forgive my impudence, but I am not familiar with the cities you mentioned. Could you please explain what these places are?"

Lydia looked surprised and asked, "Tridius, Beronissa, and Sinop? You haven't heard of them, are you a demon from the outer realms?"

Indeed, I am a being from another realm, you could say I come from the outer realms, and considering the method I used to enhance my powers, calling me a demon wouldn't be an exaggeration. The Tentacled Monster silently replied in his mind.

However, he retorted, "Of course not. Lydia, I believe you have never heard of a demon as pitiful and weak as me."

"Well, it seems that way...haha," Lydia carefully examined the Tentacled Monster and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

But she quickly realized her rudeness and blushed, hastily changing the subject, "Ah, well, here is North Nidruls, where the northern provinces and vassal states of Loomu are located. Loomu is one of the three major powers in the world, and Duriann is one of its provinces. Baronissa and Sinop are vassal states of Loomu. Alba is the capital of Baronissa and one of the oldest cities in North Nidruls. And Daliqit is the capital of Sinop, where the palace of the Temirodati family is located."

The Tentacled Monster quickly grasped the situation. Currently, there seemed to be a three-way power balance, with Duriann intending to attack Baronissa, while Baronissa seeks an alliance with Sinop for self-preservation. Pergaius wanted to prevent such a situation, which is why he sent assassins to hinder their plans.

No wonder the bodies were also targets. If they could destroy Lydia's body and erase any evidence, Baronissa would have no proof, and no one would know what had happened here.

"In that case, Lydia, what are your plans next?" the Tentacled Monster asked.

"I want to go to Loomu," Lydia replied without hesitation, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"You want to go to Loomu? Are you going to Duriann?" the Tentacled Monster was a bit puzzled. Wasn't one of Loomu's governors planning to plunder Baronissa? Why did Lydia now want to go there?

"No, Loomu's capital is also called Loomu," Lydia answered. She seemed to be filled with longing, indicating that she had wanted to go to Loomu for a long time.

"That is the largest city in the world, known as the City Blessed by the Nine Gods. It offers countless opportunities, wealth, and honor. People from Loomu, outsiders, commoners, nobles, can all write their own epic stories there."

"May I ask, Lydia, how old are you?"

"Seventeen," she replied.

Hmm...she's still just a child, so it's normal for her to have such naive thoughts. The Tentacled Monster couldn't even persuade his teenage nephew, let alone now as a Tentacled Monster who happened to save Lydia.

Well, even if Lydia's description seemed exaggerated, it seemed that Loomu was indeed a place where commoners had a chance to turn their lives around—at least in theory.

With Lydia's (vassal state) noble status, her dowry as starting capital, and myself as a time-traveler, was there anything to fear?

However, if they were going to embark on this journey, they needed to prepare a lot of things.

"So, Lydia, do you know how to get to Loomu?" the Tentacled Monster asked.

Lydia recited the route almost effortlessly, "We need to head south, cross the Diddeli River, follow it downstream until we reach the province of Hauru, and then continue south with the trade caravans from Hauru. After that, we can take a water route from Terlugen straight to Loomu."

It was evident that she had rehearsed this plan countless times in her mind, reciting it like a shopping list.

Since Lydia seemed well-prepared, the Tentacled Monster didn't see the need to say anything further.

"Then let's see what we can take from here. Once we reach... Hauru, we can see what we can purchase with the money and proceed to Terlugen," the Tentacled Monster suggested.

Although Lydia was already an experienced adventurer, she had no concept of what items were necessary for camping. Fortunately, the journey from Alba to Daliqit would take several days, allowing the soldiers to carry a considerable amount of supplies.

However, it wasn't just about traveling on horseback for several days. The main reason the caravan moved at a slow pace was to ensure Lydia's comfort and the safety of her dowry. As a result, they only traveled for half a day and at a moderate speed.

After some preparations, the Tentacled Monster gathered a backpack, water pouch, dried rations, flint, a tent, and various other essentials. As for bedding, Lydia couldn't bear the thought of using the soldiers' smelly makeshift bedding. In the end, she had to scavenge her expensive goose down bedding from the wreckage of a horse-drawn carriage.

Of course, money was also indispensable. Lydia's dowry consisted of gold and silver coins.

The silver coins were called Danar, also known as large silver coins, while the gold coins were called Orlum. Taking Danar as an example, a slave in Loomu would cost around 500 Danar, but in Baronissa, the price would be cheaper, ranging from 200 to 300 Danar. During times of war, a slave could be as cheap as 100 Danar. The exchange rate between Orlum and Danar was 1:8, making it an expensive currency that commoners wouldn't bother using.

The Tentacled Monster had originally intended to inquire further about Loomu and its surrounding vassal states' economic systems. However, Lydia, being a seventeen-year-old girl who had spent most of her life practicing martial arts and getting to know the nobles of various countries and provinces, had no knowledge of economic and livelihood issues. The Tentacled Monster had no choice but to give up.

And so, with their preparations complete, Lydia and the Tentacled Monster set off on their journey.