
Rebirth as villain and heroine younger brother

Lucky is a boy who reincarnated in a different world can he survive in this world or does he failed to survive let's see that in this novel. In this novel there are many adventures and magical things so let's join Lucky in his journey

Lucky_Kumar_Singh_2252 · Urbano
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15 Chs

Summoning the sprit


I hear what the old man say and think that I should summon this KARAN PICHACHINI. If she is really has the power what the old man say then I can easily pay off my debt.

The old man say I have to go to a mountain full of tress where the spritual energy is rich and continue to pray to her for 40 days. Luckily I have a tree house in the Dehradun.

I decided that and quickly get out of my house so that I can prepared for the summoning ritual.

I arrived at home and in the dinner table I say this to my childrens due to my wife being in army. She is not home right now.

Santosh - Childrens I have a urgent meeting to attend so I will not home for next two months.

Alok - Dad why are you going in a meeting so early ?

Priya - Yeah Lucky just recover. Mom also left us.

Lucky - Dad can't you cancel your meeting. I want to spend some time with you.

As I thought everyone started protesting. It hurts to leave them when I know they will be alone especially Lucky,he just recover.

Santosh - Sorry guys it's a very important meeting. I can't cancel it.

After convincing them for hours and promise to bring them some gifts they agree. And next morning I leave for the Dehradun.

3rd person pov -

Santosh and the old man arrive at Santosh mountain House. Santosh bring him so that he don't make any mistake during ritual.

Santosh - So Old man when can we start ?

Old man - Barche ( person smaller than you in age ) We will start from tomorrow. Remember it during ritual you can't bath or go to any place where God statue exist.

Santosh - Why can I bath or worship God ?

Old man - It a rule for the ritual.

Santosh has some doubts but he agree because he really need money.

Next day Santosh get ready for the ritual and started to saying those words which the old man say. He continue to do this for the next 10 days but he feel no chance. He started to get son doubts.

Santosh - Does the old man lie to me but he say that that KARAN PICHACHINI test their summoners. I think it's some kind of test oh well let's see after 40 days what happen.

He continue to saying those world again. Again after next 10 days he started to fell someone presence around him. It's like someone seeing him and he can feel that someone is near him but he can see them.

Again after next 15 days. When he is saying those words. Suddenly the ground started to shake and what he see make him pee in his pants. In front of him is a very scary person sitting there. Just her face is enough to make him pee in his pants. She say

??? - Stop saying those words.

He is going to stop it when he suddenly remember the old man words.

Old man - No matter what happen don't stop saying those words or else you will die.

Remembering that he again started to saying those words with shaking body. Again she say

??? - I said stop saying those words.

Santosh continue to saying those words. The woman continue to haunt him for two days then suddenly she disappeared.

Santosh thought everything is now okay and he again started to continue his works.

1 day before ( 40th ) last day he see his family standing in front of him

Anu - What are you doing stop all of this

Alok / Priya / Lucky - Dad please stop all of this.

They continue to try to convince him but he know this is also a test when suddenly their pleases suddenly convert into therat.

Anu - I said stop all of this don't you hear me.

Alok / Priya / Lucky - Stop it Santosh

Seeing this he is shocked but he don't stop and the last day the person come who he wants.

PICHACHINI - Open your eyes

Santosh open his eyes and she a woman who is so beautiful that anyone can fall for her.

Santosh see many beautiful females in his life but nobody can compare to her.

PICHACHINI - Tell me lovewhat do you want from me