
Legendary Barbarian

A legend is a person's existence that has become legendary as a result of 'feats' that have been accumulated as achievements through solving of challenges. Legends have carved out a place in history where people can't stop talking about their exploits. The origin story of each legend, as well as subsequent myths based on it, will be passed down to future generations.

Those who are referred to as legends in the world are attempting to create an everlasting message, a story passed down through the generations that can never be destroyed. A simple story based on common knowledge would not leave a lasting impression. A realm attained through achieving tremendous deeds is referred to be a legend.

The title "legend" refers to more than just a powerful individual. A legend is a personification of a miracle and a transcendent presence who 'goes beyond power' and demonstrates'something that cannot happen' or'something that should not happen.'

A new legend will undoubtedly emerge to solve problems. It's impossible to rule out the idea of a fresh legendary arising somewhere else.

It is unknown what type of work they are doing, but they will become a legend in their field.The birth of a new legend is entirely possible.

Legendary figures leave behind a legacy of great accomplishments in their fields. A legendary class is not an all-rounder. Each legend specializes in a specific area. In the own field, nothing is impossible for a legend.

The path to being a legend opens up either by pioneering via own effort and power or by inheriting from a previous legend. But not just anyone can inherit the power of a legend. One must be qualified.

The One who Became a Legend title is something all legends have in common and is an exclusive privilege that causes resistance to all status conditions and five seconds of immortality. Legendary characters resist all conditions except for 'states that occurred due to physical force' and 'states that ignore resistance.'

Every legend, regardless of type, usually has at least one creation skill. For all legends, the ability to employ battle gear effectively is a basic thing.

The reason why legends do not die easily is that conventional concepts cannot prevail in legends. Legends can enjoy the blessings of immortality as long as they are not forgotten by others causing their lifespan in increasing.

For a long life it is necessary that legends engage in many battles and build up feats. If a legend does not overcome the limitations of life, it means that the person has enjoyed the natural life.

The world is constantly changing while new things occurring. People are interested in new characters rather than praising a person who lived a long time ago. Therefore, fame decreases with time and with it the feats spoken. If the fame is weak and with it the number of spoken feats, the status of a legend falls.

After digesting the informations Cedrick opened his eyes. He then mumbled something as like he found something interesting.

"Legendary huh. Just like I thought this world is really interesting. As far as I understand Legends are described by the people as the strongest right?"

"Legends might be strong and the dream of countless people to achieve but to a dragon it's meaningless. Dragons are the absolute and way out of league than just a legend."

Cedrick smirked at the thought of becoming an absolute. As he was in thoughts he saw both Claire and Josh.

"Wow Cedrick-sama is really strong. To have that kind of power, as expected of a noble dragon."

"That was amazing Cedrick-kun."

Josh said in worship while Claire said with affection. Cedrick ignored them, with the Draconic Eyes he looked at their changes especially at Josh who became a Legendary Barbarian.


Name: Claire Lorente

Rating: Epic

Species: High Elf

Class: Saintess

TITLE: Everyone's Role Model

Level: 25









Free AP points: 0


Passion of Love

Best Support

Forever Together

Pinnacle Intelligence


Peerless Charm

Friend of the Elementals





Benevolent Light

Upright Heart



Name: Josh Castro

Rating: Legendary

Age: 5 years Gender: Male

Species: Barbarian

Class: Legendary Barbarian


Barbarian King's Son

Genius of the Century

One who Become a Legend

Level: 33

Strength: 200 Vitality: 195

Agility: 159 Intelligence: 127

Composure: 123

Indomitable: 123 Courage: 123

Racial Skills

War God's Lineage

War God's Weapon Mastery

War God's Blessing


Barbarian's Fury


[Berserk Strike]

Rank: Legendary

[Unleash a violent strike to the enemy.

Inflicts 325% of your attack power to all enemies within 5 meters and reduces all speeds by 50%.

Skill Mana Cost: 350

Skill Cooldown Time: 80 seconds]

[Revolving Annihilation]

Rank: Legendary

[Deals 700% of your attack power to all enemies within 5 meters. This skill will ignore 60% of the target's armor.

Skill Mana Cost: 750

Skill Cooldown Time: 3 minutes.

[Concussive Bisect]

Rank: Legendary

[Attack that exudes the momentum of an absolute, stretching out like the sun.

Inflicts 350% physical attack power to all enemies in sight and attacks the designated target with 1,000% physical attack power a total of 20 times. Every time the designated target defends against an attack, internal damage will be inflicted and they will be weakened.

Skill Mana Cost: 550

Skill Cooldown Time: 2 minutes.]

Cedrick looked expressionless but inwardly he was amazed.

"Legendary skills are really amazing. Burst damage and with the combinations of his racial skills. As expected from the Legendary Barbarian. Even his previous self cannot compair to him anymore."

Cedrick knew what it means to be a legend from what he had read in the novel. Even if the benefits were not quite useful to him but that's not the case to the others.

For others people, defeating a legend is the hardest thing to do. They can totally destroy the tricks you have prepared as they were very powerful.

