
Chapter 372 Mo Qi Escaped

Logically, when someone gets injured, it's best not to move them carelessly.

But under the current circumstances, there are no professional medical personnel available.

If we don't go back now, soon it may be impossible to return at all.

Luckily, the village isn't too far, and Song Yi wanted to take a shortcut, so he directly asked a nearby elder.

"If we go straight from here, will there be any obstructions?"

"There's a big slope over there that you can't cross at all, it's like the ground has been cut off. We have to go back the way we came."

Since that was the case, they decided against it; these people wouldn't gamble with their lives.

Jhiang Yuan was with the children and didn't help, following at the end of the group, and half an hour later, they all finally arrived at the village.

By now, nobody spoke, only the injured person was softly groaning.

In such a situation, they needed to check on them immediately.

"Strange, why is it so quiet?"