From the data he got, The legends in every generation does not surpass 20. That's right, among the billions of living beings in Lugarix, only 20 in every generatiom were able to become a legend.

Nodded with satisfaction Cedrick talked to them for a bit.

"Claire how does it feel to level up?"

Cedrick asked with curiosity. Seing Cedrick's curious look towards her, Claire blushed cutely.

"It feels good. I feel like my body is lighter than before and... Sorry I don't really know how to put it into words."

"It's alright. I totally understand that feeling."

Cedrick replied at her earnestly. Hearing what Cedrick said Claire turned back to hide her blushing smile filled with happiness. She was very thankful for seing him again. She suddenly remembered a notification when was in the white room.

[Request Granted: A scenario where you're meeting him is set in motion.]

She smiled remembering it as she had not really thought it would happen. Cedrick got confused by her reaction as he didn't understand why she turned back on him.

"Maybe she's got scared from seing how I massacred the orcs?"

Cedrick did not dwell on it too much and turned his attention to Josh. Cedrick asked him curiously.

"So how does it feel to become a Legend?"

"Me? A legend? What are you saying Cedrick-sama?"

Hearing Josh confused answer doesn't surprised Cedrick at all.

"He probably doesn't noticed that he became a Legend already."

Cedrick then said to Josh nonchalantly.

"You had became the Legendary Barbarian just a couple of minutes ago."

"Josh is the Legendary Barbarian from the world message?"

Claire asked in surprise as she still didn't know the mechanics of the system. It was evident on her that she didn't even know the meaning of being a legend. She was just surprised about the world message.

"Who became a Legend? Me?"

"Yes, you."

Shock and disbelief was shown in Josh's face.

"Then why don't you open your status window to confirm that you became a legend?"

"Ah right. I forgot about that."

Hearing Cedrick's advice Josh opened his status window. Cedrick didn't complain how the kid responded because he's just a five year old kid. He may act mature for his age but overall his still a kid.

After reading the changes in his status window. Josh breathing became rough, eyes full of excitement and then shouted very loudly.

"Yes! I really became a Legendary Barbarian."

Josh cried in delight. He knew very well the value of being a Legendary Barbarian. The current Legendary Barbarian is his grandfather but he became a legend when he aged at 50 that happened 300 years ago.

That's right. The last time a Legendary Barbarian appeared was 300 years ago. Even the current Barbarian King doesn't became a legend. But Josh became a legend at the age of five, he may be the most talented barbarian but that should not be possible.

However, he became a legend because he had witnessed the power of an absolute species. The inspiration and determination he felt at that moment became the reason for his enlightenment.

Josh cried happily and started muttering.

"I'm glad. Father won't scold me for sneaking out anymore."

Hearing that Cedrick and Claire's expression became strange. Both of them didn't know what to say about it but realize something.

"Ah right. He's still a five years old so it's natural to be scared to his father. Especially when they are barbarians."

Cedrick said nonchalantly. He looked at the map then Cedrick talked to them in serious manner.

"If we continue on walking towards your home it will take about 5 days before we arrive. I don't want to wait for that long and I don't have any intention on rising my level for the tine being."

"So it will be a boring travel without killing monsters."

Hearing said that, both of them listened attentively but Claire who doesn't know about fantasy anime asked curiosly.

"Then how are going to take Josh home?"

Hearing her asked cluelessly, Cedrick chuckled. He look at the sky and said.

"Of course we fly."

Cedrick replied as it was nothing but both Claire and Josh has been shocked.

"Fly? As in I can fly with Cedrick- sama?"

Just like a kid excited about something. Josh asked in emmense excitement. Claire is silent but her mind is filled with chaotic thoughts.

"I can fly with Cedrick-kun? Seriously? Isn't this awesome. I can hug him all I want? He can use magic so maybe he knows a flying magic. Maybe he can princess carry me?"

Imagining Cedrick carrying her like a princess. Her face became red and she is blushing. While having her thoughts running wild Cedrick spoke.

"So that means there is no objection right?"

Having said that, Cedrick transformed into a 3 meter jet black dragon.

[Universal Shapeshift Deactivated]

"Let's go."

Seing Cedrick transformed Josh became excited with eyes sparkling while Claire froze. Her hope to be carried like princess has been shattered. She made a disappointed face.

The two of them rode on Cedrick's back and fly at to the sky.

Cedrick flew at fast speed but there is no air pressure reaching them. Cedrick had created a barrier of wind around him for avoiding being hindered in the air.

Josh and Claire enjoyed the view in the sky as they feel comfortable throughout the ride. They saw high level monsters along the way. Cedrick noted the location to grind in the future. After flying in the sky for five hours they saw a City in the distance. Josh immediately shouted and pointed to Cedrick.

"Cedrick-sama. There! That's my home. The city of Barbarians Kunlon."

Cedrick nodded silently, he looked at the mini map and confirmed it.

It's like a fortress more than a city but it's quite large. Large walls and barracks everywhere but it doesn't make the city look bad at all. For his perspective, it's quite unique on its own.

"So this is where the Barbarians lived. This is interesting."